Rear Admiral Jan E. Tighe
Director, Decision Superiority - OPNAV N2N6F4

Rear Admiral Jan E. Tighe was born in Bowling Green, Kentucky., and raised in Plantation, Florida. She was commissioned from the U.S. Naval Academy as an ensign (Special Duty Cryptology - now Information Warfare) in 1984 after earning a B.S. in Mathematics.
Tighe’s operational cryptologic tours include duty with Naval Security Group Activities in Florida, Virginia, Atsugi/Misawa Japan and on the Commander, Pacific Fleet staff.
In 1989 Tighe studied Russian at the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, California. She was subsequently assigned to the U.S. Naval Security Group Detachment Atsugi, Japan, where she earned Naval Aviation Observer wings while deployed as an airborne special evaluator (COMEVAL) aboard VQ-1 EP-3E aircraft in the Persian Gulf during Operation Desert Shield/Storm. During her tour, Tighe served as operations officer and assistant officer in charge, in addition to accumulating over 1,200 operational flight hours in the EP-3E aircraft.
Tighe attended the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California., and in 2001 was awarded a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and a M.S. in Applied Mathematics. She subsequently reported to the Naval Information Warfare Activity (now Navy Cyber Warfare Development Group - Suitland), where she served as chief staff officer and chief engineer. During her tour she earned a Level III DAWIA certification in Program Management.
Tighe reported as director, Sea Warrior at Naval Security Group Command Headquarters in July 2004 where she oversaw the development of the Human Capital Strategy for NSG (Strategy for Our People) and the IW/Cryptologic community. She fleeted up to the chief of staff in August 2005 and prepared the staff for merger with Navy Network Warfare Command (NETWARCOM). She also served as deputy director of Information Operations within NETWARCOM.
From July 2006 through September 2009, Tighe commanded over 2800 multi-service and multi-agency personnel at the National Security Agency/Central Security Service Hawaii in Kunia. Following command, she served for a year as the executive assistant to director, National Security Agency/chief, Central Security Service and commander, U.S. Cyber Command.
Tighe was selected for rear admiral by the FY11 Selection Board and reported as the deputy director of Operations for U.S. Cyber Command in August 2010. She was announced as Director, Decision Superiority OPNAV N2N6F4 by the Secretary of the Navy on 5 July 2011.
Tighe has been awarded the Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (second award), the Strike/Flight Air Medal, the Navy Commendation Medal (fourth award), and the Navy Achievement Medal.
The Navy has more flags than ships. Why is the "Director of Decision Superiority/N2N6F4" an Admiral. It sounds like it should be about an O-5 job. We are adrift, and this is a good example.
Let's keep an open mind and see where this leads.
The concept of numerous flag officers is not lost on a lot of folks...the Navy is downsizing, but the number of flag billets is failing to follow suite; a good indicator of the strength of the "good ol' boy network".
An O-5?... really? ... . get real. I wonder if the person who left the first comment has ever worked budgets and ID issues in the Pentagon...
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