The wardroom in a superior command:
• Is Cohesive
• Matches CO-XO Leadership
• Raises Concerns with CO and XO
• Takes Initiative
• Does Detailed Planning
• Takes Responsibility for Work-Group Performance
The wardroom is the interface between the senior officers of the command, who make the policy, and the senior enlisted, who carry out the tasks of the command. The wardroom is responsible for developing and imple- menting plans that achieve the goals set by the CO and XO. In top commands, the department heads and division officers make sure these plans are specific, deciding who is to do what, when, and how. They gather information from chiefs and other relevant sources, and are careful to coordinate their department's or division's activities with other work going on.
This means that the wardroom must work as a team with the CO and XO. In superior commands there is more congruence between the wardroom and the CO-XO on command philosophy and leadership style than in average commands. Everyone is headed in the same direction. They identify with the goals set by the CO and XO and with how the CO and XO wish to accomplish them.
Officers of superior commands take initiative in several ways. They try to find new and better ways to do their jobs, and when they see that something needs to be done, they do it without waiting to be told. They are often willing to do more than they are required to do in order to achieve the command's mission. And they readily ask for guidance or information from the CO or XO if they believe these are necessary to accomplish their jobs or to develop themselves professionally. They also raise command issues with senior officers before those issues turn into serious problems.
One of the greatest strengths of wardrooms of superior commands is their sense of responsibility for the performance of their subordinates. This leads them to try to anticipate problems before they occur, to take responsi- bility when a problem does occur that they should have prevented, and to hold their personnel accountable for meeting the command's standards. There is a strong sense of ownership and pride.
Finally, superior wardrooms support division officers, who, although they outrank enlisted personnel, are among the youngest people in a command and are relatively inexperienced when it comes to hands-on technical knowledge and management know how. Thus, department heads must do their own jobs and also attend to the needs of their junior officers.
Musings, leadership tidbits and quotes posted by a retired Navy Captain (really just a high performing 2nd Class Petty Officer) who hung up his uniform a bit too early. He still wears his Navy service on his sleeve. He needs to get over that. "ADVANCE WARNING - NO ORIGINAL THOUGHT!" A "self-appointed" lead EVANGELIST for the "cryptologic community". Keeping CRYPTOLOGY alive-one day and Sailor at a time. 2015 is 80th Anniversary of the Naval Security Group.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Training Sailors
A different slant on a very popular Chinese proverb:
"The best time to train a Sailor was yesterday. The second best time is today. Train your Sailors. You won't regret it."
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Information Warfare Officer, Commander John Hunter decodes Civil War message
A glass vial stopped with a cork during the Civil War has been opened, revealing a coded message to the desperate Confederate commander in Vicksburg on the day the Mississippi city fell to Union forces 147 years ago.
The dispatch offered no hope to doomed Lt. Gen. John C. Pemberton: Reinforcements are not on the way.
The encrypted, 6-line message was dated July 4, 1863, the date of Pemberton's surrender to Union forces led by Ulysses S. Grant, ending the Siege of Vicksburg in what historians say was a turning point midway into the Civil War.
The message is from a Confederate commander on the west side of the Mississippi River across from Pemberton.
"He's saying, 'I can't help you. I have no troops, I have no supplies, I have no way to get over there,"' Museum of the Confederacy collections manager Catherine M. Wright said of the author of the dispiriting message. "It was just another punctuation mark to just how desperate and dire everything was."
A Navy cryptologist independently confirmed Gaddy's interpretation. Commander John B. Hunter, an information warfare officer, said he deciphered the code over two weeks while on deployment aboard an aircraft carrier in the Pacific. A computer could have unscrambled the words in a fraction of the time.
"To me, it was not that difficult," he said. "I had fun with this and it took me longer than I should have."
From FOX news. The whole story is HERE.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Re DADT - Please continue to exhibit honor, integrity and moral courage.
As always, the men and women of our Armed Forces are the Nation’s most important strategic resource. Only a force of dedicated, highly educated and well-trained men and women capable of leveraging new ideas will succeed in the complex and fast-paced environment of future military operations. Moreover, this force must exhibit honor, integrity, competence, physical and moral courage, dedication to ideals, respect for human dignity, the highest standards of personal and institutional conduct, teamwork, and selfless service.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Best of her time - A woman cryptologist worthy of our considerable attention
One of the best cryptanalysts of her time, Agnes Meyer Driscoll, worked for the Navy as a civilian and as a Yeoman Chief Petty Officer. Known to some as "Miss Aggie" and "Madame X", she was a math teacher before joining the Navy in 1918. The Navy introduced her to her life's work in cryptology.
Following World War I, except for a few years in the 1920s when she worked for another cryptographic pioneer, Edward Hebern, Agnes continued in cryptology with the Navy and other organizations (including NSA) for the rest of her career. She is credited with making breaks into most of the Japanese naval codes OP-20-G worked on.
In the Navy, she was without peer as a cryptanalyst. Some of her pupils, like Ham Wright, were more able mathematicians but she had taught cryptanalysis to all of them, and none ever questioned her talent and determination in breaking and ciphers.
Among her uniformed naval colleagues, she was held in the highest esteem throughout her long career, which continued from the office of naval communication to the Armed Forces Security Agency, and then to the National Security Agency.
Women accepted into the cryptologic field were sworn to secrecy. The penalty for discussing the work outside of approved channels could be death, as it was considered an act of treason during a time of war.
She was buried at Arlington National Cemetery in 1971.
Following World War I, except for a few years in the 1920s when she worked for another cryptographic pioneer, Edward Hebern, Agnes continued in cryptology with the Navy and other organizations (including NSA) for the rest of her career. She is credited with making breaks into most of the Japanese naval codes OP-20-G worked on.
In the Navy, she was without peer as a cryptanalyst. Some of her pupils, like Ham Wright, were more able mathematicians but she had taught cryptanalysis to all of them, and none ever questioned her talent and determination in breaking and ciphers.
Among her uniformed naval colleagues, she was held in the highest esteem throughout her long career, which continued from the office of naval communication to the Armed Forces Security Agency, and then to the National Security Agency.
Women accepted into the cryptologic field were sworn to secrecy. The penalty for discussing the work outside of approved channels could be death, as it was considered an act of treason during a time of war.
She was buried at Arlington National Cemetery in 1971.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Excellence as the standard
"Admiral Rickover was the genius that gave a generation of naval officers the idea that excellence was the standard."
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Aye, Aye Sir !
“Successful implementation will depend upon strong leadership, a clear message and proactive education throughout the force. With a continued and sustained commitment to core values of leadership, professionalism and respect for all, I am convinced that the U.S. military can successfully accommodate and implement this change (repeal of DADT), as it has others in history.”Secretary of Defense, Robert M. Gates
Saturday, December 18, 2010
176 Hawaii Sailors earn information dominance warfare pin
The U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM) director for intelligence, Rear Admiral Elizabeth Train, presented the first group of 176 Sailors from Navy Region Hawaii with the new information dominance warfare insignia aboard the USS Missouri Memorial in Pearl Harbor on December 15, 2010.
Admiral Train presented the insignia to 176 Sailors, both officer and enlisted, who completed a rigorous personal qualification program in information intensive fields.
The warfare pin identifies professionals who possess extensive skills to develop and deliver dominant information capabilities in support of U.S. Navy, joint and nation warfighting requirements.
