An unspecified complaint was lodged against CDR Merritt in November. RDML Lorge fired the commander on 12 February for "loss of confidence in his ability to command".
He is still listed as CO on the Navy's NSA-North Potomac website.
2010 CO firings by the numbers:
1. Captain John Titus - Navy Supply Corps School Athens, Georgia
2. Captain Holly Graf - USS Cowpens
3. Captain Glen Little - Charleston, South Carolina Naval Weapons Center
4. Commander Scott Merritt - NSA North Potomac
In 20 years, it will be CDR Marcus Curry being relieved for cause...
I think Marcus Curry will leave USNA in the next 12 months or less. He doesn't have any friends here.
He has one...the Supe.
The USNA should go away period! It breeds hate and discontent among the ZERO corps. Ring Knockers SUCK and usually do not have a superior eduction compared to the standard University.
Another one:
Guided-missile destroyer
Truxtun commander relieved of duty:
Anon 8:02
Hopefully they are able to spell "education".
I'm a prior enlisted "O". The only guys Ive ever heard refer to Officers as Zeroes were Es who didn't have much going for them, and were constantly being put down by the "man" (Officers. I usually just consider the source.
Best officer I ever served with, Academy Grad. Worst was a prior E who couldn't delegate worth a crap and insisted on telling everyone how to do their job.
All sources have their heroes and zeroes.
shpion1--thank you, couldn't agree more--bitter Es are normally the ones who refer to O corps as zeros. I was a prior E as well. Usually what you find out about people who use that term is that they had applied for commissioning and was turned down.
Zeros? Is that a rankist slur?
Rankist slur? Absolutely, and usually from some enlisted clown, E-4 and below, with a bad attitude and a worse work ethic. But the Officers were "ZERO"s. Odd how THAT always worked out, mathwise, anyway.
I've seen a lot of ZEROs both enlisted and officer...Chief, LDO, and name it. Each of the individual groups have their share of ZEROs...the problem is trying to get rid of them and keep the non-ZEROs despite the ZEROs. Make sense?
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