Musings, leadership tidbits and quotes posted by a retired Navy Captain (really just a high performing 2nd Class Petty Officer) who hung up his uniform a bit too early. He still wears his Navy service on his sleeve. He needs to get over that. "ADVANCE WARNING - NO ORIGINAL THOUGHT!" A "self-appointed" lead EVANGELIST for the "cryptologic community". Keeping CRYPTOLOGY alive-one day and Sailor at a time. 2015 is 80th Anniversary of the Naval Security Group.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
It's worth a trip over there.

CO failed to meet the pilot proficiency requirements — at least 10 flight hours per month — for five of the six months preceding the crash.
CO failed to exercise sound and reasonable judgment and through his negligence he destroyed the aircraft and put the crew in unnecessary danger.
CO violated NATOPS rules by signing for an aircraft he was not authorized to fly. CO was not authorized to sign for the aircraft because his name was not in the maintenance database. But, he told the crew: “No question here. I am the CO and this is my aircraft.”
CO, as pilot in command failed to run through the landing checklist at 500 feet.
VPU-1 flies a specialized version of the recon plane, the P-3 “REEF POINT,” which includes additional long-range cameras and electro-optical sensors.
Extracts above from NAVY TIMES.
After he was relieved of command, the CO was assigned to Joint Special Operations Command, Aviation Tactics Evaluation Group, at Fort Bragg, N.C., Navy records show. Presumably he was assigned to the Tactics Evaluation Group to tell them how he would do it, so they could indicate in their tactics that 'his way is the wrong way.'
More here from CDR Salamander:
Monday, June 29, 2009
Rotting Morale

From -
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Where/Who Are Our Pentathletes??
Paraphrased from "Dr. Wong's Fashion Tips For the Field Grade"
Saturday, June 27, 2009
His Heritage

Fair Winds and Following Seas Admiral Jim Stavridis - Do great things for our country in Europe. We are counting on you. As you said at your change of command - "Nunca sabemos los caminos de Dios – one never knows the way of God."
Friday, June 26, 2009
More Command Excellence - Not Rocket Science

