Sunday, October 17, 2010

Intended for serious study by professionals

Naval Operations Concept 2010 (NOC 10) describes when, where and how U.S. naval forces will contribute to enhancing security, preventing conflict and prevailing in war. NOC 10 is not designed for a cursory reading; it is a publication intended for serious study by professionals. Readers will quickly discern several themes that collectively embody the essence of naval service to our Nation. Implicit in these themes is that Sailors, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen should expect to be engaged in both preventing and winning wars. These themes reflect the content of CS-21 as well as the guidance provided by the Secretary of Defense in the National Defense Strategy (NDS) and the 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR).

Have you read NOC 2010?  You really need to.  If not, you may not be the great Navy professional you believe yourself to be.  You can find it HERE.

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