Monday, January 6, 2014


Once regarded as the finest ship in the Pacific Fleet (1998), when the USS BENFOLD won the prestigious Spokane Trophy for having the highest degree of combat readiness under the command of Commander Michael D. Abrashoff, the ship and her crew are making some serious innovation waves in our great Navy.  

Though I haven't heard much about USS BENFOLD since 1998, the crew is making news with their highly successful ATHENA project.  Hooray! Commander Rich LeBron and his BENFOLD crew are doing some amazing things.  Featured on the CNO's Rapid Innovation Cell (CRIC), CDR LeBron explains what's been happening HERE.  USS BENFOLD IS BACK !! theATHENAproject is an innovation-fueled initiative founded on USS BENFOLD (DDG 65) to make the Navy better through powerful ideas, unique solutions, and intellectual courage.

theATHENA project is on FaceBook page HERE.

CNO's Rapid Innovation Cell is HERE.

BRAVO ZULU to Commander Rich LeBron and the entire DDG-65 crew.  ONWARD WITH VALOR Shipmates !!


  1. Lots of excellence between 1998-2013, just not well publicized or recognized.

  2. Good comment, Anon @ 3:19. Never a doubt the ship did well during those years. Unfortunate choice of words for the article.

  3. In fairness, USS BENFOLD won the gold anchor for 2012 and Battle E in 2008 and 2009.

    Please help me out with other awards, if you are aware of them.