• Listen Aggressively – Leaders don't simply listen, they hear what their Sailors say to them . They know that those on the deckplates are the ones most familiar with how operations can be more effective.
• Communicate Purpose and Meaning – Leaders help their Sailors understand (collectively and individually) how their work contributes to the success of the overall mission, as well as understand how that work supports the personal goals they have for themselves.
• Create a Climate of Trust – Leaders trust and cultivate trust from their Sailors. Without trust, the barriers that prevent excellent performance will never be lowered.
• Look for Results, Not Salutes – Leaders maximize performance by making their Sailors grow. Leaders experience success only when their Sailors experience success.hey success.
• Take Calculated Risks – Leaders know that taking prudent, calculated risks can help maximize performance.
• Go Beyond the Navy's Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) – Leaders see standard operating procedure as a guideline, because SOP may not change as rapidly as the environment and competition. Leaders foster a climate that encourages their Sailors to come up with better and more innovative ways to accomplish the mission.
• Strengthen Others/Build Up Your People – Leaders focus on making their Sailors grow and create an environment where all Sailors win, thereby making the entire command stronger.
• Generate Unity of Purpose – Leaders work to not only change undesirable behaviors but to alter the underlying attitudes. By working toward a mutual respect for all Sailors, they level the playing field, permitting all Sailors to perform at the highest levels.
• Cultivate Quality of Life – Leaders actively integrate fun into the work experience. Leaders want their Sailors to have as much fun from 6 am to 6 pm as they do at home from 6 pm to 6 am.
From Navy Command Excellence Seminar - Navigating a New Course to Command Excellence as implemented by CDR D. Michael Abrashoff on USS BENFOLD and as he wrote in It's Your Ship. Also see Command Excellence and the Wardroom.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Flag Officer Competencies - For Those of You On the Rise
- Skill in creating, communicating, and executing a strategic vision that will impact the future of the Navy and the Nation.
- Skill in linking innovative and strategic thinking in my command or organization to Navy and National strategies.
- Skill in demonstrating external awareness of world and national affairs that impact the Navy’s strategic vision.
- Skill in exercising flexibility to stimulate process development,evaluate new ideas, and achieve Navy Vision.
- Skill in providing clear guidance on expectations, achieving results, risk management, and mission accomplishment.
- Ability to engage in continual learning opportunities to master new knowledge, pursue self-development, and grasp new information.
- Skill in motivating, inspiring, and mentoring military personnel through a positive attitude, enthusiastic leadership, and ethical behavior.
- Skill in motivating, inspiring, and mentoring civilian personnel (DoD and contractors) through a positive attitude, enthusiastic leadership, and ethical behavior.
- Skill in leading by professional example to promote team building and personnel development.
- Skill in managing conflict in a crisis by identifying potential situations that could result in unpleasant confrontations.
- Skill in managing conflict in a combat or wartime situation to maximize force effectiveness and enhance mission accomplishment.
- Skill in leveraging an ethnically and culturally diverse workforce to improve working environment and capitalize on achievements of each individual.
- Comprehensive knowledge of and effective use of the Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System (PPBS).
- Proficiency in leveraging technology to enhance business acumen and skills, developing assessment processes, and analyzing alternatives.
- Broad understanding of principals of financial management and marketing sufficient to ensure appropriate funding and prioritization.
- Ability to assess current and future human resources and staffing requirements based on organizational goals and budget realities.
- Technical skill necessary to understand and apply procedures, requirements, regulations and policies, and to make sound resource decisions.
- Analytical and research abilities to frame problems, synthesize issues, formulate solutions, and recommend courses of action.
- Skill in influencing and negotiating with people at all levels including civic leaders, Joint Staff, OSD, Inter-Agency, Congress, and White House.
- Diplomacy, political awareness, international savvy, and negotiating skills necessary to partner with foreign navies and governments.
- Interpersonal skills necessary to communicate extemporaneously to build networks and coalitions, and to accomplish missions.
- Skill in preparing and delivering quality oral presentations and written communications to demonstrate expertise and persuade others to accomplish objectives.
- Capacity to build and sustain effective networks through use of information technology.
- Knowledge of how and who to ask for the capabilities of other Services and Agencies as part of joint operations and warfare.
- Skill in employing force to achieve Joint, Coalition, and Interagency objectives and missions.
- Knowledge of command and control, roles, doctrines, missions, and capabilities of Joint and Coalition Forces to conduct operational planning and execution in a complex environment.
- Resilience and flexibility to deal effectively with change, to focus on objectives under pressure, and to recover quickly from setbacks.
- Ability to exercise good judgment, perception, adaptiveness, and common sense necessary to integrate priorities and eliminate irrelevant information.
- Skill in measuring readiness and operational effectiveness to achieve and sustain Joint Operational Excellence.
- Ability to effectively advocate the use of Naval Forces and sea power within and outside the Navy and Marine Corps.
- Understanding the structures and organizations of other Services so that you can grasp how or why joint decisions might be made.
- Ability to integrate practices and rules of each Service to overcome cultural and operational differences and achieve joint objectives.
- Ability to exercise responsibility, good judgment, authority, and accountability in all aspects of this billet.
- Ability to develop and maintain effective controls which ensure the integrity of the command/organization while holding yourself and others accountable for rules and regulations.
- Proficiency in problem solving and continuous improvement techniques and processes to achieve concise and powerful results.
- Ability to create operational and work environments where decisiveness and risk management will optimize outcomes and force effectiveness.
- Skill in fully integrating naval forces into the joint team to maximize our advantages with dominant, precise, and persistent power.
- Ability to provide combatant commanders with flexible, agile, and capable naval forces for today’s dynamic and uncertain strategic environment.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
More Admiral Arleigh A. Burke

Admiral Arleigh A. Burke
Naval Leadership: Voices of Experience (1987)
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Hope is Not a Method

General Gordon R. Sullivan
Hope is Not a Method (1996)
Monday, June 22, 2009

Calvin Coolidge
President of the United States (1923-1929)
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Officers and Chiefs - a distinction

