“In short, too many of the perpetrators of the violations we have recently witnessed are men and women of strong personal integrity and intelligence – men and women who have climbed the ladder through hard work and ‘keeping their noses clean.’ But just at the moment of seemingly ‘having it all,’ they have thrown it away by engaging in an activity which is wrong, which they know is wrong, which they know would lead to their downfall if discovered, and which they mistakenly believe they have the power to conceal. This, in essence, is what we have labeled the ‘Bathsheba Syndrome.’” (p. 267)
Musings, leadership tidbits and quotes posted by a retired Navy Captain (really just a high performing 2nd Class Petty Officer) who hung up his uniform a bit too early. He still wears his Navy service on his sleeve. He needs to get over that. "ADVANCE WARNING - NO ORIGINAL THOUGHT!" A "self-appointed" lead EVANGELIST for the "cryptologic community". Keeping CRYPTOLOGY alive-one day and Sailor at a time. 2015 is 80th Anniversary of the Naval Security Group.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
From a Shipmate at Prospective Commanding Officer (PCO) School in Newport, Rhode Island
Monday, August 30, 2010
Maintaining Strict Standards of Personal and Professional Performance

“They (Commanding Officers) weren’t living up to our standards.”“The bottom line is we in the Navy have standards of professional conduct and standards of personal conduct. When someone elects to overstep that standard, then I don’t have any qualms of saying, you’re no longer fit to command.”
“Every time a CO is relieved for cause, it bothers me. There is no question.”“The ones that baffle you are, ‘Why were you not able to step back and say to yourself, this behavior on my part is wrong and ... I shouldn’t go there?”
Sunday, August 29, 2010
For the "responsively challenged"
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Former COMNAVSECGRU passes away
Friday, August 27, 2010
Gone Three Years Now - Still Missing Our Shipmate Ronald N. Schwartz
The Chiefs' Mess is a man down.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Eight Rules of Leadership from George Washington

Be balanced. At that time, you had to choose sides. Either you were a Federalist - one who agreed with Alexander Hamilton and believed in a strong central government, or you were a Jeffersonian - one who agreed with Thomas Jefferson and believed in a smaller central government. Although he had his opinions, Washington did not choose sides and decided to have both Hamilton and Jefferson as part of his government. To be a good leader, you must understand the merits of both sides.
Foster relationships. I get by with a little help from my friends. The Beatles may have sung these words about 200 years later, but Washington probably said this as well when talking about France. Without the help of the French Navy, the British would have likely won the war. Great leaders know how their party affects the others, and such leaders constantly reach beyond their specific areas of influence.
Learn from your defeats. General Washington only won three of his nine battles. He was persistent and continued battling and learned from his mistakes, which prepared him for the third and most important victory, the Battle of Yorktown. It was the last major battle before the end of the war, thus illustrating that defeat is merely a set-up for the more important victories in the future.
Be humble. You are not greater than the cause that you represent. Washington was elected for two straight terms and would have easily won his third, but he felt that too much power would have been rested on him. He walked away from power for the good of the country. If you want to be a true leader, know the difference between benefiting yourself versus benefiting the greater good.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Doing The Right Thing
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
The Navy's Not So Golden Thirteen (The 2010 edition)
The Navy's 13 fired COs. (6 Ashore; 7 At Sea Commands - 6 ships/1 submarine; 6 Captains - 7 Commanders; 9 behavior - 4 performance)
1. Captain John Titus, Navy Supply Corps School Athens, Georgia
(PROFESSIONALISM-Failed to adequately punish offenders)
2. Captain Holly Graf, USS COWPENS
(BEHAVIOR-Abuse of crew)
3. Captain Glen Little - Charleston, South Carolina Naval Weapons Center
(BEHAVIOR- Morality)
4. Commander Scott Merritt - NSA North Potomac
5. Commander Tim Weber, USS TRUXTUN
(BEHAVIOR-Morality/improper relationship with subordinate)
6. Captain Bill Reavey, NAS Pensacola
7. Commander Jeff Cima, USS Chicago
(BEHAVIOR-Alcohol induced comments, actions)
8. Commander Neil Funtanilla, USS THE SULLIVANS
9. Commander Herman Pfaeffle, USS JOHN L. HALL
10. Captain William Kiestler, Norfolk Naval Shipyard,
(PROFESSIONALISM-poor job performance)
11. Commander Fred Wilhelm, USS GUNSTON HALL - Navy Times Story HERE.
(BEHAVIOR-sexual harassment, assault)
12. Captain David A. Schnell (the bad Schnell) USS PELELIU, (BEHAVIOR-sexual harassment)
13. Commander Mary Ann Giese, NCTS Bahrain (BEHAVIOR-multiple inappropriate relationships)
Monday, August 23, 2010
FY11 Information Dominance Corps Command and Leadership Screen Board

