Musings, leadership tidbits and quotes posted by a retired Navy Captain (really just a high performing 2nd Class Petty Officer) who hung up his uniform a bit too early. He still wears his Navy service on his sleeve. He needs to get over that. "ADVANCE WARNING - NO ORIGINAL THOUGHT!" A "self-appointed" lead EVANGELIST for the "cryptologic community". Keeping CRYPTOLOGY alive-one day and Sailor at a time. 2015 is 80th Anniversary of the Naval Security Group.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Navy to RE-establish COMTENTH FLEET
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Naval Officer - Code of Ethics - The Last 5

12. We will ensure our seniors know our faults as well as our accomplishments.
13. We will only take action which we're prepared to have reported to our seniors and those whose opinion of us we respect.
14. We will remember, while performing our military duties, that our families depend on us and deserve special consideration.
15. In case of doubt about whether an action is ethical or not, we will seek counsel with our chain of command, a Legal Officer, and/or the Command Chaplain.
From: NAVAL LEADERSHIP - Voices of Experience
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Naval Officer Code of Ethics - next 5

7. We will encourage both seniors and subordinates to provide us with inputs that will improve unit performance.
8. We will constantly strive for professional and personal improvement, on both the part of ourselves and our subordinates.
9. Seniors will ensure that all hands recognize the senior's commitment to ethical behavior.
10. Subordinates will make sure they advise their seniors when the senior is contemplating acting on an unethical recommendation.
From: NAVAL LEADERSHIP - Voices of Experience
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Naval Officer Code of Ethics - 5 at a time
2. We will never forget that all of our efforts are directed at making us successful in both peace and war and reflecting positively on the military and the United States.
3. We will work for efficiency, timeliness, and economy in performing our duties.
4. We will treat all equipment and material entrusted to us as if it were our own most prized possession.
5. We will set the example and require its meeting by our juniors; and take action against those who do not meet our profession's standards.
From: NAVAL LEADERSHIP - Voices of Experience
Monday, July 27, 2009
From the Commander, NETWARCOM

... we try to emphasize not just inside NETWARCOM but inside the Navy is that everyone who sits down in front of a computer is a cyber warrior.
...Every time you sit down at your computer, you enter the battlespace portion of cyberspace...
...we told people that it was OK to use their government computer to do other things when they weren't doing their business. That is a policy we have not stepped around from today. I do my banking online...
VADM Denby Starling in DEFENSE SYSTEMS Knowledge Technologies and Net-Centric Warfare
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Chief Petty Officer Results Are Coming Soon

Chief Petty Officer Mess Mission:
Provide leadership to the Enlisted Force and advice to Navy leadership to create combat-ready Naval Forces.
Chief Petty Officer Mess Vision:
A senior enlisted force that serves first and foremost as Deck-plate Leaders committed to developing Sailors and enforcing standards; remains responsive, aligned and well-connected to both Leadership and Sailors; and conducts itself in a consistently professional, ethical and traditional manner.
Deck-plate Leadership
Chiefs are visible leaders who set the tone. We will know the mission, know our Sailors, and develop them beyond their expectations as a team and as individuals.
Institutional and Technical Expertise
Chiefs are the experts in their field. We will use experience and technical knowledge to produce a well trained enlisted and officer team.
Chiefs will actively teach, uphold, and enforce standards.
We will measure ourselves by the success of our Sailors.
We will remain invested in the Navy through self-motivated military and academic education and training and will provide proactive solutions that are well founded, thoroughly considered, and linked to mission accomplishment.
Chiefs abide by an uncompromising code of integrity, take full responsibility for their actions and keep their word.
This will set a positive tone for the command, unify the Mess, and create esprit de corps.
Chiefs remember that loyalty must be demonstrated to seniors, peers and subordinates alike, and that it must never be blind.
Few things are more important than people who have the moral courage to question the appropriate direction in which an organization is headed and then the strength to support whatever final decisions are made.
Active Communication
Chiefs encourage open and frank dialog, listen to Sailors and energize the communication flow up and down the chain of command.
This will increase unit efficiency, mission readiness, and mutual respect.
Sense of Heritage
Defines our past and guides our future.
Chiefs will use heritage to connect Sailors to their past, teach values and enhance pride in service to our country.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Advice to the CO from the Executive Officer

