The genesis of the Information Capable Warrior study was a series of informal flag discussions begun at the All Flag Officer Training Symposium (AFOTS) in 2006 regarding the growing criticality for Navy warfighters to conduct effects-based operations in the Information Domain. This white paper represents a synthesis of the ideas that have been developed in various forums and discussions sponsored by Naval Network Warfare Command. Representatives from all Navy Unrestricted Line (URL) and information-centric communities—Information Professional (IP), Information Warfare (IW), Intelligence (INTEL), Foreign Area Officer (FAO), Public Affairs Officer (PAO), Meteorology and Oceanography (METOC), Space Cadre, and Electronic Warfare (EW)—have contributed ideas that have shaped the recommendations of this paper.
The rapid technological advances that have occurred in the past 20 years have introduced the Information Domain as an enabler of all other warfighting methods and, more importantly, as a domain of combat itself. As information has become a separate domain of the battlespace, the U.S. military must develop the next generation of warfighters who can operate, fight, and win in this domain. Delivering information effects must be treated as a functional peer to delivering effects in traditional surface, subsurface, air, and shore (Naval Expeditionary Combat Command - NECC) domains.
The rapid technological advances that have occurred in the past 20 years have introduced the Information Domain as an enabler of all other warfighting methods and, more importantly, as a domain of combat itself. As information has become a separate domain of the battlespace, the U.S. military must develop the next generation of warfighters who can operate, fight, and win in this domain. Delivering information effects must be treated as a functional peer to delivering effects in traditional surface, subsurface, air, and shore (Naval Expeditionary Combat Command - NECC) domains.
In you'd like a copy, shoot me an e-mail and I will send you the paper.
If you own the Information Capable Warrior blog, let me know. We'd like to start populating it with useful information about the Information Dominance Corps.
Hi Sir,
I'd like to get a copy of the ICW paper when you get a chance. Thanks and V/r,
Matthew P. Johnson, Jr.
I just read your post on the subject. Do you happen to have a copy of the actual paper that you could distro or send my way?
LT Lemuel "Seth" Lawrence
NNWC N3 CNO Action Officer
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