Master Chief Petty Officer Ronald N. Schwartz passed away on 27 August 2007 following a fatal tractor accident near his home in Indiana. He had a distinguished career as a Cryptologic Maintenance Technician in the Naval Security Group. He served in USS BIDDLE, in The White House Communication Office, at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, on the Staff of the Chief of Naval Education and Training, as an instructor at Naval Technical Training Center - Corry Station - Pensacola, Florida and as Command Master Chief for U.S. Naval Security Group Activity - Yokosuka, Japan. One of the young men he influenced there (now CTRCM Cedric Rawlinson) took his place as the Command Master Chief twelve years later.
On the eighth anniversary of his passing, I suspect he continues to smile upon us knowing that,
Naval Network Warfare Command reversed their decision to disestablish the Cryptologic Technician Maintenance rating in the Navy. CTMs survive and NNWC does not. He was foremost a career-long advocate for Sailors and, in particular, the Cryptologic Maintenance Technicians afloat and serving in the Fleet Electronic Support shops around the world. THE MESSAGE: Never doubt the value of our Cryptologic Technicians; for the most part, theirs is a unique contribution to the Navy's warfighting ability. That capability must be preserved for the good of the nation.
Shouldn't that be CTMCM??
-CTMCS ret
Yes, indeed. Phat Phingers.
Rest in peace Master Chief Schwartz. As it turns out the farm is just as dangerous as the military, and more dangerous in many cases, but we all do what we love to do, and that is what life is all about. You were no doubt an excellent Sailor, and probably a good farmer as well. I never knew you personally but it would have been my honor to have known you. I too spent my youth on farms and ranches and came close to severe injury or death on a number of occasions, but I lucked out and never got a serious injury. And after 24 years in the Navy I chose not to go back where most of the old farmers or ranchers that I knew were missing fingers, arms or had suffered other severe injuries. I played it safe and used what the Navy taught me which is a lot safer than driving a three legged John Deere on the side of a hill, or even riding a bronc in the local rodeo.
Very Respectfully,
E. A. Hughes, FTCM(SS)
US Navy (Retired)
NCF took the wheel of the CTM fiasco and the rate continues to flounder. Ron would have been disappointed in all of us, especially with the brain child who wants to dissolve the CTM into the new IDC technician, along with the CTT(EW) SLQ techs. You would think with 6 Admirals, we could possibly make something happen that would actually benefit our community.
- Former Matman
Oh, you are back! How wonderful!
Keep on blogging!
Kind regards from Sweden,
Anneli Kershaw
Was this an auto post or are you back in the mil-blog business?
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