"I would also say that with the elevation of our director of naval intelligence to three-star rank, Vice Admiral Jack Dorsett (who’s in the audience), we have also moved forward with initiatives there to restore naval intelligence to a position of prominence and dominance."
Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Gary Roughead at the Sea-Air-Space Exposition on 4 May 2009
CNO talked about a number of programs and initiatives underway in the Navy - but only mentioned one Naval officer by name - Jack Dorsett (interesting!!).
And a bit from earlier that week to CSIS:
I also had the opportunity to elevate the Director of Naval Intelligence to a three-star position and that has significantly changed and put the Navy’s intelligence structure back into the game in a big way. And the officer that is filling that position, VADM Jack Dorsett, is the best in the business in my book and he has really set us on a good vector as it applies to intelligence in the world that we live in today.
Through his leadership we stood up the National Maritime Intelligence Center out in Suitland, Maryland. We’ve also created four other intelligence centers: the Nimitz Operational Intelligence Center which aligns our global network operations centers and provides intelligence to them; the Farragut Technical Analysis Center which is focused on scientific and technological research, development and proliferation of foreign technologies; the Kennedy Irregular Warfare Center which supports Navy Special Warfare and our Expeditionary Combat Command; and the Hopper Information Services Center which provides the mission related information technology.
And all that has been done in about one year’s time and Navy intelligence is on the move once again.
Through his leadership we stood up the National Maritime Intelligence Center out in Suitland, Maryland. We’ve also created four other intelligence centers: the Nimitz Operational Intelligence Center which aligns our global network operations centers and provides intelligence to them; the Farragut Technical Analysis Center which is focused on scientific and technological research, development and proliferation of foreign technologies; the Kennedy Irregular Warfare Center which supports Navy Special Warfare and our Expeditionary Combat Command; and the Hopper Information Services Center which provides the mission related information technology.
And all that has been done in about one year’s time and Navy intelligence is on the move once again.
If the Intel guy and the CNO are closely aligned in their thinking, I worry for the intel guys. Dorsett may just be a parrot.
I hope that ADM Dorsett can gauge the success of Navy Intelligence production without trying to appease DIA by using their 'all-in-one' systems. Senior leadership somehow believe that by everyone having the same computer, we can do the same job more cheaply. All they get is a loss of capability and more work for the analysts to bring up the slack.
The mission and results should define what product is used, not what the zoomie in CENTCOM is using.
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