Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Vice Admiral James Bond Stockdale - One of the five characteristics of a leader

Must Be a Moralist

First, in order to lead under duress, one must be a moralist. By that, I don’t mean being a poseur, one who sententiously exhorts his comrades to be good. I mean he must be a thinker. He must have the wisdom, the courage, indeed the audacity to make clear just what, under the circumstances, the good is. This requires a clear perception of right and wrong and the integrity to stand behind one’s assessment. The surest way for a leader to wind up in the ash can of history is to have a reputation for indirectness or deceit. A disciplined life will encourage commitment to a personal code of conduct.

My article about the VADM James Bond Stockdale Inspirational Leadership Award winners is HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Alberto Gomez-HernandezDecember 7, 2011 at 8:44 AM

    Nice article about a man of true character.
