Admiral Arleigh A. Burke on discipline in the Navy
There are two incentives which cause any young man to choose a certain profession as a lifetime career, and these same incentives are the cause of his satisfaction with his choice as his career develops. The first is his belief that the profession has honor and a future.
The other incentive is that a man must feel that if he does his duty well and honorably, and demonstrates his ability, he can progress to a reasonable degree of success within the organization.
Captain Lambert,
There is no way that a dedicated Navyman could disagree with the words of ADM Arleigh Burke in his statement. It makes me feel pretty good about having been a Navyman.
E. A. Hughes, FTCM(SS)
US Navy (Retired)
31 Knot Burke: a fighter, not a bullshitter.
Could not agree with you both more - FTCM and General Quarters.
We need leaders like this in today's Navy!
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