For more information, go HERE.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Thirteenth Navy Commanding Officer fired
Stars and Stripes is reporting that the XO has temporarily assumed command pending arrival of her permanent replacement. Seems like her relief would already be in place and conducting turnover with Commander Giese if the change of command was scheduled for 26 August 2010. Something doesn't quite fit in this story.
Commander Mary Ann Giese is a 1992 graduate of the United States Naval Academy where she earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science.
Her first duty station was Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station, Jacksonville where she served in a variety of positions; Administrative Division Officer, Total Quality Leadership Officer, Public Affairs Officer and Wide Area/Local Area Network Manager. DIVOFF TOUR
In 1995, she reported to Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station, Pacific where she served as Fleet Telecommunications Operations Center Watch Officer, Pacific Region Network Operations Center Division Officer and Assistant N3 Department Head. From 1998 to 2000, she attended Naval Postgraduate School earning a Master of Science Degree in Space Systems Operations. DIVOFF and Asst DH and Education Tours
Upon completion of studies, she reported to the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute, Patrick AFB, Florida as an instructor and Chief of Curriculum. In 2003, she was assigned to Joint Analysis Center, Molesworth, United Kingdom where she served as Operations Officer for the Intelligence Technology Directorate and the Navy Element Commander. (OPS and Command Tours) While serving on Commander, Carrier Strike Group Twelve as the Deputy N6 and Knowledge Manager from 2005 to 2007, she completed a seven-month deployment to four AORs supporting Maritime Security Operations, Theater Security Cooperation, Operation ENDURING FREEDOM, Operation IRAQI FREEDOM, and other Global War on Terror initiatives. (SEA tour) In 2007 she transferred to Naval Network Warfare Command where she served as Battle Watch Captain and a staff officer in the Command Information Office (CIO) Directorate. (STAFF Tour) During this tour, she attended Joint and Combined Warfighting School (JPMEII) at Joint Forces Staff College. (Education)
Commander Giese’s personal awards include the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal with two gold stars, Joint Service Achievement Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal with one gold star, and various service and campaign awards.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Medals belong to the boys !
Friday, August 20, 2010
Sometimes....I must be reminded
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Nice words from our CNO about Rear Admiral Willie Metts

For those of you who are in the information world, this year it’s been my great personal pleasure for me as I welcomed into the ranks of our Navy admirals, a former shipmate, a great African American officer by the name of [Rear Admiral] Will Metts. He was selected for admiral this year. He was a close and personal friend, a consummate professional, who served with me in the Pacific Fleet, who later commanded the Navy Information Operations Center in Hawaii in a delightful little part of Oahu called Wahiawa. And in his first assignment as an admiral he will be the Director of Intelligence at the new U.S. Cyber Command."
Admiral Gary Roughead
Chief of Naval Operations
at the Black Data Processors Association
An adequate and highly trained Navy

The American people must either build and maintain an adequate navy, or else make up their minds definitely to accept a secondary position in international affairs, not merely in political, but in commercial, matters."
—President Theodore Roosevelt, 1901
26th President of the United States
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Standards for Commanding Officers

