Musings, leadership tidbits and quotes posted by a retired Navy Captain (really just a high performing 2nd Class Petty Officer) who hung up his uniform a bit too early. He still wears his Navy service on his sleeve. He needs to get over that. "ADVANCE WARNING - NO ORIGINAL THOUGHT!" A "self-appointed" lead EVANGELIST for the "cryptologic community". Keeping CRYPTOLOGY alive-one day and Sailor at a time. 2015 is 80th Anniversary of the Naval Security Group.
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Monday, June 27, 2016
Sunday, June 26, 2016
VADM Hilarides coins phrase "CYBERTIGHT"
OCTOBER 21, 2015
OCTOBER 21, 2015
"The way we think to do that is to basically create water-tight
compartments, cyber-tight compartments, create enclaves that
have defined connection points, just a few connection points
between the ship’s LAN and the combat system, maybe only one,
between the navigation system and combat, between machinery
controls and navigation, those sort of things."
Unlike it's parallel phrase - watertight - all hands can't contribute to the fight during a cyber attack to make your system cyber-tight. The skills are far too specialized - as is the access to the cyber tools.
Unlike it's parallel phrase - watertight - all hands can't contribute to the fight during a cyber attack to make your system cyber-tight. The skills are far too specialized - as is the access to the cyber tools.
Monday, June 20, 2016
Education for Action: Operationalizing Cyberspace at USNA - Captain David Bondura's Article from SHIPMATE Magazine
Published on June 24, 2016
Much has yet to be discovered and learned in the cyber
warfighting domain; however, one simple equation has emerged over recent years
--- a hacker plus an internet-connected device plus malware now equals a
potential cyber weapon that can be used for disruption, destruction, or
intimidation. The hacker can work for either a nation state or a rogue actor;
the internet connected device can be a laptop or mobile phone; and the malware
is relatively easy to purchase or obtain.
Since 2009, the U.S. Naval Academy has led efforts to
develop and commission Naval Officers with the skills and knowledge required to
more effectively operate in the cyber warfighting domain. To date, these
efforts have been significant in promoting and fostering an “Education for
Action” mindset, recognizing that in the cyber domain, every Midshipman is
operational and fully immersed in a Department of Navy network the day they are
issued a USNA intranet account.
There can be little doubt that the Department of Navy’s
cyber challenges reach across all naval communities (i.e. air, surface,
subsurface, special warfare, medical, and human resources). The
challenges traverse all naval networks to include but not limited to C4I, Hull,
Mechanical & Engineering, Platform Information Technology, Navigation,
Weapons, Research & Engineering as well as education.
In preparing Midshipmen for these cyber challenges, four
foundational principles are routinely presented in their curriculum to “operationalize
I. The network is a warfighting platform. Operational
commanders depend on networks for Command and Control (C2), battlespace
awareness, and integrated fires in many phases of conflict and for daily
operations. Therefore, and as with any essential warfighting platform, the
network must be made available, defended from intrusion or attack; and, when
necessary deliver warfighting effects to achieve operational missions.
Assured C2, reduction of attack surface, and enhanced
defense in depth operations are well-understood, critical success factors for
carrier strike group operations. These factors are now also core to the
day-to-day conduct of successful Navy network operations in the presence of
adversaries, natural emergencies, equipment failures, and human error.
Operational Framework: Operation ROLLING
TIDE (August, 2013 – February, 2014): Within the Department of
Defense, Navy was targeted by a cyber adversary who engaged in a focused and
sustained campaign against the Navy Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI). In
network size, NMCI is second only to the internet itself, with more than 770k
users and over 120M browser transactions per day. As the unclassified
lifeline network of the Navy, NMCI supports a mix of Navy business, logistics,
administrative, and readiness processes necessary to sustain combat operations.
In response to the NMCI intrusion, Commander, Tenth Fleet
successfully planned and executed Operation Rolling Tide to
counter adversary cyber activity and regain C2 and integrity of the
network. As noted by Secretary of the Navy, Ray Mabus, ROLLING
TIDE represented the largest and most sophisticated network maneuver
in USN history.
The success of ROLLING TIDE required
extensive coordination with all USN Echelon II commands and a wide array of
joint cyber partners to ensure mission impacts were minimized, while network
security was enhanced. As the Navy’s first named cyber operation, ROLLING
TIDE represents the new cyber norm in which the Navy must be prepared
to simultaneously institute network strategies as well as lead and conduct
cyber operations across multiple levels.
