Wednesday, July 9, 2014

A must read for the IDC

The professional journal of the Navy has devoted an entire issue to the Information Dominance Corps.  It's your professional responsibility to maintain an acute awareness of what's going on in your community.  May sure you make the time to read the July issue of PROCEEDINGS magazine.

Click HERE to read it.

You may even want to consider a subscription.


  1. Sir, it is not a is membership in the Naval Institute, the premier professional association of the sea services, for those who dare to read, think, speak, and write about the challenges we face.

  2. Sir, it is not a is membership in the Naval Institute, the premier professional association of the sea services, for those who dare to read, think, speak, and write about the challenges we face.

  3. Sir, it is not a is membership in the Naval Institute, the premier professional association of the sea services, for those who dare to read, think, speak, and write about the challenges we face.

  4. This was a good reminder that I had let my USNI membership lapse.

    Checklist complete.