The most important criteria will be a judgment of the command's overall excellence, which can be attributed to the CO's personal initiatives and performance. Time-honored principles of leadership are well known: setting an outstanding example, motivating subordinates, and enforcing standards. High standards of military behavior, courtesy, demeanor, and appearance have always been the hallmarks of a well-led command. An overall tone of positive achievement is conducive to combat readiness, discipline, and high performance.
Truly effective leaders know the weapons system and how to fight it to maximum advantage. They know their personnel and take care of them. In fulfillment of these duties, the CO's conduct is governed by a special set of moral, ethical, and behavioral standards that distinguish the military leader from civilian managers in society at large.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
If Coach John Wooden were the Skipper

-Never try and be better than your Shipmates. Instead, be the best Sailor you can be.
- Learn as much as you can from your Shipmates (especially from their mistakes so that you don't repeat them).
-Worry about things under your control (and know which things are under your control and which things are not).
-Never be late. (If you're not early; you're late)
-Be neat and clean in uniform and civilian clothes.
-Start and end work on time. Your Shipmates are counting on you. When the job is finished - knock off ship's work. Don't keep your Sailors around needlessly milling about.
-No profanity. (Swearing like a Sailor doesn't really impress anyone.) Ask Captain Graf.
-Never criticize a Shipmate in public.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Maintaining perspective on CO firings

So, while these 12 officers have reflected negatively upon themselves and the Naval service, the VAST majority of our men and women in command are doing a job worthy of the trust and respect of the Navy and the nation.
Melvin Williams - Senior and Junior - Two Generations of Excellence by ANY measure

One of those changes in the Navy allowed Mel's son, Melvin Williams Jr., to achieve a bit more in his career (Though some would argue that you can't do much better than becoming a MCPO in the Navy). Mel Jr. went to the Naval Academy Preparatory School (NAPS), the Naval Academy and then embarked upon a great Navy career. VADM Mel Williams Jr. recently concluded his Navy career as Commander, SECOND Fleet.
Master Chief and Vice Admiral Williams - thank you for your service to our great Navy. You both enjoyed superb Navy careers.
In his remarks at the 2nd Fleet change of command, Admiral John Harvey (Commander, Fleet Forces Command) made a comment that I think can be applied to most who have served in our great Navy. The remark was intended for Mel Williams Sr., but I put it out there for many of you who have served in and loved the Navy:
"At times, you loved our Navy far more than our Navy loved you."
Those who have served know what I am talking about. We love our Navy and honestly, sometimes she doesn't love us as much as we love her. We can live with that. We are honored to have served.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Navy fires 12th Commanding Officer in 2010

Captain David Schnell was relieved of his duties by Vice Adm. Mark Fox, the commander of the 5th Fleet, and replaced by Captain Mark E. Cedrun, the chief of staff of Expeditionary Strike Group 3, pending the selection of a permanent new commander.
AGAIN, the webmaster has already removed the leadership page from the official USS PELELIU website.
Navy statement: “The decision to relieve Capt. Schnell comes as a result of an investigation into allegations that he acted in an unprofessional manner toward several crew members that was inappropriate, improper and unduly familiar.”
“The investigation results call into question Schnell’s ability to continue to effectively lead his command.”
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Ensign Nico Lee Figueroa

The photo on the left is from 10 years ago when I was privileged to re-enlist him as his Commanding Officer at U.S. NSGA Yokosuka, Japan.
This year he was selected for CTTC and Ensign at nearly the same time.
Sunday he heads back to Afghanistan to continue helping protect our military and Afghan civilians from attack by the Taliban.
For the first time in our 12 year relationship, I was able to meet his Mother (with whom I have corresponded for 12 years), Father, Uncle (MCPO) and Wife. What a great day for me and a great day for the Navy. It was such a pleasure to meet his great family and friends. It was especially nice to put on my Navy uniform again for the first time in 4 years. I didn't realize how much I missed it.
Friday, August 13, 2010
USS Gunston Hall's new Chain of Command is under construction