As a classroom case study, ROLLING TIDE provides
multiple lessons-learned on network defense strategies, improved command and
control, risk mitigation processes, and most importantly, the “fight-through”
mentality required to operate and maneuver a network in the face of a cyber,
advanced persistent threat.
II. Foster a Cyber Warrior Ethos: Warfighting in the
Cyber domain requires the ability to maneuver, operate, and defend Navy
networks in real-time. In the traditional warfighting domains, few
military members are issued weapons, and even fewer are authorized to load
ammo; however, in the cyber warfighting domain, almost every member is given a
keyboard. It is essential to foster a warrior ethos with that keyboard to
ensure Midshipmen understand that the keyboard is more than just the interface
to “surfing the net” or doing late-night research; the keyboard needs to be
recognized as the interface to executing and enabling operations in and from
the cyber domain.
The Navy’s cyber warrior must break down the perception that
cyber operators are “techies” or “service providers.” Cyber Warriors must
be educated and trained in Navy’s traditional warfighting ethos, planning
tools, and mission accountability to ensure they can operate as a unified
maneuvering force that can function under the same planning principles and
synchronized operational orders as recognized by other warfighting commanders.
Operational Framework: U.S. Counter-Terrorism
(CT) Operations. Across this enduring mission set, a unique perspective
emerges, that helps shape a warrior ethos that is operationally relevant in
cyber warfighting on both the offensive and defensive front.
CT operations include the policy, strategy, tactics, and
techniques to combat terrorism often employing direct-action efforts to seize,
capture, or destroy a target. These operations usually require full
sharing of all-source intelligence to enable and ensure the speed, agility and
precision required to execute the mission and return safely.
As can be seen on a daily basis, cyber warriors must also be
trained and skilled to employ varying levels of direct-action efforts to seize,
capture, or destroy targets. These cyber direct-action efforts must also
be supported by the rapid dissemination of all-source intelligence to enable
the speed, precision, and agility required to enable or support both defensive
and offensive operations.
Whether it is the eradication of adversary activity on a
Navy network, enabling drone-strikes against high-profile targets, or as part
of the recently announced (April, 2016) U.S. cyber offensive against the
Islamic state, cyber operators are fully engaged in direct-action efforts to
seize, capture, or destroy targets.
In today’s conflicts, the reality is that cyber now plays a
part in operational planning and execution that five to 10 years ago was not
conceivable. Cultivating a cyber warrior ethos in our Midshipmen will be
critical in guiding all Navy warfare communities through the cyber challenges
and opportunities that are now conceivable in their lines of effort and lines
of operation.
III. Cybertight Integrity: All sailors
understand the threatening urgencies associated with a hull breach and the loss
of watertight integrity. Similarly, a network breach and the loss of
cybertight integrity must also engender a similar sense of threatening
urgency. Just as Midshipmen are introduced to watertight integrity
principles, they are now introduced to key cybertight integrity principles such
as resiliency, redundancy, diversity, and trust management required to assure
the data, the network, and the mission. Cybertight integrity must become
to a network what watertight integrity is to a vessel.
Much like material conditions of readiness,
compartmentation, and qualified damage control teams are critical components of
a ship’s watertight integrity, they must also become critical components of a
network’s cybertight integrity. A steady and stable network must have a
material condition of readiness program that accounts for and inspects
firewalls, boundary control points, intrusion detection systems, detection
software etc. Network compartmentation must allow for the rapid isolation
of compromised links and nodes so as not to effect the whole network, and a qualified
network damage control team must be identified with roles and responsibilities
clearly defined.
Operational Framework: Loss of USS Thresher (April
10, 1963): On April 9, 1963, Thresher departed the Portsmouth Naval
Shipyard with 112 crew members and 17 technical observers for deep diving
exercises in an area approximately 200 miles East of Cape Cod, MA. At
0917 on 10 April, Thresher reported “exceeding test depth” and at 0918,
Thresher’s escort ship (Skylark) detected a high-energy, low-frequency noise
with the characteristics of an implosion. The Thresher sunk in
approximately 8,400 feet of water.
Investigative findings identified that Thresher suffered
from a watertight integrity problem that started with a ruptured pipe in the
engine room causing flooding and loss of the engine control switchboard.
Per investigative conclusions, deficiencies in design, fabrication practices,
quality assurance, and operational procedures resulted in the Thresher crew
being unable to secure the flooding, blow the ballast tanks, or drive to the
In response to the Thresher findings, the Navy created
the SUBSAFE program that is purposefully designed to ensure
maximum reasonable assurance of watertight integrity and recovery capability of
a submarine. SUBSAFE mandates a culture of safety with a set of
well-understood and non-negotiable requirements across the design team, the
engineering team and the crew.