1. “Leadership by walking around” is a good thing. Do lots of it. The Sailors love it.
2. Remember when reviewing reports, messages, etc., there are many ways to say the same thing.
3. Don’t do things yourself. If there is a problem with something that the Department Heads, Division Officers, Executive Officer give you, push it back down. Don’t do it yourself.
4. Maintain your commanding officer’s detachment. Let your Department Heads, Chiefs, etc. be passionate in defense or condemnation of their Sailors. The CO needs to be rigorously dispassionate in dealing with an issue to do what’s best for the Command and the Navy.
5. Be decisive. Sailors respect decisiveness even if the actions are initially viewed as harsh. They then know what to expect.
6. Don’t take action or make pronouncements/policy decisions before you have all the facts. If you make that mistake, be decisive anyway. Sailors immediately key on oscillation.
7. In case you didn’t hear it the first time: be dispassionate. Every decision I have seen bite a CO had been made based on anger and emotion.
8. Depend on the input from Medical and Legal, but remember they are just recommendations.
9. Always listen to your XO. Make sure your XO knows on a gut level he can disagree with you as strongly as he feels the need to be. Let the XO be the only one to see your doubts and concerns.
10. Be clear as a bell about the direction you want to go and your standards. Say what you mean and mean what you say.
11. Let your Sailors/Khaki do their jobs to the best way they know how. And hold them accountable when they don’t meet your standards.
12. Communications are everything.
13. Feedback is everything.
14. Never base decisions on that you may have “gotten away with” in the past or present. Sometimes hypocrisy is a necessary evil.
15. Be consistent.
16. No “smiley” or “frowny” faces.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Imperatives for the Commanding Officer

Do what you say you are going to do, inspect regularly, and avoid even the semblance of favoritism.
It must never be, “Do as I say.” It must always be, “Do as I do.”
Listen to all inputs - - - good, bad, or indifferent; and, weigh them before committing. But, make a decision regardless. Delegate responsibility but never accountability. An indecisive leader or one without the moral courage to stand by his decisions or the integrity to hold himself accountable causes immeasurable harm to morale.
Involve your staff, but exercise the final authority for big decisions. Then, expect your staff to carry out your orders as if they were their own.
You are their voice and their champion. Your job is to represent their best interests as well as that of the command and to ensure their good health, welfare, and morale even if what you have to say is not what your seniors want to hear.
Give your people pride of ownership for command accomplishments as well as for their individual achievements.
Give clear direction, provide guidance when required, and delegate the needed authority. Then, let your people do their jobs. But, demand a little more than they think that they are capable of achieving. Most will be motivated to rise to the challenge, exceeding even their own expectations.
A sharp command has Sailors who look and feel good. That attitude manifests itself in their professional performance.
Preciseness, even in such mundane matters as outgoing command correspondence, is essential. It is in the details that the attitude and self esteem of the command and its people are mirrored.
A sociable command is as critical to achieving command esprit as is a close watch section, division, or department.
Be understanding and tolerant, but hold everyone equally accountable for their own actions. Allow nothing to reflect poorly on the command or on its people.
Your Sailors may consider them trivial at the time but will remember them long after all else is forgotten.
Captain Charles F. Authement
Commanding Officer
Naval Security Group Activity Kunia Hawaii
Naval Security Group Activity Adak Alaska
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Navy Leader Responsibilities
Navy leaders should identify the best and brightest in their organizations and make those people known to the most senior leaders in the Navy. This is where service reputation becomes so important.
Navy leaders should be careful not to overlook some of their "late blooming" subordinates. Within the Navy, there are some people of enormous talent who may have been overlooked or who might have matured professionally a bit later than their peer group. Don't discount these people. The Navy needs them, also. Very likely they have been too busy getting the job done to toot their own horns.
Finally, if the Navy leader has done his job well and been a good teacher, the Navy will be in better shape. If the leader has spent most of his time teaching and only a bit of his time solving problems, the leader probably has enabled his subordinates to learn how to solve problems on their own. That is a good thing.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Mandatory Warfare Qualifications