Some video from the first pinning at the Naval Observatory is HERE.
Admiral Train presented the insignia to 176 Sailors, both officer and enlisted, who completed a rigorous personal qualification program in information intensive fields.
"The ceremony today is a milestone event. It's a significant restructuring of the Navy today. This is a tremendous time and opportunity for all of us, all of you, to develop the next generation of leaders."
Admiral Liz Train
Some video from the first pinning at the Naval Observatory is HERE.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Have we moved this forward?
The Department of the Navy endorses the secure use of Web 2.0 tools to enhance communication, collaboration, and information exchange; streamline processes; and foster productivity improvements. Use ofthese tools supports Department of Defense (DoD) and DON goals of achieving an interoperable, net-centric environment by improving the warfighter's effectiveness through seamless access to critical information. Web 2.0 tools are useful in a global enterprise, such as the DON,' as they enable widely dispersed commands and personnel to more effectively collaborate and share information. The gains in productivity, efficiency, and innovation can be significant. Commands are encouraged to use Web 2.0 tools, consistent with applicable laws, regulations, and policies.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
A worthy goal - we're still working to get there
Fundamental to the concept of net-centricity lies the precept that shared awareness, collaboration, and self-synchronization can be attained through the networking of knowledgeable, geographically and hierarchically dispersed entities.
We can't assemble the puzzle without your piece. Get your geographically and hierarchically dispersed idea over here. We need it.
We can't assemble the puzzle without your piece. Get your geographically and hierarchically dispersed idea over here. We need it.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Information Dominance Corps Leadership Focus - Commander, Naval Network Warfare Command
Rear Admiral Edward H. Deets III
Rear Admiral Deets is a native of Charlottesville, Va. He graduated from Duke University in 1979 where he was commissioned an ensign via the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps.
Deets began his information warfare officer career at the Naval Security Group Activity Kunia, Hawaii. There he served as a direct support officer aboard a variety of ships in the Western Pacific, Indian Ocean, North Arabian Sea, and the Mediterranean.
His next tour was at the Naval Security Group Activity Pyongtaek, Republic of Korea, as the executive officer. From there, he was assigned to the staff of commander in chief, United States Atlantic Fleet.
In 1991, he reported to commander, Carrier Group 2 aboard USS John F. Kennedy (CV 67) as the staff cryptologist. He deployed to the Mediterranean Sea and also participated in several counternarcotics operations on various ships. In 1993, he became the cryptologic junior officer detailer at the Bureau of Naval Personnel in Washington, D.C. Next, he spent two years on the staff of the U.S. 6th Fleet in Gaeta, Italy, as the command and control warfare officer. He also attended the National War College at Fort McNair, Washington, D.C., where he graduated with honors in 1998. He served a follow-on joint assignment as the executive assistant to the National Security Agency chief of staff.
Deets' personal awards include the Legion of Merit, the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal with gold star, the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal with two gold stars, the Army Commendation Medal, and the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal. He holds a Master of Science degree in National Security Strategy with a concentration in Information Strategies.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Pick your best six ? - Compressed Zone Opportunity for IW Captain in FY12
Blog post and comments have been deleted at the request of the offended.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Admiral Harvey's Focus on Practices of Successful Commands
On his CFFC Blog, Admiral Harvey posted the third in a series of messages about the "Practices of Successful Commands". His messages provide a great summary of some of those practices. You can go to his blog HERE.
For much greater detail and the full report on Command Excellence, you should really go HERE.
A short excerpt follows regarding the function of training in superior/excellent commands.
Training in superior commands links directly to combat readiness. Training for 'training's sake' is avoided. If a drill or exercise doesn't advance the combat readiness of the command, then it's changed around until it does.
Top commands don't question the value of training. The wardroom is key in coordinating training activities throughout the command. Each department commits itself to bringing its people up to speed. There is a give-and take in working with other departments to coordinate training activities. Training is targeted to get personnel closer to combat readiness. This drives the effort to keep training realistic and practical.
In outstanding commands all levels are involved in training and development. The wardroom coordinates the training, but the involvement of junior enlisted personnel with critical areas of expertise is crucial to training program success. Top wardrooms make their presence felt by continually monitoring programs to keep their commands combat ready.
Finally, superior commands are committed to the professional development and career planning of their people. Junior officers make sure their people are continuing to advance and qualify. Department heads take the lead in making sure division officers become qualified.
For much greater detail and the full report on Command Excellence, you should really go HERE.
A short excerpt follows regarding the function of training in superior/excellent commands.
Training in superior commands links directly to combat readiness. Training for 'training's sake' is avoided. If a drill or exercise doesn't advance the combat readiness of the command, then it's changed around until it does.
Top commands don't question the value of training. The wardroom is key in coordinating training activities throughout the command. Each department commits itself to bringing its people up to speed. There is a give-and take in working with other departments to coordinate training activities. Training is targeted to get personnel closer to combat readiness. This drives the effort to keep training realistic and practical.
In outstanding commands all levels are involved in training and development. The wardroom coordinates the training, but the involvement of junior enlisted personnel with critical areas of expertise is crucial to training program success. Top wardrooms make their presence felt by continually monitoring programs to keep their commands combat ready.
Finally, superior commands are committed to the professional development and career planning of their people. Junior officers make sure their people are continuing to advance and qualify. Department heads take the lead in making sure division officers become qualified.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Professionalism of our cryptologic force
The professionalism of our force is built upon mastery of a core set of skills that every cryptologic professional must possess. It all starts with a deep understanding of the fundamentals of cryptology, and a requirement that our professionals think clearly, and convey their analysis and assessments just as clearly to our Navy and our nation's decision-makers.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
New Navy CIO's First Blog Post on DONCIO Blog is his last
The CIO's Last Blog
By Terry Halvorsen
Published, December 1, 2010
More HERE. Change is good...
By Terry Halvorsen
Published, December 1, 2010
I'm sure you'll find it interesting and maybe a bit ironic that the new CIO's first blog is his last blog. I believe in the value of social media and believe it has its place in the Department of the Navy. However, as I am focusing on finishing up my duties as Deputy Commander of Navy Cyber Forces and taking the reigns as DON CIO, blogging must be a lower priority. There is much work to be done, and I plan to fully engage with the Navy, Marine Corps and Secretariat level leaders through face-to-face meetings when possible.
More HERE. Change is good...
Friday, December 10, 2010
There is special magic in command at sea.
It is not the job itself, which is mostly the same duties the captain has done before summed up together in new responsibility. It is not even the freedom and independence of the job, which, though large, are far from total. The magic of command is the magic of opportunity. Every captain starts with a clean slate and I urge him to write on it boldly and with pride in his personal signature in the form of a strong command tour in which he accomplishes every reasonable good for his ship.
Captain John Byron
The Captain
USNI Proceedings
September 1982
Thursday, December 9, 2010
CO and XO of MCM Crew Constant aboard USS Chief - Fired. 17th CO this year!
The Commanding Officer of USS CHIEF, Lieutenant Commander Jim Rushton was relieved of command “due to misconduct” following an investigation by his boss, Captain Robert Hospodar, commodore of Mine Countermeasures Squadron 2 in San Diego, Naval Surface Forces.
The Executive Officer of USS CHIEF, Lieutenant Commander Anne Laird was also relieved for “misconduct.”
Captain Hospodar relieved both officers “as a result of an investigation into a violation of the Navy’s fraternization policy.”
