Their eyes were always on the thing that would lead to command. . . .they were born to command and this was the objective, and anything else was a diversion.
Rear Admiral Chester W. Nimitz Jr.
(son of Fleet Admiral Nimitz)
Musings, leadership tidbits and quotes posted by a retired Navy Captain (really just a high performing 2nd Class Petty Officer) who hung up his uniform a bit too early. He still wears his Navy service on his sleeve. He needs to get over that. "ADVANCE WARNING - NO ORIGINAL THOUGHT!" A "self-appointed" lead EVANGELIST for the "cryptologic community". Keeping CRYPTOLOGY alive-one day and Sailor at a time. 2015 is 80th Anniversary of the Naval Security Group.
“One of the things we’re working today is clearly defining what that agriculture base should be. We put a lot of emphasis on the control-grade work, but you don’t get people in the control grades unless you have a healthy O-1 to O-3, the seed corn,” he said.
My thoughts:
The Navy uses the farming analogy later on when these seed corn grow into O-4s and O-5s. They call it sorting the wheat from the chaff. And later, when they are O-6s, the Navy puts them out to pasture. This is all too much farm talk about Sailors as far as I'm concerned.
Sailors are our most important asset, maybe we shouldn't refer to them as an agricultural base. Makes me worry about them being tilled under (E7-E9 continuation boards) to produce a stronger crop.
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Flag Officer Announcements Your favorite Information Warfare (IW) Captain has been selected for Rear Admiral Lower Half (RDML). Someone between these two guys was selected. ------ INFORMATION WARFARE (161X) ------ SR INITIAL ELIGIBLE - BERGMAN, R. G. 017596-00 01 FEB 06 JR INITIAL ELIGIBLE - BARKSDALE, C. A. 018324-00 01 OCT 06 |
“A thoughtful mind, when it sees a nation’s flag, sees not a flag only, but the nation itself; and whatever may be its symbols, its insignia, be read chiefly in the flag of the government, the principles, the truths, the history which belongs to the nation that sets it forth.”
Henry Ward Beecher
“The National Flag,” 1861.
Chief Petty Officer Ratings established on April 1, 1893 | ||
Seamen Master-at-Arms Boatswain's Mate Quartermaster Gunner's Mate | Artificer Machinist Carpenter's Mate | Special Yeoman Apothecary Band Masters |
From Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON)(SS/SW) Rick D. West
WASHINGTON (NNS) -- On the occasion of the chief petty officers' 116th birthday, Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) (SS/SW) Rick D. West sent the following March 30.
"On April 1st, our entire mess will pause to celebrate the 116th birthday of the United States Navy chief petty officer. Traditionally, this is a time for each of us to look at the honored traditions of our mess and the heritage associated with it.
In the days leading up to our birthday, I've taken some time to read up on many of my predecessors. One I'd like to discuss with you this year is our fifth Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy, MCPON Billy Sanders.
Twenty five years ago, MCPON Sanders was leading an enlisted force that was gradually downsizing, and he was stressing a need to keep our ranks filled with the best possible people.
He turned his attention to the senior enlisted and said that there was no room for mediocrity. He addressed the entire group and told the master chiefs, senior chiefs and chiefs that, "it's clear from your years of service that you have made a career decision to remain in the Navy — that's not enough. It's time to be a professional military man or woman."
"It's time," Sanders wrote, "to be Navy."
What a statement, and look at how relevant it is today as we reach the end of a time where our force has grown smaller. Leadership at the CPO level has never been more important, and Sanders' words still apply.
I'd recommend each of you take the time to read up on the history of our mess. I think you'll find, as I did, that the lessons from our past have remained current to this day.
Happy birthday shipmates. I really appreciate the hard work you do every single day.
Don't forget those who have gone before us and the standards they set for us all. Keeping our heritage alive is a Mess responsibility.
Thank you for your leadership.
Anchor up ** and hooyah Navy chiefs!!"
** NOTE: The phrase "Anchor Up!" first appeared in print as a call to Chief Petty Officers to step up and reclaim their mess in an article I wrote called "Anchor Up, Chiefs! - Reset The Mess" which was published in USNI PROCEEDINGS several years ago. I am pleased that the MCPON has picked up the phrase - and then dropped it like a hot potato.