Back in 1995, Admiral Jeremy Boorda wanted the same thing. And he told us so when he visited our ship which was forward deployed to Japan. Khaki leadership convinced him that we ought to start at the First Class Petty Officer level. On board our ship (USS Blue Ridge (LCC-19 - with Commander, SEVENTH Fleet embarked) it was mandatory for ALL PO1s to "earn" their warfare qualification (Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist - ESWS) pin.
The PO1s didn't have much time to get this done and we ended up with half of our PO1s on Extra Military Instruction (EMI) til they qualified. This improved morale considerably and generally uplifted everyones spirits. Already doing the work of 5 men, our PO1s took on the additional 90 minutes of EMI each day with great relish.
To give those Sailors their 90 minutes back and to relieve the stigma of some of our best PO1s being on EMI, "the powers that be" started GIVING away signatures and gundecking qualification boards. In no time at all we met Admiral Boorda's goal of 100% ESWS qualification for our First Class Petty Officers.
Now, every one of our CPO Board eligible E-6s had a warfare pin to show for their initiative and motivation. This made it much easier for the CPO Board to separate the wheat from the chaff among our high-performing First Class Petty Officers.
Somehow, mandatory warfare qualification had some rather nasty unintended consequences.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
ROCK STAR in the IW Community

Master Chief Moody’s tours include Naval Security Group Activity Sabana Seca, Puerto Rico; Naval Security Group Activity Kunia, Hawaii; Naval Technical Training Center Corry Station Pensacola, Florida; Fleet Information Warfare Center Norfolk, Virginia and Navy Information Operations Command Norfolk, Virginia where she is a plank owner. During her tour at Navy Information Operations Command Norfolk she cross-rated to Cryptologic Technician Networks.
Since reporting to the Navy Cyber Defense Operations Command in April 2007 she has served as the Operations Directorate Leading Chief Petty Officer, Senior Watch Officer and Command Master Chief.
Master Chief Moody is a Master Training Specialist, holds various industry certifications and graduated with honors from Hawaii Pacific University earning an AS in Business Management. Her personal awards include the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (two awards), the Navy Achievement Medal (five awards), and various unit and personal awards.
Note: In 2000, when I was the Director of Training, CTM1 Jennifer Moody was an instructor at the Naval Technical Training Center (now the Center for Information Dominance) at Corry Station - Pensacola, Florida. This woman is a 'go getter'. She's married to a rock star, also. The Navy is VERY fortunate to have people like the Moody Chiefs among the crew.
Protecting Your Signature/Endorsement

In a similar vein, Naval officers should never be in the business of writing their own personal awards for Fitness Reports/evaluations for approval by higher authority. Most can hide behind the idea of "I just provided bullet input." If your immediate boss doesn't know enough about your performance to write your award himself, maybe you shouldn't get one.
Paraphrased from Maj Gen Perry Smith's Assignment Pentagon
General George Washington said it best:
"Labor to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire called - conscience!"
Monday, July 20, 2009
Challenge Cherished Beliefs

Very few leaders are successful when deprived of the opinions of their subordinates. There must be a willingness to challenge cherished beliefs without disparagement and without equivocation. The greatest deterrent to the development of dedicated young leaders is a system that encourages our young officers to be yes men and not to "rock the boat."
Edgar F. Puryear Jr.
The Moral Imperatives of Naval Command
Saturday, July 18, 2009
600th Post

34 years ago, today, I was enjoying my 4th day in the Navy. Since then, I have had nearly 10,946 "great Navy days" (according to Captain David M. MacDougall) before my retirement in 2006.
I had no idea what this blog would become when I started. I just needed an outlet for some of my thoughts and favorite quotes.
There's really nothing original here, but I think it has become a collection of some pretty good thoughts and ideas about Naval leadership.
200-300 people visit each day. Some on purpose. Some by mistake. All are appreciated.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Change of Command - IW Leadership

