My former boss - Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld
- I'm more concepty.
- I don't do quagmires.
- I don't do diplomacy.
- I don't do foreign policy.
- I don't do predictions.
- I don't do numbers.
- I don't do book reviews.
- Now, settle down, settle down. Hell, I'm an old man, it's early in the morning and I'm gathering my thoughts here.
- If I know the answer I'll tell you the answer, and if I don't, I'll just respond, cleverly.
- Oh, Lord. I didn't mean to say anything quotable.
I served as his Staff Director for the Detainee Task Force (Geren-Maples Group) from May 2004 until I retired in May 2006. SECDEF is a brilliant, selfless American patriot. Those who say otherwise have not had the great pleasure and honor of working for him.
I served as his Staff Director for the Detainee Task Force (Geren-Maples Group) from May 2004 until I retired in May 2006. SECDEF is a brilliant, selfless American patriot. Those who say otherwise have not had the great pleasure and honor of working for him.
Hear, hear. The faceless hordes who despise Don Rumsfeld champion aberrant behavior, soft-handed office boy politics, and indecisiveness. Rumsfeld should have a ship named after him -- or a whole class. The new FFG(x) should become "Rumsfeld-class guided missile frigates." A small thing for a truly great man.
You were a great boss; thanks for that. I wish I had asked to attend one of SedDef Rumsfeld's briefings at that time ... He was one of my heroes but I was too awed by rank at the time to even suggest it.
You were a great boss; thanks for that. I wish I had asked to attend one of SecDef Rumsfeld's briefings at that time ... He was one of my heroes but I was too awed by rank at the time to even suggest it.
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