This distinction establishes a different expectation for discretionary initiative. Officers should be driven to maintain the momentum of operations, possess courage to deviate from standing orders within the commander’s intent when required, and be willing to accept the responsibility and accountability for doing so.
While Naval officers depend on the counsel, technical skill, maturity, and experience of the Chief to translate their orders into action, the ultimate responsibility for mission success or failure resides with the Naval officer.
Friday, June 19, 2009
An Ideal Leader

All Sailors and Navy civilians, at one time or another, must act as leaders and followers. Leaders are not always designated by position, rank, or authority. In many situations, it is appropriate for an individual to step forward and assume the role of leader. It is important to understand that leaders do not just lead subordinates—they also lead other leaders.
Everyone in the Navy is part of a team, and all team members have responsibilities inherent in belonging to that team.
(Actually taken from Army FM 6-22 Army Leadership. They have it right)
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Corrupt A Young Officer
Lieutenant Commander Fred Nietzsche
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
New IW Commanders for FY10

** SEVEN above the zone selections**
All strong Naval officers.
Officership - Self Development and Learning

Self-assessment and taking appropriate remedial or reinforcing action is critical to a leader’s success. Self-development programs include activities that stretch the individual beyond the demands of on-the-job or institutional training. Self-development, consisting of individual study, research, professional reading, practice, and self-assessment, is accomplished via numerous means (that is, studying, observing, and experiencing) and is consistent with an officer’s personal self-development action plan and professional goals. Self-development is the key aspect of individual officer qualification that solidifies the leader development process.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I Hear You...But I Don't Know If I Can Believe You.

You are immediately placed in a position where you are given the chance to make a positive impact both on the Navy and on the global community, a chance to defend the country. Take advantage of that opportunity, and make sure the lives of the Sailors around you and in the boat are improved by your presence. —Lt. Nicholas E. Saflund, USS Cheyenne (SSN-773)
If you break their will, extinguish their passion, or squelch their dreams, you will be taking something that does not belong to you. They want responsibility. They want the chance to make good and to do good. They want you to care – not for them, but about them.
They may be tired, but they are wise beyond their years. It's up to us to keep as much of that wisdom as we can inside the institution, where we need it most. Their decision to stay or leave is a matter of national security."
Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to National Defense University graduates on June 11, 2009
These words must be followed with actions that demonstrate the truth in those words. What actions will we see from the Chairman and senior leadership to give those words meaning? Words have meaning; actions have consequences.
40 Years Ago Today
Monday, June 15, 2009
Chapter 8 - U.S. Navy Regulations

The Commanding Officer
1. The responsibility of the commanding officer for his or her command is absolute, except when, and to the extent to which, he or she has been relieved therefrom by competent authority, or as provided otherwise in these regulations. The authority of the commanding officer is commensurate with his or her responsibility. While the commanding officer may, at his or her discretion, and when not contrary to law or regulations, delegate authority to subordinates for the execution of details, such delegation or authority shall in no way relieve the commanding officer of continued responsibility for the safety, well-being and efficiency of the entire command.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Bill Reichert Gets It!!
Certainly the Navy is not perfect. As in any organization, there are egos and frustrations and resentments. And people make mistakes, and bad things happen. Not everyone agrees with every decision made up the chain of command, or back in Washington, DC. The Navy understands that it is not well-served by squashing free thought, but everyone in the Navy appreciates that there is a time and a place for debate, and the deal is that you are signed up to do what the organization needs you to do once you are on the line.
Not every entrepreneur wants to model his or her organization and culture on the Navy. For many entrepreneurs, indeed, that is a very unappealing concept, but that’s because they don’t really understand what makes the Navy one of the most effective organizations on the planet. Like any other successful organization, it’s about the people, not about the technology. The key is harnessing the incredible potential of every individual through inspiration, training, and teamwork.
Honor. Courage. Commitment. Not bad principles for any company.
Bill Reichert is a managing director of Garage Technology Ventures , a seed-stage venture capital firm based in Palo Alto, CA. His post in its entirety on USNI BLOG
Guy Kawasaki also gets it. You can read his blog about NIMITZ here.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Surviving and Thriving in the OPNAV Environment - Cubicle Leadership
The following is part of the executive summary of OPNAV Functional Reorganization Study: Final Report by Frederick D. Thompson and Christopher A. Trenholm (Center for Naval Analyses) - written nearly 20 years ago (1990).
The Approach to the study:
OPNAV makes decisions regarding (1) current and programmed forces; (2) the technical R&D opportunities to pursue; and (3) how Navy missions, functions, and policies should be articulated. The organizational structure of OPNAV is clearly only one component, perhaps even a minor one, in contributing to how these decisions are made. OPNAV decisions on forces and R&D undergo subsequent approvals by the Department of the Navy Secretariat, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the President, and Congress. Even if there were a direct link between organizational structure and decisions, no objective measure exists for determining whether OPNAV decisions are "right" or "wrong," because there are no definitive measures of force effectiveness or of the true military promise of emerging technologies. A confounding factor is the lack of explicit, concrete examples of perceived "wrong" decisions that could form the basis for case studies.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Warfare Centers of Excellence… Providing Naval Warfighting Improvements