Captain Roy S. Petty
Commanding Officer, Navy Cyber Defense Operations Command
Captain Roy Petty was the driving force behind an effort to strengthen the defenses of Navy networks and coordinate similar efforts across the Global Information Grid.
The Navy Cyber Defense Operations Command became the first Computer Network Defense Service Provider in the Defense Department to receive a Level 3 accreditation through that program. The accreditation, awarded by the Strategic Command, was based on a review of 124 metrics.
“Captain Petty leads from the front and maintains a vision for his command that far exceeds the daily expectations of a commanding officer,” said Robert Carey, the Navy Department’s chief information officer.
Keeping up with ADM James G. Stavridis

In my opinion, Admiral Stavridis is a Navy leader for the ages. When history is written, his name will join Mahan's as a strategist and Burke's as a leader. You can count on it.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
The Future of The Navy

Now and in the future, control of the sea gives the United States her greatest advantage for the maintenance of peace and for victory in war.
Mobility, surprise, dispersal and offensive power are the keynotes of the new Navy. The roots of the Navy lie in the strong belief in the future, in continued dedication to our tasks and in reflection on our heritage from the past.
Never have our opportunities and our responsibilities been greater.
The Bluejackets' Manual 1957 (8th edition)
What is old is new again.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Honesty at the heart of improving our Navy

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Communication In Superior Commands - More Command Excellence

In particular, the people in charge give frequent explanations to those below them about what is coming up and what is expected of them. A lot of important communication is informal and occurs when the officers and chiefs are walking about. In doing this they can answer an individual's questions, chat about personal matters, and see if there are any small problems that could later turn into big ones.
These commands make sure the right people get the right message at the right time. They do this through face-to-face conversations, meetings, the IMC, memos, quarters, captain's call, night orders, newsletters, and posters. The POD is a central means of communication. It is clear, complete, and accurate, and often contains reminders of long-range events. It also is issued early enough the day before to help people plan for the next day. People know they can rely on the POD to find out what is happening. In some average commands, the POD is guilty until proven innocent: people feel that they have to double-check to ensure that scheduled evolutions will really happen.
Top commands also realize the importance of listening. People in these units know they do not have all the answers and realize that listening improves morale and decision making. The command senior chief in one superior aviation squadron explained his approach: "People aren't afraid to come to me with anything. That's essential because if you go around scaring people off, you have shot yourself right out of the saddle. I have to be able to get them to listen to me and me to listen to them. You can't possibly put out policies without ears."
Most COs and XOs of superior commands have open door policies, but some go even further. The CO of one top command does not wait for people to approach him; he schedules several request masts each week and tries to see one or two people every day. Aware that most of the personnel who want to see him have complaints, he says he does a lot of listening before suggesting a course of action.
For communication to be successful throughout the command, each level must receive and transmit messages quickly and accurately. In superior commands, communication flows freely and clearly up, down, and across the various levels. Again, this starts at the top, with the CO effectively communicating what's wanted. Each level then passes the baton to the one below it. But these commands know it is just as important that communication flow up the chain of command as down.
Starting with the CO, the norm is established that if someone sees a problem, thinks there's a better way to do something, or has a question, then the command wants to hear it.
From Charting The Course To Command Excellence: Summary
Monday, July 13, 2009
Warren Bennis
in Weekly Leader
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Command Excellence - The Wardroom 1997-2000
U.S. Naval Security Group Yokosuka, Japan wardroom
at June 2000 Change of Command
Jay Ingersoll, John Breedlove, Keith Pabst, Andy Reeves, Paul Lashmet, Mark Meade, Mike Elliot, Lou Collazo, Tom Minton, Robert Hatmaker and Mike Lambert
Awards: Meritorious Unit Commendation 1997-2000, Gold Anchor for Retention 2000, Silver Anchor for Retention 1999, CNSG Maintenance Award 1997 - 1998, CINCPAFLT Best EW Unit, Captain's Cup Men's and Women's and so many more
In superior commands the people in the wardroom work together. Competition to be the best individually is always there, but people in the top wardrooms also make sure they help each other out. Top department heads work out a give-and-take with each other, and work to help their division officers succeed in their jobs. Everyone in the top wardroom keeps the command's mission in mind. That mission takes precedence over individual glory.
In top wardrooms, COs and XOs get respect. Junior officers model themselves after their superiors. Junior officers know that the command tone is set by the senior officers and they follow the tone set by their superiors. If the senior officers are formal, the wardroom respects that formality. If the senior officers prefer a more jovial atmosphere, junior officers go along. Junior officers in top commands recognize that it is the CO's ship and do what they can to represent the CO's interests as completely as possible both inside and outside the command.
Top wardrooms recognize their responsibility to the CO and XO for keeping the command informed on issues. They are not afraid of raising concerns with the senior officers. Junior officers know they must keep the senior officers aware of issues that may affect the command. This does not mean that the JOs do not try to solve problems on their own. Rather, they recognize that it is the captain's command, and that he needs to be aware of potential
Junior officers in superior commands take the lead in solving problems in the command or in finding ways to improve the effectiveness of their department and the command. They do not feel that they should wait for someone else to do what is necessary. They are ready to make things happen themselves. They anticipate problems and try to prevent them before they occur.
Members of superior wardrooms take responsibility for the results of their departments and divisions. They delegate to their people in order to make things happen. This sense of responsibility gets transmitted down the chain of command, so everyone feels the importance of meeting deadlines and getting the work done well. Junior officers monitor their subordinates' performance and hold their subordinates accountable. They acknowledge the contribution of those in their departments and divisions. But the junior officers will take the heat if things do not work out.
Charting a New Course to Command Excellence - The Wardroom
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Framework for Command

