Monday, July 14, 2014

Sailors are our most important asset

Sir, when your words and actions don't align, you have fallen into the credibility gap. When you have a credibility gap at your command, it is damaging to your reputation and to your career. And since you're in a significant leadership role, your credibility gap is hurting our Navy and our Sailors.

Navy Regulations 1990

The Commanding Officer and his or her subordinates shall exercise leadership through personal example, moral responsibility, and judicious attention to the welfare of persons under their control or supervision. Such leadership shall be exercised in order to achieve a positive, dominant influence on the performance of persons in the Department of the Navy.


  1. Captain,
    Unfortunately to many CO's have the attitude of "What have you done for me lately". They don't take the time to either help their subordinates or their behavior is that they are above the law. Even simple courtesies have fallen by the way side. Used to be when a group of trainers came aboard and bent over backwards to accommodate a schedule shift you sent a naval message thanking them or perhaps hand them a coin. I can tell you it does not happen now. Its just lip service and then a get off my ship. But these are the same people calling you and begging for help or a hook up a few weeks later.
    A few CO's do get it but I would have to say the vast majority I deal with on a daily basis do not.

    I am sure I will probably get quite a few negative comments concerning my opinion but after 24 years of service I have learned a thing or two.
    Very Respectfully,

  2. Ops LDO,

    My experience matches yours for 6 of 8 COs I had.

  3. People are the most important ‘piece of equipment’ we have. Too often we fail to apply the appropriate maintenance to them as we would a weapon system or running rust and only realize when we have pushed them too far when they inevitably break. I have not known too many people that want to be coddled, the vast majority just want to be treated with respect, provided the tools and training to do their jobs and be given the authority/freedom to exercise some judgment appropriate to their place in the organization.

    Ops LDO,
    I agree, something as simple as a ‘thank you’ and a short note or record message can go a long way. Just for thought though, I have been on the other side of an inspection team who felt neglected by the lack of ‘hospitality’ they received by the command being inspected. An aside (not official) debrief point was that it was customary and almost a de factor rule to provide coffee and snacks for the inspectors in the working space that was provided for them to have their conversations and do their required admin work. While I get the point that they were there to do a job and were TAD away from home, they were also on per diem and I found it odd that they expected the command (whether the CO, XO or action officer assigned to manage the inspection) to pay for their refreshments; the command provided exactly what was spelled out in the inspection requirements.

    Whether a qualification board, an INSURV or IG inspection -- I would rather be judged on my merits and proficiency than my ability to provide a memorable buffet or great swag to my assessor.
