A remarkable Sailor was born on this date

He was from Barstow, California and really never intended to join the Navy. He was a student in my schoolhouse at the Naval Center for Cryptology at Corry Station, Pensacola. We had about 8000 students graduate in a year. So, I can't say that I even recall who he was. That won't keep me from remembering him.
After his time at Corry, he served in the typical billets of our young Petty Officers. He went to sea and advanced reasonably quickly. While at Navy Information Operations Command Norfolk he became interested in the SEALs and qualified to deploy to a U.S. Navy SEAL team operating in Iraq. He advanced to Petty Officer First Class (E-6) at a pretty good pace.
On 6 July 2007 (my daughter's birthday) he was killed in Iraq by an improvised explosive device (IED).
We can argue about whether Steven Daugherty was a hero or not. We can't argue about his patriotism. There is no doubting that.
Carry on - a remarkable Sailor died today

Lead with zeal, serve with pride, learn about and honor our heritage .
. . and that will be the Admiral Boorda legacy and the only really
fitting memorial and with it will come the strength to carry on.
MCPON John Hagan
And when I head off to work today: I'll keep the precious gift of LIFE at the front of my responses to the day...
Captain Lambert,
Many a remarkable Sailor, relatively unknown, except to his family and friends, and those he was very connected with as they were in his division or squad has given his utmost for his Shipmates and his Country, it does seem such a tragedy that so many have died as a very young person, their numbers since my youth have expanded to overwhelming figures and I do not suppose that this loss will ever stop even though that would be the wish of many, as long as the world goes on there will be evil people who want power, control and domination over the masses, our country has been the leader in trying to stop those that impose their will on others with injustice and tyranny and it is my hope that we will continue on that path, for the sake of the world as a whole. We as a Country should always honor those that forfeited their very existence to do as their Country asked them to do, we should revere them for their sacrifice every day of the year, what they gave has allowed us to remain a free Country and to enjoy the the Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness that was the intention of the Declaration of Independence and should still be the aim of our great Country today.
Very Respectfully,
Farewell Admiral Boorda, you inspired a generation of Seamen to believe they too could become Navy leaders. I was on watch aboard CONNOLLY in the Adriatic when the CO came over the 1MC and passed the news of your untimely death. You are not forgotten.
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