Successful IW officers strive to grow and develop by seeking jobs that are beyond their comfort zone. IW officers should understand the tenets of Information Operations, sensor and weapons, and national/strategic systems capabilities and limitations, and how to optimally use IW capabilities for “effects-based” warfare.
IW officers typically prove their value to the Navy during fleet operational tours where specific IW competencies are demonstrated and developed. To succeed in operational fleet tours, IW officers mcust understand and broker national/strategic systems and architecture, target and regional expertise, leading edge communications, networks and radar technology, and masters-level techniques for dominating the information domain.
IW officers deliver value to the nation through tours at National Security Agency Cryptologic Centers by capitalizing on warfighting competencies in joint and naval operations; understanding the kill chain; operations and contingency planning of IW, and, most importantly, knowledge of what the joint and naval commanders need most from national/strategic systems.
IW officers must be prepared to lead change and lead people. They must seize the initiative, motivate people, effectively apply resources, and execute the mission. These leadership traits coupled with sustained superior performance in operational assignments are the hallmark of success for IW officers and should guide the selection board when determining the best qualified officers for promotion."
RADM Edward H. Deets, in his SECNAV approved Information Warfare Community brief for promotion selection boards
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