As per Navy custom - biographies have been removed from the command website.
Lieutenant Commander Rushton took command of San Diego-based Crew Constant in December 2009. He is a 2004 graduate of Excelsior College (B.S) and a 2006 graduate of the Naval Postgraduate School (M.A. National Security Affairs).
Lieutenant Command Rushton joins this group of COs fired in 2010:
Captain John Titus, Navy Supply Corps School Athens Georgia
Captain Holly Graf, USS COWPENS
Captain Glen Little, South Carolina Naval Weapons Center
Commander Scott Merritt, NSA North Potomac
Commander Tim Weber, USS TRUXTUN
Captain Bill Reavey, NAS Pensacola
Commander Jeff Cima, USS Chicago
Commander Neil Funtanilla, USS THE SULLIVANS
Commander Herman Pfaeffle, USS JOHN L. HALL
Captain William Kiestler, Norfolk Naval Shipyard
Commander Fred Wilhelm, USS GUNSTON HALL
Captain David A. Schnell, USS PELELIU
Commander Mary Ann Giese, NCTS Bahrain
Commander Charles Maher, USS MEMPHIS
Captain David A. Solms, TTF Bangor
Captain Murray Gero, USS OHIO
16 Navy Leader Competencies
1. Sets goals and performance standards. Outstanding Navy leaders set goals to improve task performance and use them to assess the ongoing performance of a task, as well as the task's results.
2. Takes initiative. When a problem is encountered, outstanding Navy leaders take initiative in defining it, accept the responsibility of acting on it, and move immediately to solve it.
3. Plans and organizes. Outstanding Navy leaders plan and organize tasks, people and resources in their order of importance and schedule the tasks for achievement of their goal.
4. Optimizes use of resources. Outstanding Navy leaders match individuals' capabilities with job requirements to maximize tasks accomplishment.
5. Delegates. Outstanding Navy leaders use the chain of command to assign tasks by methods other than a direct order, to get subordinates to accept task responsibility.
6. Monitors results. Outstanding Navy leaders systematically check progress on task accomplishment.
7. Rewards. Outstanding Navy leaders recognize and reward for effective performance on a specific task.
8. Disciplines. In holding subordinates accountable for work goals and Navy standards, outstanding Navy leaders appropriately discipline subordinates, in order to increase the likelihood of the subordinates' improved performance.
9. Self-control. Outstanding Navy leaders hold back on impulse and instead weigh the facts, keep a balanced perspective, and act appropriately.
10. Influences. Outstanding Navy leaders persuade people skillfully -- up, across and down the chain of command -- to accomplish tasks and maintain the organization.
11. Team builds. Outstanding Navy leaders promote team-work within their work group and with other work groups.
12. Develops subordinates. Outstanding Navy leaders spend time working with their subordinates, coaching them toward improved performance and helping them to be skillful and responsible in getting the job done at a high standard.
13. Positive expectations. Outstanding navy leaders trust in people's basic worth and ability to perform. They approach subordinates with a desire for the subordinates' development.
14. Realistic expectations. Although outstanding Navy leaders believe that most subordinates want to and can do a good job, they take care not to set a subordinate up for failure by expecting too much. Concern about a subordinate's shortcomings is expressed honestly.
15. Understands. Outstanding Navy leaders identify subordinates' problems and help them to understand these problems. Such leaders appropriately aid others in solving their problems.
16. Conceptualizes. Outstanding Navy leaders dig out the relevant facts in a complex situation and organize those facts to gain a clear understanding of the situation before acting.
And, from Rubber Ducky...
17. Writes well. Navy leaders know their way around the written word and avoid non-parallel constructions (example: list-headings throughout); avoid jargon and slang (e.g., Team Builds; maximize task accomplishment); avoid comma splices (e.g., 1st paragraph); employ the Oxford comma (e.g., 3rd paragraph); avoid awkward constructions (e.g., 5th & 8th paragraphs); eschew patronizing language (e.g., 'Outstanding Navy Leaders' throughout); maintain consistent style (e.g., Navy or navy?); avoid mixing singular and plural voice (e.g., entire piece).
And, from Rubber Ducky...
17. Writes well. Navy leaders know their way around the written word and avoid non-parallel constructions (example: list-headings throughout); avoid jargon and slang (e.g., Team Builds; maximize task accomplishment); avoid comma splices (e.g., 1st paragraph); employ the Oxford comma (e.g., 3rd paragraph); avoid awkward constructions (e.g., 5th & 8th paragraphs); eschew patronizing language (e.g., 'Outstanding Navy Leaders' throughout); maintain consistent style (e.g., Navy or navy?); avoid mixing singular and plural voice (e.g., entire piece).
From: P.A. Foley, From Classroom to Wardroom, Masters Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, December 1983
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
EW Plays an Important Role in Keeping our Servicemembers Safe
Larsen Electronic Warfare amendment
The legislation also includes an amendment, authored by Larsen, which requires the Department of Defense (DOD) to submit an annual report outlining its electronic warfare (EW) strategy and report to Congress on the EW capabilities are being used to achieve that strategy and how the military is providing leadership on EW issues.
"As a Member of the House Armed Services Committee, I first became involved in this critical part of our national defense because Naval Air Station Whidbey Island in my district is a leader in electronic warfare. Our Prowlers and Growlers, airborne electronic attack aircraft based on Whidbey Island, protect airborne assets and support our troops on the ground. Across the Armed Services, NAS Whidbey Island is the brain trust for electronic warfare expertise."
Electronic Warfare describes our military's use of radio frequencies to deploy weapons and protect our troops, and to deny our enemies the use of radio frequencies to attack us. Weapons that depend on radio frequencies range from the simple to the sophisticated. They include air defense radars which help enemies identify and destroy U.S. planes, and improvised explosive devises (IEDs) which have caused significant U.S. casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan.
"Electronic warfare plays a more important role than ever in keeping the men and women in our military safe," Larsen continued. "That is why the Department of Defense needs a comprehensive and unified strategy across the Armed Services to control the electromagnetic spectrum, and Congress needs to know what that strategy is."
The legislation also includes an amendment, authored by Larsen, which requires the Department of Defense (DOD) to submit an annual report outlining its electronic warfare (EW) strategy and report to Congress on the EW capabilities are being used to achieve that strategy and how the military is providing leadership on EW issues.
"As a Member of the House Armed Services Committee, I first became involved in this critical part of our national defense because Naval Air Station Whidbey Island in my district is a leader in electronic warfare. Our Prowlers and Growlers, airborne electronic attack aircraft based on Whidbey Island, protect airborne assets and support our troops on the ground. Across the Armed Services, NAS Whidbey Island is the brain trust for electronic warfare expertise."
Electronic Warfare describes our military's use of radio frequencies to deploy weapons and protect our troops, and to deny our enemies the use of radio frequencies to attack us. Weapons that depend on radio frequencies range from the simple to the sophisticated. They include air defense radars which help enemies identify and destroy U.S. planes, and improvised explosive devises (IEDs) which have caused significant U.S. casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan.
"Electronic warfare plays a more important role than ever in keeping the men and women in our military safe," Larsen continued. "That is why the Department of Defense needs a comprehensive and unified strategy across the Armed Services to control the electromagnetic spectrum, and Congress needs to know what that strategy is."