- Develop a Commander Mindset
- Build a Command Framework—Organize Your Observations, Beliefs, & Thoughts
- Get Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, & Spiritually Ready
- Prepare Your Family and Home Life
- First Impressions
- Strive for a Smooth Transition
- Planning/Surviving the Change of Command
- Setting the Tone
- Listen, Understand, Plan, then Change
- Become a Tactical Strategist—Learn Unit Mission, Strategy/Practices, Assets
- Adopt a Confident, Positive Daily Attitude
- Instill Core Values
- Lead by Example
- Trust Your Gut…and Your People
- Ensure Mission Accomplishment
- Take Care of Your People
- Learn to Lead—But Don’t Do the Details of Your Mission/Trade/Business
- Communicate, Communicate, Communicate
- Lead Productive Meetings—Get Rid of or Change Unproductive Ones
- Demonstrate Loyalty—in 3D
- Integrating with the Group & Wing
- Integrate with Your Peers
- Conquer Adversity
- Maintain Stamina and Focus
- Keep the Mission Fresh while Praising Accomplishments
- Innovate, Integrate, and Deliver Impact
- Prepare Your Squadron
- Prepare Your Successor
- Exit Quietly and Gracefully
Friday, July 10, 2009
Leadership Changes
NCDOC Change of Command
NAB Little Creek
Friday, July 17 at 10:00am
Captain Stephanie Keck relieves Captain Roy Petty
(Captain Petty reports to Naval War College - Newport, Rhode Island)
NIOC Maryland Change of Command
NIOC Maryland
Friday, August 14 at 10:00am
Captain Steve Ashworth relieves Captain Rick Bodziak
NIOC Yokosuka Change of Command
NIOC Yokosuka
Friday, August 14 at 10:00am
CDR Niels Mateo relieves Captain (sel) Justin F. Kershaw
RSOC NSA/CSS Hawaii Change of Command
Thursday, September 3
Captain Kathy Helms relieves Captain Jan E. Tighe (PhD)
(Captain Jan E. Tighe awaiting official announcement of her next assignment. Heard that she was headed to NSACSS to be General Keith Alexander's Executive Assistant.)
NIOC Texas Change of Command
NIOC Texas
Friday, October 16 at 10:00am (no ceremony - reason unknown)
Captain Greg Haws relieves Captain (sel) Stone Davis
Captain Eugene Potente relieved Captain Steve Ashworth at OPNAV N6.
Captain Paul Jaeger relieves Captain Jim Brokaw in the Navy Cryptologic Office as Deputy to Jerome Rapin at the National Security Agency.
Captain Jim Brokaw reports to the Computer Network Operations organization working for RDML(sel) Sean Filipowski.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Standards and Conduct Board - CANEX'D - Use DRB

