Sunday, April 20, 2008

Keeping the promise

"The call to serve is the catalyst for thousands of courageous acts that happen every day in our Navy. By raising their right hand and swearing to support the Constitution of the United States, our people promise to embark on a lifestyle of service.

As leaders, we must also keep our promise to them. We promise to give them the opportunity to contribute to a cause greater than themselves. We promise to give them the tools to grow and develop. And if they succeed, we promise to give them the chance to lead.

Keeping these promises can be the difference between victory and defeat. Anyone can lead when the going is easy, but it takes strength and character to navigate through rough waters. By keeping these promises, our leaders are rewarded with the satisfaction that comes from making a difference in the lives of their Sailors, in the defense of our nation and in the course of history."

Admiral Vern Clark, former Chief of Naval Operations

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