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Three Great Apes
The three major warfare communities lord over the Navy like great apes, demanding loyalty and hoarding power. Only by overhauling the personnel system can we reduce their power and get everyone back in service of the Navy itself.
These warrior apes have admirable strengths: expertise in their craft, professionalism in their role, and huge devotion to their kind. But they also do the Navy harm: their internal interests overwhelm the Navy's broader interests, their single-mindedness impedes the Navy's larger mission, and their internal focus breeds loyalty that causes a profound under-imagination of the Navy's potential future.
Our officer personnel system is failing the Navy mission in many ways:
- The parochial interests of the warfare communities are the primary drivers and major organizing theme of officer management, slighting higher level needs that have their foundation in the Navy mission.
- The Navy doesn't own its own people. The warfare communities do and control them absolutely.
- The primary rationale behind officer assignments—the sacred Triad of Detailing—contains a gigantic flaw.
- The mechanics of assignment transactions are poorly managed.
- Tour lengths are much too short for good efficiency.
- Up-or-out officer management is horribly wasteful.
Let's tackle these personnel problems by starting with a single, unarguable premise: the officers of the Navy exist to serve the Navy. Not themselves. Not their particular kind of warrior ape. The Navy.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Ideas - don't be afraid to share yours
TED (owned by The Sapling Foundation) fosters the spread of great ideas. It aims to provide a platform for the world's smartest thinkers, greatest visionaries and most-inspiring teachers, so that millions of people can gain a better understanding of the biggest issues faced by the world, and a desire to help create a better future. Core to this goal is a belief that there is no greater force for changing the world than a powerful idea. Consider:
- An idea can be created out of nothing except an inspired imagination.
- An idea weighs nothing.
- It can be transferred across the world at the speed of light for virtually zero cost.
- And yet an idea, when received by a prepared mind, can have extraordinary impact.
- It can reshape that mind's view of the world.
- It can dramatically alter the behavior of the mind's owner.
- It can cause the mind to pass on the idea to others.
OPNAV N2/N6 is actively seeking your ideas. SHARE THEM. Create a better future. It's where you'll spend the rest of your life.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Skipper in the spotlight
Captain Charles Brian Johnston, a native of Brocton, NY, is the Commanding Officer of Navy Information Operations Command (NIOC), Norfolk.
Graduating from the Pennsylvania State University in 1983 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Aerospace Engineering, Captain Johnston received his commission as an officer in the U.S. Navy and was designated as a Cryptologic Officer (1610). He subsequently graduated from the Defense Language Institute (Russian language) and was assigned as the Operations Officer at the U.S. Naval Security Group Activity at Hellenikon Air Force Base in Athens, Greece. He qualified as a Special Evaluator aboard EP-3 aircraft and accumulated over 800 flight hours in numerous operational missions throughout the Mediterranean. He also led operational deployment teams aboard the USS KING (DDG 41) and USS WAINWRIGHT (CG 28).
Captain Johnston graduated from the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School with a Masters Degree in Systems Technology (Space Systems Operations) in 1990. He subsequently reported to the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory as the Director of the Mission Support Facility for the CLASSIC WIZARD program. In 1995, he was assigned to lead over 200 personnel at the U.S. Naval Security Group Detachment in Diego Garcia. He then received orders to the Chief of Naval Operations, Space, Communications and Electronic Warfare, Washington, DC, as an officer in the Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities (TENCAP) office.
Captain Johnston received orders to the U.S. Fifth Fleet in Bahrain in 1998, where he served as the collections manager in the intelligence department. He was then assigned to the Commander of the U.S. Pacific Command at Camp Smith, HI, where he led the branch responsible for intelligence collection and information operations support. In 2002, he transferred to the Naval Information Warfare Activity at Fort George G. Meade, MD. There he served as the Technology Department Head as well as technology lead for the U.S. Naval Security Group Command. After being promoted to Captain, he was assigned as a special assistant to the Director of Communication Networks (N6) on the staff of the Chief of Naval Operations.
Captain Johnston graduated from the National War College with a Masters Degree in National Security Strategy in June 2008. His decorations include Legion of Merit, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, two Meritorious Service Medals, and numerous other personal, combat, unit, and campaign awards. Captain Johnston assumed command of NIOC Norfolk 22 April 2010.
Graduating from the Pennsylvania State University in 1983 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Aerospace Engineering, Captain Johnston received his commission as an officer in the U.S. Navy and was designated as a Cryptologic Officer (1610). He subsequently graduated from the Defense Language Institute (Russian language) and was assigned as the Operations Officer at the U.S. Naval Security Group Activity at Hellenikon Air Force Base in Athens, Greece. He qualified as a Special Evaluator aboard EP-3 aircraft and accumulated over 800 flight hours in numerous operational missions throughout the Mediterranean. He also led operational deployment teams aboard the USS KING (DDG 41) and USS WAINWRIGHT (CG 28).
Captain Johnston graduated from the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School with a Masters Degree in Systems Technology (Space Systems Operations) in 1990. He subsequently reported to the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory as the Director of the Mission Support Facility for the CLASSIC WIZARD program. In 1995, he was assigned to lead over 200 personnel at the U.S. Naval Security Group Detachment in Diego Garcia. He then received orders to the Chief of Naval Operations, Space, Communications and Electronic Warfare, Washington, DC, as an officer in the Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities (TENCAP) office.
Captain Johnston received orders to the U.S. Fifth Fleet in Bahrain in 1998, where he served as the collections manager in the intelligence department. He was then assigned to the Commander of the U.S. Pacific Command at Camp Smith, HI, where he led the branch responsible for intelligence collection and information operations support. In 2002, he transferred to the Naval Information Warfare Activity at Fort George G. Meade, MD. There he served as the Technology Department Head as well as technology lead for the U.S. Naval Security Group Command. After being promoted to Captain, he was assigned as a special assistant to the Director of Communication Networks (N6) on the staff of the Chief of Naval Operations.
Captain Johnston graduated from the National War College with a Masters Degree in National Security Strategy in June 2008. His decorations include Legion of Merit, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, two Meritorious Service Medals, and numerous other personal, combat, unit, and campaign awards. Captain Johnston assumed command of NIOC Norfolk 22 April 2010.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
12th Anniversary of my failure to screen for command - while in command !!
As a Lieutenant Commander, I assumed command of Naval Security Group Activity Yokosuka, Japan (a Commander command) in January 1997 from LCDR Eric Newhouse (the interim CO). The CO previous to Eric had been relieved 6 months earlier, after failing two successive Inspector General inspections - leaving behind demoralized Sailors and a fractured command.
The "Failure to Screen for Command" letter arrived after I had been in command for 23 months and a few days before I put on Commander. Twelve years later, it still leaves a bitter taste in my mouth - as you can tell.
I was not completely surprised by the letter because a Lieutenant from BUPERS had called two weeks earlier to inform me that I had "FAILED TO SCREEN FOR COMMAND". What did surprise me was the fact that I had failed to screen for command - a job that I had held for two years, already.
Thankfully, I didn't lose my day job. I post this letter for those who have had to deal with the pain of "Failure of Selection" - whether it be for promotion, command or some other program you desperately want. It's a very painful and emotional thing. One which we try very hard to comprehend. No one ever explained how I failed to screen for a job I already had and was ranked #1 at. A year later, I "successfully screened" for the assignment that I had been doing for 35 months.
