If allowed to continue unabated, this perception will breed yet "another" generation of cynical, risk-averse naval officers more concerned with getting promoted than with addressing and fixing problems. Responsible criticism has long been considered an act of disloyalty. The Navy should reward integrity - above most other traits. We should consider changing the FITREP systems to include these simple questions: (1) Will this officer deliver the bad news, even when the boss doesn't want to hear it? (2) Will this officer risk his or her career for the men and women under him?
We should apply some positive steering now and get back on course. Otherwise, we may be heading into shoal waters.
Do you even have a clue what you are talking about? Dumb ass. STFU. We are tired of your lame crap.
Captain Lambert,
The Commanding Officer of the Tecumseh, Commander Larry Vogt, had made it a custom to give a pre patrol talk to the Officers and Chiefs of the USS Tecumseh prior to arriving at our designated patrol station in the northern seas above the USSR during the Cold War. On this one occasion he said the Primary Mission of this patrol was to insure reactor safety during patrol and he went on to explain other objectives of the Engineering Department to be observed during this patrol. He then went on to dismiss the Officers and Chiefs. At that point I spoke up and said something like, excuse my interruption Captain I was of the understanding that the Mission of an FBM Submarine was to “Provide a major deterrent to nuclear war” and the Weapons Department or their job was not even mentioned and this affects more than half of the crew. Everything became extremely quiet and then the Captain spoke with “You are correct COB and I did not mean to slight the personnel of the Tecumseh that are not in the Engineering Dept”. He then went on to explain the basic objectives of the FBM Submarine and its role in providing the major deterrent to nuclear war. Captain Vogt never did anything to make me suffer for my questioning of his presentation. He was an outstanding leader in my opinion, but he was not perfect.
Very Respectfully,
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