- The Warfare Centers of Excellence will serve as operationally-focused honest brokers working across organizational lines to make us more proficient warfighters and more effective contributors to joint and coalition forces.
- Warfare Centers of Excellence will play a key role in winning the fight if it happens today, in improving the force of tomorrow, and in anticipating and outpacing future challenges.
Read the CNO's RhumbLines here.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
IW Flag Selection Announced

Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense
Flag Officer Announcements
11/17/09 Update: Captain Sean R. Filipowski, U.S. Navy is currently serving as Director, Cyber, Sensors, and Electronic Warfare, OPNAV N2N6F3 in the Pentagon.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
NAVY IG Criticism of Computer Based Training

"It is our fundamental responsibility to ensure our Sailors possess the right equipment, training, education and support to do their jobs effectively and safely."
The Navy IG suggests that we aren't getting the job done with regard to ensuring our Sailors are getting the right training. The Navy Times story is here.
Phil Ewing, the writer for Navy Times, told me that that full IG report would be available on the Navy Times website on Monday, 15 June. And, here it is.
NO NONSENSE OFFICER - Better Than A Medal - A Letter From CNO
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Personnel Policies
At the same time, if the Navy's personnel policies start to turn Sailors off, remember that, despite the conventional wisdom, you never lose the deadwood first. At first blush it seems you will, because your good Sailors are motivated, involved and interested in the Navy, while the deadwood had been thinking about leaving anyway.
RADM Dave Oliver in LEAD ON - A Practical Approach to Leadership
Monday, June 8, 2009
Taking Care of Our 'Veteran' Sailors

“Do you need some help?’’ someone asked.
“I don’t need no help,’’ he barked as he descended the stairs of the Quarterdeck building at Corry Station on Friday. “We whupped them at Midway, so I don’t need any help going down stairs.’’
Hopkins and seven other Battle of Midway veterans were honored Friday at Corry Station during a ceremony marking the 67th anniversary of the historic Battle of Midway, a turning point in World War II.
Photo is Captain Connie Frizzell (the first female and youngest Commanding Officer of the Center for Information Dominance at Corry Station - Pensacola, Florida) at the 67th Anniversary Commemoration of the Battle of Midway with Lewis Hopkins. Captain Frizzell is currently serving on the Joint Staff.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Taking Care of Our Sailors
It is our fundamental responsibility to ensure our Sailors possess the right equipment, training education and support to do their jobs effectively and safely.
Accordingly, we must prioritize our resources to ensure our people are trained and equipment is maintained at the highest possible state of readiness.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
The Will to Sea Power
Friday, June 5, 2009
Imagine . . .