Friday, December 3, 2010
POM12 Priorities reflect importance of Information Dominance, FLEETCYBERCOM and 10th Fleet
Navy Priorities
- Balanced Navy Program that wins our Nation's wars and deters future conflicts
- Shipbuilding and Aviation Plans
- Information Dominance and FLEETCYBERCOM/10th Fleet
- Quality of life / quality of service for Sailors
- Current operations and platform maintenance readiness
- Total Ownership Cost Reduction
- Energy Efficiency
Thursday, December 2, 2010
The Bedrock of Military Success
American officers are the bedrock of military success. They face a whirlwind of change that is picking up speed, yet their preparation is dictated by a system based on stability and predictability that, if they ever existed, certainly do not exist today. Others have identified many of the same problems and have offered some of the same solutions, explored in much greater depth than we were able to accomplish here. Yet strikingly few changes have been made. This reluctance—primarily cultural and institutional—cannot persist. Failing to adapt the officer management system to better align with the future will put U.S. officers at a growing disadvantage, placing more and more of a burden upon them as individuals to overcome a bureaucracy that ideally would be dedicated to supporting their success. The ingenuity gap is real and growing, and our officers are caught in it. DOD should immediately implement changes to officer management to close this gap.
From "The Ingenuity Gap"
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Electronic Warfare SAVES Lives
“We have learned time and time again that EW saves lives. We need to develop the right technology; train our troops to use the capability; field the capability quickly; operate jointly; and stay ahead of the curve. I know from my time as an electronic warfare officer in the Air Force how important EW capabilities are to our troops. And our Armed Forces use the electromagnetic spectrum now more than ever. The Electronic Warfare Working Group aims to strengthen EW capabilities and assets to maintain the highest level of military readiness today and into the future, and this amendment will help in that effort.
“To stay ahead of the curve, we need a plan. We need a strategy. And Congress needs to know and understand how the Defense Department is ensuring the future of our EW capability. I applaud the Armed Services Committee for accepting this amendment. It will lead to a strategic advantage for our troops in the field.”
“To stay ahead of the curve, we need a plan. We need a strategy. And Congress needs to know and understand how the Defense Department is ensuring the future of our EW capability. I applaud the Armed Services Committee for accepting this amendment. It will lead to a strategic advantage for our troops in the field.”
Congressman Joe Pitts
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Cyberspace is on the bottom of the ocean
"Cyber space is on the bottom of the ocean because 95 percent of what moves in cyber space moves on cables that rest on the bottom of the ocean. That's the maritime domain. That's the domain of the United States Navy."
Admiral Gary Roughead
Chief of Naval Operation
On the importance of cyber space operations.
Admiral Gary Roughead
Chief of Naval Operation
On the importance of cyber space operations.
Monday, November 29, 2010
2010 VADM James Bond Stockdale Inspirational Leadership Award Winner's Advice for Leaders
"When meeting Navy standards, you have to be consistent," said Commander Mike McCartney. "It isn't about being nice or giving people a break, it's about meeting and enforcing that Navy standard. When getting ready to land an airplane, pilots follow the same procedures every time. They may fly that airplane thousands of times, but they do it the same way every single time. The same thing applies to us, whether it's doing a 3M (Material Maintenance Management Program) spot check or executing watch-standing principles. It sets you and your Sailors up for success. Sailors will work hard to meet your expectations, but if your expectations don't meet the Navy standard, then your Sailors will not be prepared when the CO or some outside organization comes aboard to inspect."
Commander Michael McCartney while addressing San Diego Surface Warfare Officers (SWOS) Indoctrination Course at a ceremony held at Naval Surface Forces, U.S. Pacific Fleet (SURFPAC) headquarters on November. 19.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Keeping Sailors Better Informed
"I think if we kept Sailors better informed of what is happening in their organization, it would make them feel part of the organization instead of being just workers. They are contributors and contributing because they want to. If they are kept informed, they will know why something has to be done without having to ask or wonder why. While I would agree that the concept that unless emergency situations dictate otherwise, the chain of command should be followed. I do think that sometimes some of our junior officers use the concept as a crutch by waiting for the chain of command to make a decision and get the job underway, as opposed to taking some initiative and responsibility and starting the job. Follow the chain of command, but don't use it as an excuse to put off directing that necessary action be taken."
Fifth Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy Billy Sanders
From: NAVAL LEADERSHIP - Voices of experience
Fifth Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy Billy Sanders
From: NAVAL LEADERSHIP - Voices of experience
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Skipper in the spotlight
Commander Doug Shelb is the Commanding Officer of Navy Information Operations Command (NIOC) Sugar Grove, West Virginia. He assumed command on 17 September 2010.
NIOC Sugar Grove is CTG 1000.2 under the CTF 1000/Commander, TENTH Fleet organizational construct.
You can view the command website HERE.
Commander Doug Schelb is a native of Kalamazoo, Michigan. He attended the University of Michigan on an ROTC scholarship and studied Engineering. He graduated with a degree in Industrial and Operations Engineering in 1993 and received his commission as a Special Duty Officer, Cryptology.
Commander Schelb began his career at Naval Security Group Activity, Misawa Japan where he served as a Direct Support Officer (DSO) and completed one surface and four subsurface deployments. His next tour starting in 1995 was aboard USS ARKANSAS (CG-41) where he served as the Assistant Operations Officer, OUTBOARD Officer, Shipboard Intelligence Officer, and Electronic Warfare Officer. He completed a Western Pacific/Arabian Gulf deployment and qualified as a Surface Warfare Officer during this tour.
In November, 1997 he reported to Naval Security Group Support Detachment Two in Winter Harbor, Maine for six months of training at the CLASSIC OWL Operators Course. In July 1998, he assumed duties as the Officer in Charge of Naval Security Group Support Detachment Four in Molesworth, United Kingdom, a CNO-directed Special Project mobile unit.
In 2001 he reported to the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California where he earned a Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering and completed Joint Professional Military Education (Phase I) through the Naval War College, College of Command and Staff.
CDR Schelb reported to the Joint Special Operations Command in Fort Bragg, North Carolina in November 2003. During this tour he served as an Intelligence Operations and Plans officer and deployed multiple times as an intelligence planner, liaison officer, and Deputy J2 for Joint Special Operations Task Forces (JSOTF) in Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. He also qualified as a Naval and Marine Corps Parachutist during this tour.
In February 2007, he reported to U.S. Navy Information Operations Command, Misawa Japan for his second tour and served as the NIOC Executive Officer and Deputy Director of Operations for the multi-service Misawa Security Operations Center (MSOC).
In July 2009, he reported to the staff of Commander, Carrier Strike Group Nine in Everett, Washington where he served as the Assistant Chief of Staff for Information Operations and the Deputy Information Warfare Commander.
CDR Schelb’s military decorations include various personal, unit, and campaign awards.
Commander Schelb began his career at Naval Security Group Activity, Misawa Japan where he served as a Direct Support Officer (DSO) and completed one surface and four subsurface deployments. His next tour starting in 1995 was aboard USS ARKANSAS (CG-41) where he served as the Assistant Operations Officer, OUTBOARD Officer, Shipboard Intelligence Officer, and Electronic Warfare Officer. He completed a Western Pacific/Arabian Gulf deployment and qualified as a Surface Warfare Officer during this tour.