As part of the enduring Thresher legacy, SUBSAFE
served as a model for the Navy’s recently implemented CYBERSAFE program.
CYBERSAFE is designed to ensure maximum reasonable assurance of survivability
of critical Navy networks and control systems necessary for mission
success. CYBERSAFE’s mission will ensure compliance with policy, establish
strategic vision, and synchronize Navy’s cyber approach to inform, align,
evaluate, and prioritize requirements for all platforms and networks.
IV. Cyber will be a Campaign Conflict: Cyberspace as a
domain is still relatively new and yet it is completely pervasive.
Computers and telecommunications have been integral in the conduct of warfare
from their inception; however, with the emergence of cyber technologies and
weapons, joint and USN tactics, techniques and procedures must be developed and
learned in order to fight successfully within cyberspace in the virtual domain
as well as from cyberspace in the physical domain.
As in any campaign and/or operation, Commanders use
the principles of war --- mass, objective, surprise, simplicity, security,
maneuver, unity of command, economy of force, and offensive to form and select
courses of action and concepts of operation. In the cyber domain and
across these principles, the adversary tends to hold unique and distinct
advantages that must be accounted for --- these advantages are quite similar to
those seen over the past decade in Iraqi and Afghanistan combat operations when
specifically analyzing U.S. physical security and force protection
Operational Framework: Forward
Operating Bases (FOBs): For more than a decade and in support of
Operations IRAQI FREEDOM and ENDURING FREEDOM, FOBs have become the mainstay of
US presence in Iraq and Afghanistan. FOBs, such as Danger and Falcon in Iraq
and Gardez and Salerno in Afghanistan, provide vivid learning examples of a
contested environment that is under constant adversary surveillance,
where the threat of harm is real, and the adversary holds a number of principal
of war advantages to include surprise, maneuver, simplicity etc.
FOB operations, much like defensive cyber operations,
require a secure perimeter, controlled entry points, guarded access lists,
intrusion detection systems, hardened defenses, personnel and services
accountability, ready response teams, and most importantly, a warrior-like
passion to protect each other and get the mission done.
FOBs remain an integral component in the continued
Iraqi and Afghanistan campaigns, and the FOB operational framework and mindset
provides a real-world example of the framework and mindset required to be
successful in the cyber campaign conflict.
Closing: On 27 May, 2016, 1,000 Midshipmen graduated
from the Academy with a solid educational foundation in cyber as well as 27
Midshipmen who received the first Bachelor of Science Degree in Cyber
Operations. This plankowner crew of 27 represents the Navy’s commitment
to enhancing cyber readiness across the Fleet as well as the Naval Academy’s
role in preparing graduate-leaders with deep foundational cyber knowledge and
skills. The Academy's “education for action – operationalizing
cyberspace ” program recognizes that in moving forward, we must learn
from the past, understand the present, and prepare for a complex and
challenging future in the cyber warfighting domain --- and it will start with one
Midshipman at a time.
1. U.S. Fleet Cyber Command / TENTH Fleet Stratrgic
Plan (2015 – 2020)
2. SUBSAFE – USS Thresher (SSN 593) Lessons:
Learned Available at:
3. Task Force Cyber Awakening EXCOM (14 August 2015)
4. Thresher Base: Available at:
5. War in Cyberspace (A Theory of War in the Cyber
Domain): Available at:
6. ADM Rogers' remarks during the Cyber Lecture series
(Note: The above post was first-published in the
May/June 2016 issue of SHIPMATE.)
Friday, June 17, 2016
One of the most popular posts of all time on my blog - From "Navigating a New Course To Command Excellence"
The Significant Role of the Navy Chief Petty Officer (CPO) In Superior Commands

For there to be a strong chiefs quarters, the chiefs must feel that they are valued and that they have the authority and responsibility to do the job the way they think it ought to be done. In superior commands, the chiefs feel that their special leadership role is sanctioned and appreciated by the rest of the command, especially the CO. In these commands, the chiefs are included in all major activities, particularly planning. Their input is sought and readily given. If they believe that something won't work or that there is a better way to do it, they speak up.