Below info from July 2009 is out of date. Retained for historical purposes.
See my 9 November 2009 post on this subject.
"This is a Chief Petty Officer - driven initiative and it's putting the responsibility to develop Sailors exactly where it should be: in the Chief's Mess. Look for the Standards and Conduct Board instruction to hit the fleet later this summer and Navy-wide implementation soon after. Bottom line: the S/C Board will replace the Disciplinary Review Board process and give the Mess the opportunity to weigh in on risky Sailor behavior before it gets to be a problem. Will this board take the place of NJP or Mast? Absolutely not. That’s not our call. I see this as a proactive vice reactive program to work with our Sailors early, identify potential issues and then resolve them prior to them becoming a factor in something bigger. It has been Fleet tested with very good results. "
From the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) Rick West's "BOTTOM LINE UP FRONT NEWSLETTER"
And, a little bit more from former MCPON Campa's legacy from a NAVY TIMES article:
An alternative to mast
When Sailors get into trouble, they go before a disciplinary review board, then to executive officer screening and eventually to captain’s mast, if the offense warrants it. At mast, a Sailor may receive nonjudicial punishment and a permanent blot on his record.
Campa and his leadership mess have created an alternative.
The new standards and conduct board will be the first line of Navy discipline — and the responsibility of the chiefs’ mess. In it, chiefs will screen every potential captain’s mast case and have the authority to provide alternative or lighter punishments that will not go on a Sailor’s permanent record. Think of it as a cop giving a speeding driver a warning, instead of writing him a ticket.
“Calling it a standards and conduct board, I think, sends a clear message to the chiefs that this responsibility lies squarely in the mess,” Campa said. “The standards we hold our Sailors to in their daily conduct are up to them to enforce, to uphold and to get our Sailors on the right track.”
According to the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations draft instruction near approval, these boards will be made of a minimum of three chiefs, with the command master chief as the chairman. Commanding officers can designate other “senior enlisted leaders” to fill that role.
When a Sailor gets in trouble, the board will interview him and any “relevant witnesses, advisers and supervisors” the board chairman thinks the situation warrants, according to the instruction.
There are many serious crimes that will always end up at mast, Campa said, such as drug use and driving under the influence.
But for many offenses, the board can recommend the Sailor receive a “voluntary diversion.” These punishments include extra military instruction, surrendering civilian clothes privileges or even being restricted to the ship or base. Mast is averted.
The punishment comes as part of an overall plan designed to fix behavioral or performance issues through counseling, extra training or even outside the command. But to avoid mast and take the punishment, the Sailor must agree to the board’s recommendations.
“Voluntary diversion gives the Sailor the opportunity to recognize and accept responsibility for their actions and be held accountable without it being a detriment to their career,” Campa said. The punishment stays off the sailor’s record.
“Young people make mistakes, and it allows them to recover from those mistakes without staining their record and the possible consequences of that — not being able to stay in,” Campa said.
But Campa said chiefs must rethink their attitudes toward transgressing Sailors, too.
“We need to be standing side by side with that Sailor to get them on the right track instead of keeping them at arm’s length,” he said.
That’s why Campa said the board isn’t only for those on the way to mast — it’s also designed to catch problems in Sailors’ behavior before they rise to that level.
“There doesn’t have to be charges as with a disciplinary review board,” Campa said. “It can be proactive if you have a Sailor with a track record of just not getting it — and their chief has counseled them and done all they can do, you can bring that sailor in front of a chiefs’ standards and conduct board as well.”
The idea was tested at six commands around the Navy from October 2007 to January 2008 — onboard two cruisers and an aircraft carrier and with a patrol squadron and two training commands.
A total of 201 boards were held, 176 of which involved misconduct charges, while the remaining 25 were conducted for proactive reasons. Recommendations for mast resulted from 116 of the 176.
In 48 of the 60 nonmast cases, the Sailors were offered the voluntary diversion punishment. Of those, only nine were repeat offenders. Four ended up at mast as a result of their new offenses.
The remaining 12 nonmast cases were dismissed outright as a result of the board’s findings.
NOTE: I am from the old school. I thought the Chief Petty Officers always had this authority.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Home Is The Sailor
Her far-borne canvas furled
The ship pours shining on the quay
The plunder of the world.
Home is the hunter from the hill:
Fast in the boundless snare
All flesh lies taken at his will
And every fowl of air.
'Tis evening on the moorland free,
The starlit wave is still:
Home is the sailor from the sea,
The hunter from the hill.
A.E. Housman
Special Duty Officer - Information Warfare