In November, 1997 he reported to Naval Security Group Support Detachment Two in Winter Harbor, Maine for six months of training at the CLASSIC OWL Operators Course. In July 1998, he assumed duties as the Officer in Charge of Naval Security Group Support Detachment Four in Molesworth, United Kingdom, a CNO-directed Special Project mobile unit.
In 2001 he reported to the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California where he earned a Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering and completed Joint Professional Military Education (Phase I) through the Naval War College, College of Command and Staff.
CDR Schelb reported to the Joint Special Operations Command in Fort Bragg, North Carolina in November 2003. During this tour he served as an Intelligence Operations and Plans officer and deployed multiple times as an intelligence planner, liaison officer, and Deputy J2 for Joint Special Operations Task Forces (JSOTF) in Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. He also qualified as a Naval and Marine Corps Parachutist during this tour.
In February 2007, he reported to U.S. Navy Information Operations Command, Misawa Japan for his second tour and served as the NIOC Executive Officer and Deputy Director of Operations for the multi-service Misawa Security Operations Center (MSOC).
In July 2009, he reported to the staff of Commander, Carrier Strike Group Nine in Everett, Washington where he served as the Assistant Chief of Staff for Information Operations and the Deputy Information Warfare Commander.
CDR Schelb’s military decorations include various personal, unit, and campaign awards.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Nelson's Touch
“Nelson’s touch” was not his tactics or his understanding of his enemies, but his belief that the best way to achieve a decisive victory was to give his subordinates a thorough indoctrination before the engagement and near-total initiative once it had begun. He set the conditions for success in an environment dominated by two factors – uncertainty and time – with a decentralized command and control system that required his Commanders to operate to the limits of their authority to accomplish their assigned missions. We need to do the same by establishing unambiguous, hierarchal lines of authority and accountability that reflect core Command and Control principles (setting the conditions for success), then requiring our subordinates to act to the limits of their authorities to implement guidance.
From Admiral John Harvey, Commander Fleet Forces Command
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Trained in the severest school
“We must remember that one man is much the same as another, and that he is best who is trained in the severest school.”Thucydides
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
A Renaissance Naval Officer
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Admiral Ernest J. King |
Adapted from "The Art of Manliness"
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Former Center for Cryptology Corry Station Curriculum Instructional Standards Officer (CISO) Chosen as Navy CIO
Terry Halvorsen has been named the Navy CIO.
Halverson, who began the job on Nov. 22, replaces Robert Carey, who left the post in the summer for a job with the Navy Cyber Fleet Command (and is now the Defense Department’s deputy CIO).
Prior to joining the DON CIO, Halvorsen was the deputy commander of Navy Cyber Forces. He also has served as the deputy commander of the Naval Network Warfare Command.
Mr. Terry Halvorsen, a native of Trainer, Pa., graduated with honors from Widener University with a degree in History. Mr. Halvorsen was commissioned a Regular Army second lieutenant in May 1980. He was a distinguished military graduate and a George C. Marshall award winner.
Following graduation and commissioning, he attended Army Officer Basic Course and the Intelligence Officer Course. His first assignment was as Executive/Operations Officer Army Intelligence Detachment Pensacola, supporting the Army's training with the Navy at Hurlbert Field. During this tour Mr. Halvorsen attended various special operations courses and obtained a Master’s Degree in Educational Technology from the University of West Florida.
Mr. Halvorsen's active and reserve tours include Commander, Intelligence Security Detachment Combat Support Coordination Team 1, Republic of Korea Operations Officer Directorate of Security Fort Benning, Commander HHC 361st Civil Affairs Brigade (CAB), Intelligence Officer 361st CAB and Executive Assistant Commanding General 350th CA Command. Mr. Halvorsen was recalled to active duty numerous times in support of Operation Just Cause, Desert Storm and Joint Task Forces in Central and South America.
Mr. Halvorsen entered Federal Civil Service in 1985 as the Curriculum Instructional Standards Officer for Navy Cryptology Training, Corry Station Pensacola, Fla. He has held numerous positions in the training community to include Deputy for C4I Training, Director Training Policy and Standards, and Director of Assessment where he was one of the principal architects of the Navy's Training re-engineering efforts.
Mr. Halvorsen was personally selected for the CNO-directed Executive Review of Navy Training (ERNT). This was a comprehensive review of all aspects of Navy training resulting in the Navy's Revolution in Training to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of Navy training. At the conclusion of the ERNT project Mr. Halvorsen was selected as the Director of Task Force Excel Atlantic, charged with accelerating the revolution in Navy training. Beginning in January 2003 with the establishment of Naval Personnel Development Command (NPDC), Mr. Halvorsen served as the Executive Director for NPDC, Norfolk, Va., and the Manpower, Personnel, Training and Education (MPT&E) CIO (Chief Information Officer). In February, 2006 Mr. Halvorsen was designated Acting Executive Director, Naval Education and Training Command (NETC)/MPT&E Echelon II. Mr. Halvorsen officially reported as deputy commander, Naval Network Warfare Command on October 30, 2006.
Mr. Halvorsen's personal awards include the, Superior Civilian Service, Meritorious Civilian Service, Legion of Merit, and Meritorious Service Medal. He is a Rotary International Paul Harris Fellow, and an Excellence in Government Leadership Fellow.
Now is the time to update our doctrine
"Where the principal effect of IO is to influence an adversary not to take an action, the principal effect of cyber warfare is to deny the enemy freedom of action in cyberspace. Granted, by denying enemies’ freedom of action in cyberspace, we will also influence them; however, influence is not the intended primary effect—denying freedom of action is the intended primary effect.
It may seem that we are arguing to remove EW and computer network operations from IO doctrine. We are not. What we are arguing for is that just as we have now come to recognize cyberspace as a new warfighting domain, so too must we recognize that it is equal to the other warfighting domains and doctrine should reflect such.
Now is the time to update our doctrine to establish fundamental cyber warfare principles that guide employment of EW and computer network operations forces in support of our national objectives."
General Keith Alexander
Director, National Security Agency
Commander, U.S. Cyber Command
Warfighting in Cyberspace
NOTE: The Navy is updating its doctrine through its Information Dominance Roadmaps.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Great American's Birthday Today
Captain Clyde C. Lopez, United States Navy - retired, celebrates his 73rd birthday today. This great American enlisted in the Navy in October 1955 and served for 40 years, retiring in 1995.
His illustrious Navy career would fill volumes. It is sufficient to say that he was a Sailor worthy of being called a Shipmate by all who know him.
He was born on this day in 1937 in Santa Rosa, New Mexico.
Sir, Happy Birthday SHIPMATE !!
He is still serving our great Navy and Nation today - in a civilian capacity. Talk about service!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Admiral Elmo Zumwalt - -

At 49, he was the youngest man to serve as Chief of Naval Operations. As an Admiral and later the 19th Chief of Naval Operations, he played a major role in U.S. military history, especially during the Vietnam War. A highly-decorated war veteran, Zumwalt reformed U.S. Navy personnel policies in an effort to improve enlisted life and ease racial tensions. After he retired from a 32-year Navy career, he launched an unsuccessful campaign for the United States Senate.
His son James is a retired USMC Lt Colonel. His grandson is a Navy EOD.
The long post below is from his son James to the citizen's postal advisory committee. PLEASE join us in this effort to have a stamp issued in Admiral Zumwalt's honor. Please send a short note to the committee at the address listed and ask them for their support for this worthy endeavor.
