Thursday, June 19, 2008

Leave no doubt in the minds of the officers

"A commanding officer should discuss with his officers his philosophy of the mission and importance of the Navy; what he feels his ship contributes to the Navy’s mission, and what the persons in the ship can contribute to the successful accomplishment of the ship’s mission. These discussions should reveal to him which officers are motivated to employ leadership for improved efficiency and which require more motivation and direction.

Such discussions should leave no doubt in the minds of the officers as to the standards expected of them in personal conduct, appearance, and performance. The desired officer-man relationship and the reasons that it is necessary should be well understood by all of them.

The officers should realize that leadership will be recognized and rewarded with additional responsibility and that performance will be objectively and honestly evaluated in fitness reports.

The commanding officer can continue to demonstrate his interest in leadership through personal example, supervision, inspections, discussions, criticism, commendations, discipline, disseminating information, concern for the welfare of individuals, and the many other attributes that have long been required of a dutiful commanding officer, while being ever mindful of the danger of developing “a one man ship.”

LEADERSHIP - NAVPERS 2932-3 (New 7-62)
Sometimes, we would do well to return to tried and true principles of Naval leadership. This is an excerpt from a Navy Education and Training (NAVEDTRA) Manual published in 1962.

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