— General David M. Shoup, former Commandant of the Marine Corps
Musings, leadership tidbits and quotes posted by a retired Navy Captain (really just a high performing 2nd Class Petty Officer) who hung up his uniform a bit too early. He still wears his Navy service on his sleeve. He needs to get over that. "ADVANCE WARNING - NO ORIGINAL THOUGHT!" A "self-appointed" lead EVANGELIST for the "cryptologic community". Keeping CRYPTOLOGY alive-one day and Sailor at a time. 2015 is 80th Anniversary of the Naval Security Group.
Oo-rah, Captain.
I'm a total right-wing conservative, so you might say I'm a bit patriotic, too. :)
Shoup was about as far from right wing conservative as a Marine Commandant could be. He called it like he saw it, disdained war and those who would send us to war. ead up on him and Smedley Butler if you are in the mood for a paradigm shift...
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