Chiefs in superior commands lead by taking responsibility for their division. They motivate their subordinates, counsel them, defend them when unjustly criticized, monitor and enforce standards, give positive and negative feedback, communicate essential information, solicit input, monitor morale, and take initiative to propose new solutions and to do things before being told. The chiefs play a key role in the enforcement of standards. Because they are out and about, they see for themselves whether job performance and military bearing meet the Navy's and the command's requirements.
When work is done well, they offer recognition and rewards; when it is done poorly, they act to correct it. They also know the importance of modeling the kind of behavior they expect their people to display. If they expect their personnel to work long hours to get something done, they work the same hours right along with them. Their concerns extend beyond their immediate areas, however.
Chiefs in superior commands act for command-wide effectiveness, promoting the success of the unit as a whole. Although they have a strong sense of ownership and take responsibility for their division's activities, they are able to look beyond the job at hand: when other departments or divisions need assistance, chiefs in superior commands are willing to help.
The superior chiefs quarters usually has a strong leader who plays the role of standard-bearer for the command, creates enthusiasm, offers encouragement, and drives others to excel. It is usually someone whom the other chiefs perceive as fair, who stands up for their interests and those of the crew, who listens with an open mind, and who has demonstrated a high degree of technical proficiency.
In superior commands, the chiefs quarters functions as a tight-knit team. The chiefs coordinate well, seek inputs from each other, help with personal problems, identify with the command's philosophy and goals, and treat each other with professional respect.
Finally, this ability to perceive larger goals and to work toward them as a team extends to their relationships with division officers. Chiefs in superior commands are sensitive to the difficulties that arise for division officers, who lack experience and technical know-how but must nevertheless take their place as leaders within the chain of command. A superior chiefs quarters supports and advises these new officers fully and tactfully.
Want to have a superior command? It's ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE to get there without a superior CPO mess.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Monday, June 13, 2016
Rochefort versus Nave
You have to read - A Man of Intelligence, written by the brilliant RAN Captain Ian Pfennigwerth. The Australians had their own Joe Rochefort.
The only American naval code-breaker in the Pacific war of comparable brilliance to Nave was Joseph Rochefort. He joined the US Navy at the same time Nave joined the RAN and also learnt Japanese in the 1920s in Japan. Although recommended for the prestigious Distinguished Service Medal (DSM) by the great Admiral Nimitz himself, it was opposed by the same malign influences that made Nave’s work unnecessarily difficult. Rochefort died in 1976, aged 76, but was awarded the DSM posthumously in 1985 and a year later the Presidential Medal of Freedom. It would be a wonderful thing if Eric Nave could receive comparable posthumous recognition.
From The Spectator
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Cognitive Diversity - the diversity we have been looking for
thinkinG diFFerently:
the imPortAnce oF diversity
Some of the most compelling research in recent years has looked at the importance of cognitive diversity—bringing together people who think differently than each other. Professor Scott E. Page of the University of Michigan has identified four “frameworks” for cognitive diversity:
the imPortAnce oF diversity
Some of the most compelling research in recent years has looked at the importance of cognitive diversity—bringing together people who think differently than each other. Professor Scott E. Page of the University of Michigan has identified four “frameworks” for cognitive diversity:
▶ Diverse perspectives – ways of representing
the world
▶ Diverse interpretations – ways of creating categories
▶ Diverse heuristics – techniques and tools for making improvements
▶ Diverse predictive models – inferences about correlation and cause and effect
▶ Diverse interpretations – ways of creating categories
▶ Diverse heuristics – techniques and tools for making improvements
▶ Diverse predictive models – inferences about correlation and cause and effect
Through a rigorous logic exercise, Page demonstrates that diverse groups get better outcomes than homogeneous ones. The implications for complex
project teams are clear—in a world where knowledge is the only competitive advantage, cognitive
diversity is critical for bringing the best ideas to the
table. This insight suggests that the trend toward
employing global, distributed teams to tackle complex projects—as we’ve seen with the International
Space Station, the Large Hadron Collider, and the
ITER nuclear fusion reactor, among others—will
only increase in the years to come. We don’t collaborate solely in the interest of sharing financial
burdens; we also work together because there is
strength in the diversity of talent.
From: NASA's Journey to Project Management Excellence
From: NASA's Journey to Project Management Excellence
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Peyton Manning - Write it down
At a Director's Speakers series on 6 May 2016, former Broncos/Colts quarterback
"You have to write it down or it's a waste of time. It's the only way to really learn."
He also said,
"Leading by example is not a way of leading; it is the only way to lead."
Saturday, June 4, 2016
Friday, June 3, 2016
Thursday, June 2, 2016
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
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