"Good Petty Officers know what their uniform, their Navy, and their flag stands for. They are proud members of the best fighting organization in the world. The United States Navy.
Good Petty Officers are concerned with their Sailors' individual welfare and their future. They pat their Sailors on the back when they do well, and give them hell when they need it. That way they make better Sailors and make progress. They teach their trade. They encourage. They inspire. They are consistent. They are competitive. Their outfit is the best. They assume responsibility. They give their Sailors responsibility. They pass the word. They create team spirit.
Good Petty Officers put their hearts and souls into their work. They radiate enthusiasm and spark. They know the Navy. They know their rates, and they genuinely appreciate what they know.
Good Petty Officers recognize that success comes from the effort of a larger number of people, not just one or two. The whole organization has to function well, not just a few members."
ADM Arleigh A. Burke
Mike, there are couple of typographical errors in your post: "petty" should be "Petty" at the beginning of the second paragraph, and I believe you ment to say "pat on the back" vice "at on the back".
Read your blog every day. Keep up the good work.
Anon @ 7:56
Thanks for the assist. Vision is not so hot at 5:30 am.
I appreciate it.
Sir, Thank you for this post! Will ensure widest possible dissemination.
Student, DLIFLC
CTI1(IDW/SW) Demian Ford,
Thank you very much for taking the time to do that. Thank you for your Service in our great Navy and thanks for reading my blog.
Anonymous, December 18, 2013 at 7:56 AM
When you point out the typographical errors that one might make you should be careful not to make typographical errors yourself. In your first line you left out the “a” between, are and couple. In the second line “ment “ is misspelled, and I believe you meant to say “meant”. The word vice in the third sentence is misused; the proper use is vice versa.
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