Master Chief Petty Officer Ronald N. Schwartz passed away on 27 August 2007 following a fatal tractor accident near his home in Indiana. He had a distinguished career as a Cryptologic Maintenance Technician in the Naval Security Group. He served in USS BIDDLE, in The White House Communication Office, at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, on the Staff of the Chief of Naval Education and Training, as an instructor at Naval Technical Training Center - Corry Station - Pensacola, Florida and as Command Master Chief for U.S. Naval Security Group Activity - Yokosuka, Japan. One of the young men he influenced there (now CTRCM Cedric Rawlinson) took his place as the Command Master Chief twelve years later.
On the eighth anniversary of his passing, I suspect he continues to smile upon us knowing that,
Naval Network Warfare Command reversed their decision to disestablish the Cryptologic Technician Maintenance rating in the Navy. CTMs survive and NNWC does not. He was foremost a career-long advocate for Sailors and, in particular, the Cryptologic Maintenance Technicians afloat and serving in the Fleet Electronic Support shops around the world. THE MESSAGE: Never doubt the value of our Cryptologic Technicians; for the most part, theirs is a unique contribution to the Navy's warfighting ability. That capability must be preserved for the good of the nation.