"I continue to be amazed by the number of junior officers who do not receive counseling on their career and performance. That is one of your most important responsibilities. Explain the fitness report and its importance in an officer's assignment and promotion. Give them some insight into various assignments, the importance of a "service reputation" and taking advantage of opportunities. Make sure no officer is surprised by their fitness report. They should know where they stand, all the time. And, I expect total honesty in how we evaluate our people - we simply must be more effective in this area."
Jim McFarland
Rear Admiral
Commander, Naval Security Group Command
The nice thing about this is that the problem was solved in 1987 and we no longer have to worry about these issues. I have been told that all officer counseling: (1) is done on time, (2) provides insight into various assignments, (3) explains "service reputation, (4) is totally honest and (5) includes no surprises.