Friday, November 25, 2011

Admiral John Harvey's Ten Rules For ACTION OFFICERS (AOs)

  1. Always return emails and phone calls (ANSWER THE MAIL). If not, you become obsolete.
  2. Communicate, coordinate and collaborate with fellow Action Officers. You will be asked if your work was coordinated. There is seldom time for a “do-over.” 
  3. The coordination block of any memo should NEVER say “none.” Your job is to breakdown the bulkheads on the staff.
  4. You are expected to be the Subject Matter Expert in your area. Be brilliant on the basics.
  5. Learn how to prep emails for your boss based on his/her style.
  6. USE MICROSOFT OUTLOOK CALENDAR!! Focus on your boss’ calendar and ensure he/she is prepared in your area of expertise.
  7. Answer the question in the first sentence. Use sub bullets to support. Do NOT provide megabytes of info and expect your boss to weed through it. 
  8. If you know the question and understand the answer, you should be able to tell the story in 10 slides or less. If not, you do not understand the question or the answer. A picture is worth a thousand words if it is the right picture.
  9. Use your original thought. Be creative. Offer solutions to problems.
  10. Communicate effectively. Use plain English.

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