Well, it's happening every day - on ships like USS GONZALES, USS HARRY S. TRUMAN, USS THE SULLIVANS and so many others. And it's happening ashore in places like NIOC Yokosuka, Japan; NIOC Whidbey Island, WA and NIOC Texas.
Help make it happen at your command - read Steve Farber's books.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Digital Defense - We Use The Term "Probed"

RADM Deets is the No. 2 person in charge of the Navy’s Network Warfare Command. The Sailors there work tirelessly to keep those digital armored doors shut tight. They have to. Having “secure information flowing in real time that our commanders can be confident in” is critical, RADM Deets said. "Many of those commanders, he pointed out, are in Iraq and Afghanistan and on battlefields where the role of RADM Deets’ Sailors is now considered as important as that of a tank driver, a fighter pilot or an infantry officer.
By Stephanie Heinatz,
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Leadership Lessons of a lifetime in the Navy
- If you figure everybody is senior to you, and regard them that way and give them that respect - whether they are or not isn't so important - it will allow you to develop the capacity to listen, to pay attention and to learn.
- There isn't anybody who doesn't have a good idea and isn't eager to do their job. And, when given a certain amount of latitude and authority and responsibility, in an extraordinarily high percentage of the cases, they rise to the occasion.
- Drive the authority down to the appropriate level. Give some general guidance, and then kind of get out of the way and let people do their jobs at the level at which they are capable, capitalizing on the training and equipment they've received.
- When forced to make tough decisions, strive to ensure they're "firm, fair, consistent and honest.
- You won't always have the blessing of sufficient time to explain every decision you make. Sometimes they're hard, and have to be made in a split second.
- Whenever possible, seek advice and counsel from "an immensely dedicated, smart group of men and women" - the ones who are working for you.
- If you give people the time to make their recommendation, sort through the facts and decide to do what you think is best for our nation, your command and the men and women who are going to have to do the heavy lifting, most times it turns out to be a pretty good decision.
But he also pointed to several major figures he said influenced him and his leadership style during his career:
- Retired Navy Rear Adm. Thomas A. Mercer - his first fleet squadron commanding officer.
- Navy Adm. William J. Crowe, the former PACOM commander for whom Keating served as a military aide while a flag lieutenant, gave Keating wide exposure to the Asia-Pacific region and new approaches to addressing the challenges there.
- Another former PACOM commander, retired Adm. Joseph Prueher, became Keating's close friend and advisor.
- Retired Rear Adm. Jack Zerr, who assumed command of Keating's squadron after its commanding officer died in a tragic accident, provided a "spectacular" model of leadership as he looked out for the health and welfare of everyone in his charge, Keating said. "I try to live those lessons every day," he said.
- Retired Marine Gen. Peter Pace, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, left a deep impression, Keating said, citing his "towering integrity and abiding interest in the men and women in uniform."
- His wonderful wife Wanda. One of the most profound influences on Keating came early in his career, when he was serving with Attack Squadron 122 at Naval Air Station Lemoore, California. "Wanda Lee is a perfect example of the strength you can draw from a partner who understands the importance of what you are doing and makes every sacrifice to help you achieve your command and personal goals," he said. "She is every bit as dedicated to faith, family and friends and country as anyone in uniform."
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
National Intelligence Medal for Valor

"It was an honor for the Intelligence Community to bestow one of its highest awards on Stephen – the National Intelligence Medal for Valor – in deep appreciation for his example of courage," said Admiral Dennis C. Blair, Director of National Intelligence (DNI), about the dedication. "It is entirely fitting that the Department of the Navy has honored the memory of Cryptologic Technician Technical First Class (SW) Steven P. Daugherty by giving his name to its new Assessment Center at Naval Surface Warfare Center, Corona Division." Stephen was born on 16 May 1979 and was killed in Iraq on 6 July 2007.
The Medal for Valor recognizes heroism and courage in connection with an Intelligence Community contribution to national security. It is second only to the Intelligence Cross in IC awards for bravery. The DNI established the awards Oct. 1, 2008, to properly acknowledge the extraordinary and mostly unsung accomplishments of Intelligence Community members.
Monday, June 1, 2009
No Sailor is Ever Alone

- MCPON Rick West