Most of the elements of this essentially practical profession are open and plain for all to see. It has aspects, however, like all professions worthy of the name, that go deeper; there is an indefinable dimension, a sort of mystique, that does not yield its secrets to the casual inquirer or, indeed, to many who wear the Navy's blue and gold for many years. Its deepest characteristics are as inscrutable as that combination of the sea and service to country that gives the profession its distinctive flavor.
Is it worth it? Every man must speak for himself. As for me, the answer is yes. It has been worth it, over and over again.
RADM James Calvert, former Superintendent of the United States Naval Academy in his book - THE NAVAL PROFESSION
1 comment:
Captain Lambert,
The recruiter only told me I would get to see the world, he never said that it would be leadership at the helm to guide the ship and the leadership would also be in the Ward Room, the CPO Quarters, the gun mounts, the ammunition handling rooms, the mess decks and every other place one looked on any Navy ship. It was a unique, enlightening and very worth while experience and I am very fortunate to have had this experience.
Very Respectfully,
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