Tuesday, December 6, 2011

All Flag Officer Challenge

An unnamed junior officer suggested the following challenge to the new Chief of Naval Operations:

"Captain, if I could ask the CNO to do one very visible demonstration of his leadership, I would ask that he challenge all of his Flag officers to report their no B.S. semi-annual Navy Physical Readiness Test (PRT) scores and body fat percentages for their staffs to see.  We have seen a renewal of the culture of fitness in our own command with our CO/XO/CMC weighing in and testing with us.  It's very motivating and gives great visibility for our Command Fitness Leader (CFL) and our Command Fitness Team (CFT)."  "We kick ass on the Navy PRT !!"



  1. It would be a nice gesture, and would probably resonate at the staff level. At the unit level, especially the big NIOCs, the impact would be diluted to the point of insignificance. BLUF: it will take a comprehensive, three dimensional overhaul of the entire physical readiness system to make any lasting change in the Navy's culture.

    The entire goal (passing the PRT) has to be shifted to something meaningful (actual strength and conditioning) before the rest of the system will change. I don't have high hopes for it in my lifetime.

  2. Justin Rogers ENS, USN (1170)December 6, 2011 at 4:59 PM

    Be the change you want to see in the world!!! Get out there and crush those personal goals! One of the highlights to my week down here at NNPTC is when we do group PT, which is definitely not unit or command PT, but it is still fun and motivating. Let's go Nuke Navy!!

  3. Ensign,

    Well maybe you can change the Nuke Navy's mentality toward the PFA...If you are Nuke it is near impossible to be administratively discharged for PFA failures. The rest of the Navy throws you out after 3 failures in a 4 year period.

  4. I've seen good flag officers and some not so good flag officers. The distinction is based on judgement, decision making, professionalism, competence etc. etc. The number of push ups the flag can do is not part of the equation. PRT scores are window dressing. It looks nice but doesn't tell yoy a lot about what goes on inside.

  5. The issue here is not good Flags or bad Flags or good Sailors or bad Sailors or physically fit people in the Navy. The issue is one of integrity. We can all see the overweight Flag and senior officers and Chiefs that are evaluated on different basis than our Sailors. Our Sailors are being held to a higher standard of readiness than their superiors. That is WRONG, plain and simple.

  6. Justin Rogers ENS, USN (1170)December 7, 2011 at 6:45 PM

    This is something I am conscientious of as a Nuke (the lack of PT emphasis, I guess) and can certainly see where you are coming from (WRT anon at 0727). I have heard that VADM Richardson during one of his waterfront visits was not impressed with how many obvious out of reg type people he was seeing. What I have heard from the JG's in my Power School classes is that CO's/XO's are NOT visible at PRT's etc. This is certainly not the right direction to take (thus my agreement with the blog). Senior leadership at all levels should take an active part in their personal and their own organizations' physical mission. It's part of what we do!!! My guess is that a small gesture from the top will change any mentality out there that doesn't care. Plus, it only bolsters the strong team atmosphere we are all about in the Navy!

  7. in·teg·ri·ty   [in-teg-ri-tee] noun
    1. adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.

    Fix this. The rest will take care of itself.

  8. I concur with Raif's philosophy making Navy Physical Readiness a meaningful program to keep our force healthy, sharp and fit. Until you change the forcus of the program to one of enforcement (which leads to force shaping) to one of a constant culture of physical "readiness," the program is moot.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the last Commanding Officer who recently passed away did so right after taking his semi-annual Physical Readiness Test?

  9. Shipmates, physical fitness has to be(come) a good habit and a way of life - not just a box getting checked twice a year, motivated by potentisal punishment. Like any good thing in life, physical fitness requires habitual repetition, coupled with an attitude that supports the maintenance of the habit. Even now, suffering with Parkinson's Disease, I make time to hit the gym for an hour each day - and take piano lessons (both) to support strength and dexterity to slow the progress of a neurological affliction that eventually will kill me.
    Seaman to CNO - heed my advice: choose fitness and MAKE TIME for it.
    V/r, CAPT Steve Myers. USN (Ret.)