Warfare Competency: IW Officers will understand the tenets of IO, sensor/weapons and national systems capabilities and limitations, and how to optimally use them for “effects-based” warfare. IW Officers must understand the role of IO in context of multi-dimensional warfare. No warfare area fights alone - understanding undersea warfare, surface warfare, strike warfare, and air warfare is essential to fully integrating IW within the Strike Group, the Joint Forces Maritime Component Commander, and the Joint Force. We will build this competency through operational tours at the LT and LCDR pay-grades to deliver peak value during operational tours at the senior officer level.
Leadership: Leadership is a core competency for all Naval Officers. We must have officers that can seize the initiative, motivate their people, effectively apply resources, and execute. We will build this competency through leadership positions that grow in scope throughout the IW officer’s career, ultimately delivering senior officers with all the tools for command in a war fighting environment.
Professional Expertise: IW engineering and technology (i.e. knowing how the signal or protocol was designed function) but it is also understanding the human elements of adversaries through language and culture that are critical to planning and executing any Information Operations campaign (i.e.: knowing how the adversary operates). We will build this expertise through state-of-the-art, in-residence and continuing education programs and through a billet structure that interleaves between national and operational tours at the right time in the career path to optimize value.
Way ahead
We must not confuse change, to include the possible mergers of ratings or designators, as a sign that our community is not valued or appreciated. In fact, the opposite is true. The professionals who want it, get it, know it, and use it are critical to our freedom and will be for the foreseeable future. The world has changed and our duty to our nation and Navy requires us to transform - this is our strategy for creating value to that changed world. Strategy is work never completed and our planned implementation will require continuous course corrections over time as the world continues to change. Our success will be determined by the strength of shared vision of our leaders and the commitment of all hands. Right skills…right place…right time.
From STRATEGY FOR OUR PEOPLE 2005 - ready for an update!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
New Commanding Officer of the Center for Information Dominance Corry Station, Pensacola Florida

Captain Gary Edwards graduated from Fort Valley State College with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems in 1985. He also holds a Master of Science Degree in Information Systems from the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) and a Master of Science Degree in National Resource Strategy from the Industrial College of the Armed Forces (ICAF).
In 1986, he was commissioned a Surface Warfare Officer (SWO) and was assigned to USS Saginaw (LST-1188). CAPT Edwards later became a Navy Cryptologist and was then assigned in 1991 to the Naval Communication and Telecommunications Area Master Station (NCTAMS), Guam, as the Communications and Fleet Support Officer.
In 1993 he was assigned to the National Security Agency as the Branch Chief. In 1996 CAPT Edwards reported to Commander, Naval Forces Europe where he was a staff Cryptologist. In 1999 CAPT Edwards reported to Commander, Cruiser Destroyer Group EIGHT and embarked onboard USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69) as the Cryptologic Resource Coordinator and Anti-terrorist Force Protection Officer.
In July 2001 CAPT Edwards reported to Naval Security Group Activity, Fort Gordon - Georgia, as Executive Officer. In January 2003 he assumed responsibilities as Commanding Officer. In January 2005 he was assigned to the Joint Staff, J6. CAPT Edwards was then assigned to the Office of the Secretary of Defense for Policy, Forces Transformation and Resource office.
His personal decorations include the Defense Meritorious Service Medal (2 awards), Meritorious Service Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal (2 awards), Navy Commendation Medal (2 awards) and the Navy Achievement Medal (3 awards).
CONGRATULATIONS Shipmate on achieving this SIGNIFICANT career milestone. Remember what Admiral Vern Clark said, "As leaders, we get to define who we are … the greatest responsibility that you have as a leader is that you get to teach the principles and values that we are all about."
And to paraphrase the old training guru ADM Clark once more - "You are the right man, in the right place, at the right time, with the right training to get the job done right." BZ!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Just Got My Fitness Report - 2 Months Late !!

