Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Authentic Leadership - Here it is

Authentic Leadership and emotional intelligence, when paired with professional and technical excellence, provide a powerful differentiator for organizational leaders in the 21st century. Emotionally intelligent leaders are self aware, can self manage through all kinds of situations, and have excellent relationship building skills.

Authentic Leaders have high levels of emotional intelligence and are able to live and lead consistent with their authentic self – who they are when at their best, and living more of the time consistent with their values and vision.

Our Information Warfare community Flag leaders (RADMs Rogers & Brown, RDMLs Leigher, Filipowski, Tighe and Metts) have all (each) expressed that "our people are our greatest resource and our true difference maker."  Our IW Flag leaders owe it to us now to show the authenticity of their leadership by demonstrating the truth of that statement through their deliberate actions and interactions. Our Sailors are watching, waiting, judging.


  1. Lots of brain power in that line-up.

  2. Looking at the six of them in a line like that, I am astounded by the intellectual capacity we have at the top. How can we fail? I hope they respect each other and are able to work together effectively for the Navy.

  3. And not one Enlisted Sailor...Guess we can all go home.

  4. Darren Seibert, CTA1, USN RetiredAugust 16, 2011 at 5:53 PM

    Leadership has never been more authentic for our Navy's Cryptoligist/Information War-Fighters.

  5. To Anon at 2:27: Go home if you wish, I'm sticking around. With leaders like these, there is nothing but exciting, productive and "hair on fire" speed for our community's future.

  6. Brain power is great, but whether or not they turn that into ACTION is the real question and has been the Archilles Heel of our community since WWII.

  7. ADM Mullen said that the national debt is our biggest threat to national security. We are an overextended empire facing strategic and fiscal bankruptcy. Our military is grossly overextended, relative to our debt, joblessness, and concerns at home. All these new flag officers represent the kind of overextended and bloated military that we have. Though perfunctory, congratulatory kudos go to their accomplishments, it is kind of like announcing the new factory managers at a plant in Detroit these days -- most irrelevant when looking at the big picture.
