Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Cooperative Leadership Model

Commander Sean Heritage just finished writing "The Cooperative Leadership Model", Book Three in the Commanding Cooperatively series. It builds upon the Command Philosophy articulated in "Leading Upon  Arrival".  Some of you left reviews on Amazon for the other books.  Consider leaving a review on one, two, or all three of the links below. If you think Sean missed the mark, please let him know that as well. Meanwhile, he is working to finish out the remaining two books in the leadership series.

Kindle Version of Book One  Leading Prior to Arrival

Kindle Version of Book Two Leading Upon Arrival

Kindle Version of Book Three  The Cooperative Leadership Model

I own all three books and look forward to the final two.  It's rare that we have a Commanding Officer in our community so willing to expose his thinking and his leadership style for public scrutiny.  In this information age, we still have senior leaders who are afraid to share their opinions or even the opinions of others with their wardrooms and goat lockers, much less their Sailors.  Sean has put it all out there for our consumption.  We can all learn something from his example.

1 comment:

Sean Heritage said...

Thanks for the continued support, Mike. Looking forward to writing the next two. Appreciative that they have found their way to IWBC and I received a note today from the CLS Director (thanks to an IDC Shipmate currently going through the course) who is currently reviewing the three books. As Seth Godin professes, I continue to be reminded of the importance of shipping. Looking forward to seeing others put themselves out there. Can't wait to learn from/with the significant talent that makes up your readership.