That's a lot of bad stuff happening on a single ship. Worse yet is that it was perpetrated by the three senior most leaders of the ship. There's a lesson in leadership there for us but the Navy is not going to give us enough information to develop a proper lesson plan.
In thinking about this case, seems we take Sailors to Court-Martial for lessor offenses.
Commander Wilhelm was the ELEVENTH Commanding Officer fired this year. Last year the Navy publicly announced 15 CO firings.
CMDCM(SS) Wayne Owings, the former CMC, had been well thought of by senior Navy leadership. He sat the FY-08 ACTIVE-DUTY SENIOR CHIEF PETTY OFFICER SELECTION BOARD MEMBERSHIP as a member.
Important? She thought so.

If it is not, you will find an excuse.
Thank you, Lieutenant Commander, for finding a way.
You are only one
But still are one.
You cannot do everything,
But still you can do something.
And because you cannot do everything,
you did not refuse to do the something that you could do.
Stolen from...
Edward Everett Hale
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Information Warfare Officer Community Experience Preferred by Promotion Boards

Valuable achievements prior to LIEUTENANT COMMANDER
- Fleet operational tours (PCS Afloat, Direct Support, Aircrew, Submarines, NSW, and IA deployments)
- National Security Agency operational tours, world-wide
- Warfare qualification (SWO, OOD U/W, TAO, NAO (if made avail by CO))
- Computer network operations experience/proficiency
- Advanced education degrees
Valuable achievements prior to COMMANDER
- Operational staff tours (CSG/ESG, Numbered Fleet, IA deployments)
- Leadership tours (DH/OIC/XO at shore commands)
- Major staff tours (NETWARCOM, OPNAV, FFC, CPF, COCOM, NSA)
- Advanced education degrees
Valuable achievements prior to CAPTAIN
- Successful afloat and operational staff tours
- Successful major or Joint Staff tours
- JPME completion
From the SECNAV approved FY11 community brief for selection boards available HERE.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Public Service Announcement - Social Media

Full guidance is provided HERE. It's an important read about DON personnel responsibilities in the Blogosphere.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Ethical Issue - Confronting the CO

One of the junior officers I mentor contacted me recently to get help with bringing an ethics issue to her commanding officer's attention. She was overcome with a sense of trepidation in bringing the situation to her CO. We talked the issue through and she is intent on going forward. It's a real tough call on her part and it is a risky move. Her FITREP is due in October for LCDR and the CO is most certainly not going to forget this discussion. Yeow !
Here are some tips from Harvard Business Publishing: (Many other leadership tips are available on the Navy's Executive Learning Officer website intended for Flag Officers - but available to all who want to learn.)
Here are three tips (with some minor paraphrasing to Navy lingo) for raising an ethical issue in a non-combative and productive way:
1. Treat the conflict as a Navy leadership issue. Present the issue as you would any other Navy issue: provide sufficient detail, tailor your message to the audience, and deliver it in an appropriate context.
2. Recognize that it's part of your job. Ethical issues may feel like a distraction from "real" work, but identifying, thinking through, and acting on them are part of everyone's job.
3. Be yourself. Don't assume that you have to be confrontational, assertive, or courageous to bring up an ethical issue. The best approach is to be yourself and use a style you are comfortable with.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Open Letter to CMSgt of the Air Force (CMSAF) - "Wingman of the Air Force"

Concerned Air Force Non-commissioned officers
Thankfully, our MCPON doesn't have this problem. Chief Roy could follow MCPON West's lead. Taking care of your people is the totality of your job. Sailors, Sailors, Sailors. Airmen, Airmen, Airmen. Marines, Marines, Marines. Soldiers, Soldiers, Soldiers. Single focal point. One thing and one thing only. There is nothing else.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Let's hope we never see this publication
"Guide to Command of gays, lesbian and homosexual Naval personnel".
Sadly, we have THIS in our Navy's history.
Hopefully, we will be able to simply treat these Sailors like Sailors.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
This institution

Vice Admiral Mike Miller
Friday, August 6, 2010
Captain Jean Eberhardt Benfer - Retires

Thursday, August 5, 2010
Captain Babette Bolivar - Small in Stature; Giant in character.