June 17, 2009
Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee
c/o Stamp Development
U.S. Postal Service
1735 North Lynn St., Suite 5013
Arlington, Virginia 22209-6432
Dear Committee Members:
The purpose of this letter is to request the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee (CSAC) consider the issuance of a postage stamp commemorating the life of Admiral Elmo R. Zumwalt, Jr. While I am Admiral Zumwalt's sole surviving son and, obviously, have a personal interest in seeing him so honored, I would respectfully submit that his lifetime achievements clearly justify such an honor, regardless of the fact this request emanates from a family member. Allow me to briefly share some of those achievements.
While US postage stamps have been issued over the years commemorating men and women achieving great accomplishments, few exist recognizing those who have dedicated so much of their lives to leveling life's playing field for others unable to do so for themselves. A military man by profession, Admiral Zumwalt would prove himself not only to be of such an ilk, but a tremendous innovator and great humanitarian as well.
Admiral Zumwalt enjoyed an immensely successful naval career which involved a meteoric rise to the US Navy's top position. At the age of 44, he was the US Navy's youngest Rear Admiral; at 47, its youngest Vice Admiral; and at age 49 its youngest Admiral and Chief of Naval Operations (CNO). During a 37-year career, during which he fought three wars, Admiral Zumwalt committed his life to achieving equality for all serving in his beloved Navy. While his life as a junior officer was spent practicing this belief on a local command level, it was not until he became CNO that he was able to implement such beliefs on a service-wide basis through a series of very creative leadership initiatives. As reported in the December 21, 1970 issue of TIME Magazine featuring him on its cover, Admiral Zumwalt's initiatives brought the US Navy, "kicking and screaming into the 20th Century." The article went on to hail him as "the Navy's most popular leader since World War II."
While the beneficiaries of many of the changes Admiral Zumwalt implemented in the Navy were members of minority groups whose professional growth within the service had been stymied by overly restrictive regulations, he worked diligently to improve service life for all wearing the Navy uniform. What had prompted his selection in 1970 by civilian superiors over 33 more senior admirals was his advocacy for rapid and drastic changes in the way the Navy treated its uniformed men and women. And, once selected, he made such advocacy a reality, undertaking numerous initiatives that included: improving living conditions in the Navy; promoting the first female and first Afro-American officers to flag rank; allowing females to become naval aviators; opening up ratings for Filipino sailors whose service had long been limited to a steward's rating; eliminating demeaning and abrasive US Navy regulations that negatively impacted on a sailor's attitude without providing a corresponding positive enhancement of professional performance; etc. The positive impact of his changes was tremendous, as evidenced by the effect on re-enlistment rates. These rates were at an all-time low when he took command of the Navy in 1970; when he retired four years later, re-enlistment rates had tripled. Admiral Zumwalt's personal papers, on file at The Vietnam Center at Texas Tech University, include numerous letters from sailors written over the years expressing their personal gratitude for changes he made that impacted so positively on their decision to stay and make the Navy a career.
When Admiral Zumwalt retired from the Navy in 1974, it did not end his service to country. He continued in numerous capacities to fight for the oppressed. As Commander of US Naval Forces in Vietnam during the war, he was of the belief a commander's responsibility to his men survived the battlefield, prompting him to fight for US Government benefits for Vietnam veterans suffering from Agent Orange exposure.
By way of background, Admiral Zumwalt had ordered the use of the chemical defoliant Agent Orange during the war to reduce the high casualty rate his sailors were suffering. Heavy jungle concealment provided the enemy with the element of surprise in ambushes against US Navy boats operating in Vietnam's narrow waterways. The sailors onboard these boats stood a 72% chance of being killed or wounded during a twelve month tour. The use of Agent Orange improved survivability, reducing the casualty rate twelve-fold--to 6%. It was not known at that time, however, what the long-term health impact of Agent Orange would be on those who were exposed. In a bitter irony of the Vietnam war, one of those so exposed, later succumbing to Agent Orange-related cancers, was Admiral Zumwalt's namesake and my older brother--Elmo R. Zumwalt III. A book, entitled "My Father, My Son," tells the story of the love and devotion existing between the two men as, together; they fought the unsuccessful battle for young Elmo's survival. In 1988, the book became the basis for a made-for-TV movie of the same title which, interestingly, starred a CSAC member in the role of my father--Mr. Karl Malden.
Until Admiral Zumwalt led the charge for benefits for Vietnam veterans afflicted by Agent Orange exposure, not a single cancer had been recognized by the Veterans Administration for having a causal relationship. Appointed by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to conduct a pro bono study on the linkage of Agent Orange to cancers, Admiral Zumwalt analyzed hundreds of medical studies--studies that had found no correlation--until he showed how such studies were flawed--a phenomenal undertaking for someone with no medical background. He also found the US Government's medical review board, responsible for determining if such correlations were supported by existing medical evidence, lacked credibility as its members included physicians with personal ties to the very chemical companies that had manufactured Agent Orange.
Today, medical evidence has established that more than a dozen cancers are linked to Agent Orange exposure. And, as a direct result of Admiral Zumwalt's tireless efforts, Vietnam veterans are now receiving medical benefits.
Admiral Zumwalt's sense of duty and responsibility to his fellow human beings spurned him on to other great achievements. He was founder of The Marrow Foundation, which raised funding to undertake the matching of bone marrow donors and recipients. He served briefly as a US ambassador to the American Red Cross in Geneva. In the years after the Vietnam war, he worked diligently to successfully win the early release of his good friend and South Vietnamese counterpart in Vietnam during the war, Commodore Tran van Chon, from a communist re-education camp.
During his lifetime, Admiral Zumwalt gave extensively of his own time and energy to pro bono efforts. These included serving on the Board of Directors of charitable organizations such as the Phelps-Stokes Fund, Presidential Classroom for Young Americans Organization, National Marrow Donor Program, and Vietnam Assistance to the Handicapped Foundation; serving as the Chairman of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, the National Council of the Vietnam Center at Texas Tech University, and the U.S. Navy Memorial Foundation; serving as a member of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board and the International Consortium for Research on the Health Effects of Radiation. One of Admiral Zumwalt's last contributions was to establish the National Program for Countermeasures to Biological and Chemical Threats at Texas Tech University, which later was named after him. This is a multidisciplinary academic research program that today conducts cutting-edge work to investigate and develop new strategies and technologies to protect military operating forces from such threats. Based on the terrorist threat facing 21st century America, his foresight in identifying such a threat and doing something about it was once again evidenced by his actions.
Tragically, years later, after having led this fight, Admiral Zumwalt would succumb to a service-related "environmental cancer" of another sort--asbestos--to which he had been exposed as a result of his naval service. In the early morning hours of the new millennium, at the age of 79, he passed away on January 2, 2000.
It was no wonder then, at his funeral on January 10, 2000, in addressing a standing room only Chapel service at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, President Bill Clinton described him as truly being a "Sailors' Admiral."
Among the numerous tributes made after the death of Admiral Zumwalt was one entered into the January 24, 2000 Congressional Record by Senator Russell D. Feingold of Wisconsin who said: "Admiral Zumwalt crusaded for a fair and equal Navy. He fought to promote equality for minorities and women at a time of considerable racial strife in our country and at a time of deeply entrenched institutional racism and sexism in the Navy...Admiral Elmo Zumwalt was a great naval leader, a visionary and a courageous challenger of the conventional wisdom. We will not see the likes of him again. We mourn his passing and salute his accomplishments."
