Monday, August 15, 2011

What are your goals regarding Navy transformation?

The Navy is on a good course and speed regarding transformation initiatives and we have a good navigation plan for the future. If confirmed, my goals will remain largely consistent with our current efforts. For example, Navy has taken the lead within DoD in reshaping itself to meet current and future cyber threats and opportunities, but we have more work to do to capitalize on our progress to date and realize the full potential of our growing cyber force. 

We must continue to mature Navy’s recently-formed Information Dominance Corps, which will help develop integrated solutions in unmanned ISR systems, Electronic Warfare, and C5I. We must continue to retain our advantage in the undersea domain in order to achieve joint assured access wherever it is needed. We will also focus on supporting the development of emerging technologies we think hold the greatest promise for future naval and joint warfighting (such as the railgun, Free Energy Laser, and Directed Energy).

Underpinning all these goals is a need to transform our demographics within the Navy to ensure our personnel reflect the society we defend. I intend to pursue diversity goals within established policy guidelines, so that we can recruit, retain, and promote the best talent the nation has to offer, regardless of color, creed, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender.

Admiral Greenert
Senate Confirmation Hearing to be the next Chief of Naval Operations


  1. Captain Lambert,

    I fail to understand how the discipline and honor that was described by;
    Leland P. Lovette
    Lieutenant Commander
    United States Navy,
    In his words posted Friday, August 12, 2011, Standing on Tradition, are so far from what Admiral Greenert (CNO nominee), and his pandering to the power to gain position stated. It would appear that tradition has given way to affirmative action. And that is the Navy’s loss.

    Very Respectfully,

  2. The last paragraph of this quote encapsulates the absurdity of the diversity arguement. "we want to reflect our society" but "we only want the best".... which is it Admiral? You can't have both. Personally, I want the best, period.

  3. Anonymous,
    August 17, 2011 3:50 AM

    Unfortunately with the leadership provided by the ranking members of the Military, and civilians that control the Military, we will be saddled with many of those whose qualifications might be questionable, and if they truly reflect our society we will be in serious trouble as a formidable Military organization.

    Very Respectfully,