I am a little angry as the reporting period ended on 13 May - our 29th anniversary and I am just getting my report now - nearly 2 months late. So, I'm 2 months into the new reporting period and I'm just now finding out where I need to improve. The boss said that I should have acted on all the verbal counseling that I've been getting throughout the reporting period. Thankfully, I was spared 360 degree feedback and didn't have to deal with all that. I am somewhat disappointed by all the white space on this year's report. "Needs improvement in all areas" seemed harsh to me. And, I don't think failing the Physical Readiness Test and exceeding Body Fat % should be held against me.
The Broadside cartoonist, Jeff Bacon (now a retired Captain) and I went to Naval Postgraduate School together in the 1990s.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
7 Years Ago - Teaching Chief Petty Officers - Strengthening The Links In The Chain of The Fouled Anchor - "Anchor Up" Chiefs

The officers taught a course which they developed at the CNC called “CPO Continuing Education – Charting The Professional Development Vector.”
Created in July 2002 by Commanding Officer Capt. Edward H. Deets (now RADM and Vice Commander - Naval Network Warfare Command), Executive Officer Capt. Lloyd B. Callis, Director of Training Cmdr. Mike Lambert, and members of the Center for Naval Cryptology wardroom (many former Chief Petty Officers themselves), the course covered 16 diverse topics including a summary of the CNO’s required reading (books such as "Leading Change," "Powerful Conversations," "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, and The Power of Alignment," the CNO’s 5 priorities, 14 Minutes with the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy, administration, Operational Risk Management, evaluations, personal career development, the Revolution in Navy Training, and command excellence.
According to Lambert, one of the purposes of the course was to put the CNO’s thoughts about positive self-talk and message alignment into the hearts and minds of the new CPOs. "The Navy is in the midst of transforming and this course is intended to put these new chiefs at the forefront of the transformation, well-equipped to 'lead the change,'" said Lambert.
"Our senior enlisted Sailors do an outstanding job of helping our first class petty officers make the transition to "khaki" during the six-week CPO initiation period,” said Deets, speaking to the new chiefs at the seminar. “What our officers are going to do is provide another significant piece in your continuing leadership education and discuss our expectations of you as chiefs. As the CNO said – you’ve made promises to serve and you are all living up to your promises. This course is part of an effort to fulfill our covenant to develop and mentor you, as well as to better equip you to share these important messages with our Sailors,” concluded Deets.
The Chief Petty Officer training continues today at the Center for Information Dominance.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
“A Nation’s Strength”
by Ralph Waldo Emerson
What makes a nation’s pillars high
And its foundations strong?
What makes it mighty to defy
The foes that round it throng?
It is not gold. Its kingdoms grand
Go down in battle shock;
Its shafts are laid on sinking sand,
Not on abiding rock.
Is it the sword? Ask the red dust
Of empires passed away;
The blood has turned their stones to rust,
Their glory to decay.
And is it pride? Ah, that bright crown
Has seemed to nations sweet;
But God has struck its luster down
In ashes at his feet.
Not gold but only men can make
A people great and strong;
Men who for truth and honor’s sake
Stand fast and suffer long.
Brave men who work while others sleep,
Who dare while others fly…
They build a nation’s pillars deep
And lift them to the sky.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Good Question ?

Junior Officer Career Cryptologic Program - USMC Perspective

The JOCCP offers a 36 month opportunity to develop broad technical and operational expertise through a combination of academic and work center experience. JOCCP requires completion of 1500 hours of academic requirements and four six-month work center assignments.
Some senior officers believe the program may be detrimental to selection for promotion and command assignments due to idiosyncracies in the system and the obscurity of the JOCCP program.
His thesis is here
An Assessment of JOCCP in Relation to the USMC Signals Intelligence Community
Captain Paul A. Funk, USMC
Thursday, July 2, 2009
RDML Mike Rogers to JCS J2 Position
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Flag Officer Assignments Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Gary Roughead announced today the following assignments: Rear Adm. (lower half) Michael S. Rogers will be assigned as director for intelligence, J2, Joint Staff, Washington, D.C. Rogers is currently serving as director of intelligence, J2, U.S. Pacific Command, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. |
Excess Navy Baggage - lots of it

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Information Warfare Leader Retires

FACEBOOK IWO Community Page at 9:22am on June 28th, 2009