Thursday, February 12, 2015

Your Chance to Influence The Navy's New Slogan

"HOOK "EM HORNS" has already been used.
Remember how the Navy in the U.S. is moving away from the whole “Global force for good” message, into something a little more, uh, aggressive?
The Navy is looking for a new slogan, and is accepting up to three ideas from anyone who wants in.
The Navy is taking ideas until February 24. Submissions only require a name, phone number, and email address, along with up to three slogans.
Each slogan will begin with “America’s Navy,” followed by some sort of additional phrase.
Navy Times readers will vote on their favorite slogan among a group winnowed down by a panel. Navy leaders will also be given the top ideas.


Anonymous said...

America's Navy - it sure as shit ain't your father's Navy.

Anonymous said...

We dispense with Honors?

Being a navy captain and carrier captain of that name.