"My father, a Boatswains Mate Chief, was a strict disciplinarian, which probably helped. He was principled in the Ten Commandments, and I lived by them as a child while being raised at home. There was no lying, cheating, or stealing. The bosun instilled in me that if I served in the military, I should do it as an officer. When I was twelve or thirteen years old, he would take me down to his ships and turn me over to first-class petty officers or second class petty officers. I would work for them as a seaman. This experience gave me a grassroots understanding of the Navy and drummed into me the importance of an education. Because of this relationship, when I became an officer, I was automatically part of the Chiefs' Quarters, having been in Chiefs' Quarters when I was a teenager."
From AMERICAN ADMIRALSHIP - The Art of Naval Command
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