Service Date
6/1946 - 9/1978
Born 1/16/1924
Passed 10/18/2009
United States Naval Academy - B.S. Marine Engineering
U.S. Navy War College - M.S.
Georgetown University - PhD in Russian History
Missions, Tasks and Functions of the former Naval Security Group Command
In 1985, Admiral March (then retired) joined most of the crew of NSGD Barbers Point at dinner in Waikiki to recognize our accomplishments in foreign language proficiency; the annual March Award was named for him. The March Award went to two commands (one large command and small command). We were the latter category; in the early days you could fit the entire command in a 12 passenger van. Admiral March was joined by at this event by Captain McFarland, then DIRNSGPAC. Captain McFarland was an endless advocate for the missions and accomplishments of this small new command with a big and busy mission. We had frequent (usually --but not exclusively!--postive contact with him during his tenure there. This event was the only time I met Admiral March. Both of these once and future flag officers were clearly interested in the people accomplishing the missions they led (and knew a thing or two about mission accomplishment themselves). I don't remember the exact venue or the menu that evening. I do remember being impressed by the interest these two leaders showed in the efforts of tiny new command stashed at the end of hanger at NAS Barbers Point. We didn't know that we were indeed standing on the shoulders of giants. An image of the sailors attending this even is linked. Pictured: Front row, L-R: Captain McFarland, Admiral March, LTJG Mike Zanski (NSGD BPT OIC), CDR Charles Authment (NSGA Kunia CO) LCDR Tom Quiqley (VPU-2 OIC) Rear row, L-R: CTI1 Jim Riley, CTI1 Dean Horvath, CTIC Danny Browning, CTA2 Taylor Smith, CTT1 Ron Grenier, CTI2 Jim Peters, CTIC Curt Gomer. Disclaimer: Some of the ranks may be one or two paygrades high or low. It was a quarter of a century ago. Note: Not pictured --and almost certainly deployed at the time-- were CTI1 Ed Biggers, CTI2 Tim Zinck and CTI3 Jim Morris.
Hello, Mike
Of course I remember you from those days in Hawaii, and I understand you had a very successful career in the NSG.
First my apologies for being so slow to respond to you. After all, being a latter day historian, I am in favor of leaving records, especially written ones, for posterity. My three daughters were here for their annual pilgrimage part of last month, the only time in the year they get to see each other because of their rather wide geographical distribution. Their presence takes precedence over just about any other endeavors!
Keep up the good work!
I served under RAdm. March when he was Capt. March, Commander Personnel and Security at NSG. This was in 1968-1969. He would wheel into his parking space in front of our office in his old, green, square nosed MG (he loved that car). I was an E-4 CT-A working with CWO Pawlikowski and retired Navy Captain, Willis in Capt. March's outer office. I made a huge pot of Sanka Coffee every morning and he would nurse that pot all day long. I made reservations for his weekly squash games at the Pentagon. I admired Capt. March for his intellect but especially his demeanor with all of us under his command. The man was a huge influence on my life and I'm sorry I never got to tell him so. He was one of our true patriots and a hero to many sailors. So sad to hear of his passing.
Bill Frazier, billsx21@yahoo.com
I just stumbled upon this web site when looking up RAdm Pat March with whom I played squash in Honolulu in the early-mid 1980s. He was indeed a true gentleman and a fine athlete, even into his '70s. I miss our weekly matches and the conversations we had between games. I too am sad to hear of his passing. My belated condolences to his family. Chris Lanzit, Lt. Col (Ret.) USAF. From Sydney, Australia crlanzit@gmail.com
I happened to notice this blog about RAdm Pat March. I was a CTA2 petty officer who worked at NSG in DC from 1967 to 1970.
i worked in G12 initially. One night I was working outside of then Capt March's office just ensuring that he had what he needed during my watch. I had just completed a 13 month course at night at Control Data Institute where I learned several computer programming languages. I worked up enough courage to knock on the captain's door and explain that while i realize the importance of the work I'm doing in G12 I would like to get some real life experience in our Data Processing Department (N90). What he should have done is advise me to go through proper chain of command and I do regret that I did not do that. Instead he listened to what I said and told me that he would take it under advisement and congratulations on my accomplishment. When my supervisor called me into his office, i believe his name was James Brown, former Chief, he told me i'm being transferred. This was three days later. I apologized to Mr. Brown for my impulsiveness in speaking to Capt. March. Mr. Brown said that he would never stand in the way of someone trying to better themselves. That was my fork in the road and I've been in Information Technology for over 45 years and still am involved in doing the work I love. The Navy to me is Capt. March and also Mr. Brown. I cannot tell you how grateful I am and that I met the man that RAdm March was and always will be to me.
Dad entered the Navy in 1946. He started out as an ET. They pulled him off the USS Missouri and sent him to radio school at Great Lakes. Where they kept him back as an instructor for nearly 3 years. To get out of there, his only choice was to join the Navy Security Group. Which he did in 1953. When we arrived on Cyprus in the late 50s, G.P. March was his CO. And they became life long friends.
In 1971 dad was scheduled to retire in Bremerhaven Germany. The NSGA CO's wife here at Homestead FL found out about it from mom. The Capt's wife and the ADM's wife were good friends. The XO and CO here had both been instructors when dad was at Great Lakes too. They weren't about to let dad retire there. Unannounced, G.P. showed up for dad's retirement here much to the chagrin of the AF base CO as a Navy flag officer outranking an AF Colonel arriving without warning sends up red flags. The AF never did like the Navy being a tenant on base because the Navy's building was the first building past the guard house and the best looking building on base. And the only one with brick front. :-)
Alex above may have met dad when he was stationed in DC in 67-68. Dad did barracks inspections there so most people ran into him at some point. Dad was a Master Chief at that time ( CTMCM ).
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