Because of Admiral Zumwalt's commitment in life to improving the lives of others, a number of awards bearing his name--recognizing his accomplishments as a humanitarian and a visionary--exist today, not only in the US Navy, but in the private sector as well. The positive impact Admiral Zumwalt had as one of this Nation's great military leaders and humanitarians was recognized by two major events--one occurring during his lifetime and one following his death.
In 1998, Admiral Zumwalt was presented the Nation's highest civilian award by President Clinton--the Presidential Medal of Freedom--for service both to his Navy and country. And, in July 2000, six months after his death, the Navy announced a new class of warship--a vessel unlike any other ever built which represents the greatest technological advancement in the history of ship-building--would be named after my father, with the first ship of the class to be named USS ZUMWALT. (An artist's rendition of this unique looking surface ship, which, due to its stealth technology looks more like a submarine, is enclosed herein.) Construction of that ship is now underway. While I believe honoring my father with a stamp is warranted on his own merits alone, I would submit the Committee may want to consider issuing a stamp commemorating both the man and the ship. For when USS ZUMWALT is christened in 2013, it will usher in a whole new era in US Navy history. Future ships of the 21st century will be capturing many of the design features and unique capabilities for which the USS ZUMWALT has broken new ground.
One of my father's favorite quotes was Edmond Burke's admonition, "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." My father lived his life by this creed. Not a minute of it was wasted doing "nothing." His life was dedicated to helping his fellow man. In my request that consideration now be given to issuing a US postage stamp in his name, it is my humble opinion such a man who lived such a life should now have that life commemorated by such a great honor.
Very respectfully submitted,
James G. Zumwalt
LCOL, US Marine Corps Reserves (Retired)
Friday, November 19, 2010
Unfortunate news - CO number 16 fired
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Skipper of USS MEMPHIS, Charles Maher at the scope |
CO of USS MEMPHIS SSN-691 fired
Commander, Submarine Development Squadron TWELVE (Captain William Merz) has fired the commanding officer of the attack submarine USS Memphis as 10 members of his crew are under investigation in an alleged cheating ring involving shipboard training exams. Commander Charles H. Maher was relieved Thursday, 18 November 2010, for “loss of confidence in his ability to command.”Commander Maher assumed command of USS MEMPHIS on 8 January 2010.
The release noted there was no evidence Maher was involved in the cheating ring, but stated his command had “fostered an environment which failed to uphold the high standards of integrity of the submarine force.”
Captain Carl Lahti, previously deputy commander of the SUBDEVRON 12, has assumed command of USS MEMPHIS.
His bio has been removed from the Commander, Submarine Group TWO website.
A native of Bainbridge Island, Washington, Commander Maher attended the University of Notre Dame with a NROTC scholarship and graduated with honors in 1990 with Bachelor degrees in Physics and History. Following graduation, he was selected as a Fulbright Scholar and studied Arabic Language at the American University of Cairo. He was commissioned in 1991 and completed training in nuclear propulsion and basic submarine tactics and navigation.
Commander Maher has served on board three fast-attack submarines. His first sea tour was as a Division Officer aboard USS BERGALL (SSN 667) (1993-96) where deployed to the Mediterranean, participated in Operation Sharp Guard and decommissioned the ship. He served as Chief Engineer aboard USS MEMPHIS (SSN 691) (2002-04), where he oversaw an extended CNO maintenance availability and deployed to the Persian Gulf. As Executive Officer, he served aboard USS TUCSON (SSN 770) (2005-07) and deployed to the Western Pacific. During this tour, the crew of TUCSON won the 2006 Submarine Squadron 7 Battle Efficiency award and the Marjorie Sterrett Battleship Fund Award, distinguishing TUCSON as the top submarine in the Pacific Fleet.
Ashore, Commander Maher served as the Flag Lieutenant to Commander, Submarine Group 8 in Naples, Italy (1996-98), as the Commanding Officer of Military Sealift Command Office, Panama (1998-99), as a Junior Board Member of the Atlantic Fleet Nuclear Propulsion Examining Board (2004) and as the Deputy Commander for Readiness at Submarine Squadron 19 (2009). He attended the Naval War College (2007-08), where he participated in the Halsey Alfa Advanced Studies Program and graduated with a Master of Arts in National Security and Strategic Studies.
From 1999 to 2001, Commander Maher served the Navy’s Selected Reserves. During this time, he held a position with the Perot Systems information technology firm and was the Commanding Officer of the Naval Reserve unit supporting NAVCOMTELSTA, Cutler, Maine.
Commander Maher’s personal awards include the Meritorious Service Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (five awards) and the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (three awards).
The Navy's Gifts to Sailors
Vice Admiral Mark Ferguson"We give them the gifts of discipline, the fellowship of those who have served at sea, confidence, self-reliance, and the opportunity to lead others in service to the nation guided by the values of honor, courage, and commitment. Though imparting those life skills, I’m sure, were not part of your lesson’s enabling objectives you’re here tonight because you went beyond the lesson plan in reaching out to your students."
Instructor of the Year Ceremony
6 May 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Fleet Cyber Command/10th Fleet - Cryptologic Operations
The Navy’s vision is to fully develop our ability to operate in cyberspace by fusing old – and developing new – capabilities and capacities across our networks, signal intelligence systems, and electronic warfare systems. As such, we (Fleet Cyber Command/10th Fleet) organize and direct Navy cryptologic operations worldwide and integrate information operations and space planning and operations as directed.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
The Navy's Cryptologists
We have great capability. The Navy, through its cryptologists, has some of the best linguists and network operators that are in the military service today. My concern is capacity and retention. There was a plan to add a substantial number of personnel to this community with the 2011 budget, but due to competing priorities, we got a little less than half of what we planned. We still need to increase our capacity, our personnel, in this area.
The Navy has outstanding signals intelligence capabilities. We also have a sound electronic warfare program, specifically with aviation capacity. We need to do some work on what we have in surface warfare, but we have a relatively sound foundation there. Therefore, my initial focus is on networks and the ability to command and control our forces globally. How do we get from static and reactive network operations and defense to proactive and dynamic? My first near-term goal is to establish dynamic cyber operations, which includes defense, as well as exploitation and development of non-kinetic effects.
Dynamic cyber operations is a huge challenge for the Navy, and I think there is one chance to get it right — and that is now. The Navy has the right vision to put us at the forefront of this capability and capacity in this new warfare domain.
Vice Admiral Barry McCullough
Commander, Fleet Cyber Command
Commander, TENTH Fleet
in the June issue of CHIPS magazine
The Navy has outstanding signals intelligence capabilities. We also have a sound electronic warfare program, specifically with aviation capacity. We need to do some work on what we have in surface warfare, but we have a relatively sound foundation there. Therefore, my initial focus is on networks and the ability to command and control our forces globally. How do we get from static and reactive network operations and defense to proactive and dynamic? My first near-term goal is to establish dynamic cyber operations, which includes defense, as well as exploitation and development of non-kinetic effects.
Dynamic cyber operations is a huge challenge for the Navy, and I think there is one chance to get it right — and that is now. The Navy has the right vision to put us at the forefront of this capability and capacity in this new warfare domain.
Vice Admiral Barry McCullough
Commander, Fleet Cyber Command
Commander, TENTH Fleet
in the June issue of CHIPS magazine
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