For those who may not know Bolivar, she has a spunky personality; her drive and determination are what has made her a successful Naval officer.
Captain Bolivar was a nominee for the VADM James Bond Stockdale Inspirational Leadership Award when she was a commander. The only woman officer ever nominated.
Captain Bolivar’s next assignment will be as Chief of Staff for Commander, Navy Installations Command.
I am a HUGE fan. I promise you, she worked without the benefit of any diversity support group or special provisions. Master Diver - Hall of Fame. Command Ashore. Command Afloat. Awesomeness personified. Small in stature; giant in character.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
RADM Deets speed mentoring

The Navy has officially endorsed the Naval Officer Mentor Association via a Memorandum of Understanding signed on 25 June 2009. Originally formed to support Asian and Pacific Islanders, this organization is open to all races. You can become a mentor or mentee by joining HERE.
Admiral Roughead has said that he is “loath” for his diversity reviews “to turn into some kind of bureaucratic process.”
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Awaiting his fate - CDR Joe Nadeau - USS SHOUP collision with civilian vessel

Commander Joe Nadeau
Commanding Officer
CDR Nadeau is from San Diego, California. In 1993 he obtained his commission through the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps at the University of San Diego.
CDR Nadeau’s first sea tour was aboard USS THACH (FFG 43), forward deployed to Yokosuka, Japan, where he served as Anti-Submarine Warfare Officer and Navigator. His second Division Officer tour was aboard USS BLACKHAWK (MHC 58) as Operations Officer, where he had the distinct privilege of placing BLACKHAWK into commissioned service. Following his Division Officer tours, CDR Nadeau was ordered to NAVSPECWARCEN, where he acted as Safety and Environmental Officer. During this tour he also earned an MBA from National University.
As a Department Head, CDR Nadeau served in USS MILIUS (DDG 69), where he was both Weapons Officer and Combat Systems Officer. During these tours CDR Nadeau deployed to the Arabian Gulf in support of Operations Iraqi and Enduring Freedom. After completing his tours in MILIUS, CDR Nadeau was ordered to COMNAVSURFOR Staff, where he acted as Combat Systems Officer and Maintenance Analyst. His last sea tour was aboard USS PINCKNEY (DDG 91) as Executive Officer.
Following his tour in PINCKNEY, CDR Nadeau reported to USTRANSCOM, where he served as a Sealift Planner and Executive Aide to Deputy Plans and Policy (J5/4). CDR Nadeau detached from USTRANSCOM July 2009, and assumed duties as Commanding Officer of USS SHOUP (DDG 86) on 19 December 2009.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Zumwalt Legacy
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Write Your Own Leadership Book
Want the best leadership book on the market? Well then, Wally Bock recommends that you write it yourself. And, reflect on what you have written. Here are some things to include.
Write about your challenges at work.
Reflect on what you can do to improve things and on things you want to try.
Write about your results.
Reflect on what worked and what didn't and how you can do better next time.
Write about your reading and formal learning.
Reflect on the ideas they spark and how you might put those ideas into practice.
Write about other people and their actions.
Reflect on what you can learn from them.
Write about your heroes and mentors and role models.
Reflect on how you want to be like them and how you want to be different.
Make this a bound book. That's provides some permanence. I've still got some of mine from thirty years ago.
Take a little time every day to write whatever you're concerned about. Take a little time once a week to review what you've written.
You'll wind up with a book that will never make the best seller list. No problem. What your book will do is accelerate your learning and development.
Boss's Bottom Line
Feedback, reflection and adjustment are the keys to learning and developing faster. Your own leadership journal will help you do all three in just a few moments a day.
Read more of Wally Bock's blog HERE.