Thursday, April 9, 2015

Every Sailor is a cyber warrior. NOT!

Captain John Gelinne, USN, (Retired) posits that every Sailor is a cyber warrior.  I don't think this is the case.  I don't even think that every Sailor is a sailor.  (At least not in the way every Marine is a rifleman).  We just don't train that way.  We seem to have lost the precision in our language.

You can read it HERE.


  1. In my day, every sailor was a cook !

  2. COS is spot on, and precise. I would posit that people need to think less about what they see in modern entertainment and think more about the larger cyber construct.

  3. Every Sailor with an account on a government system is on the front lines of the Cyber War, whether they realize it or not. They are targets. They are potentially a vulnerabilty and a security breech.

  4. Anon at 1:19 PM

    That is not to suggest that they are Cyber Warriors. Most have no idea that they are even in the fight.

    Erin Andersonn

  5. Not to take away from the article (which I admit I haven't read because I am not a Proceeding's subscriber), but please help us understand what we mean by the term "Cyber Warrior" and what we intend to accomplish by using that term. As I admitted in my talk at "Cyber Talks", I cringe every time I hear/read that term. Just as I do when people say we need to be URLs and that the color of the Flag our Admirals fly matters. Invokes thoughts of Margaret Thatcher's quote, "Being a leader is like being a lady, if you have to go around telling people you are one, you aren't." Personally, I believe the hacker ethic to be at least as important as the warrior ethos in our profession.

  6. How can you not be a Proceedings subscriber?

  7. Can we not just call them Sailors? Airmen? Seamen? How about Cybermen? We have surface warriors, air warriors, undersea warriors.

    As the SECDEF examines a separate cyber force, I hope he collects all the billets from the various services coded cyber to create the exalted CYBER FORCE and then you can see how false the narrative is about cyber. You'll be scrambling to recode them back to their rightful purposes.

  8. Sorry to disappoint Anon 4:45 PM - I'll do better :)

  9. LMAO ... picturing the uniform/culture/stereotypes of the "CYBER SERVICE" ... someone call Jeff Bacon quick.
