Saturday, February 9, 2013

CNO Reading List

The Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Admiral Jonathan Greenert introduced the newest edition of the CNO Professional Reading Program in NAVADMIN 309/12 in conjunction with the Navy’s 237th birthday. 

“Reading, discussing and understanding the ideas found in the CNO-PRP will not only improve our critical thinking skills, but will also help us become better sailors, citizens, and most importantly leaders.” 

The revamped program lists 42 books organized under the three tenets of the CNO’s navigation plan: warfighting first, operate forward, and be ready. Each book was selected to illustrate key points about ways the Navy contributed to national security in the past and how it will operate in the future.

Just curious, have you read any of them?  A recent informal survey of senior leaders suggests that most of them do not believe CNO actually expects the books to be read.   I have to confess, I only own one of the 42.


  1. A quick quiz for all Navy flag officers seems to be in order. My bet is less than 10% of our Navy flags have read a book in all three categories - Ready, Forward, Warfighting. Our staff has not done any better. Just ask.

    Captain Junge,
    Any comments to the contrary?

  2. Currently I am reading The Morality of War

    I have completed reading the following:

    1812: The Navy’s War
    Cyber War
    The Crisis of Islam
    Red Star over the Pacific
    Leadership, the Warrior's Art
    On the Origins of War
    One Hundred Years of Sea Power
    Shackleton's Way (one of the best I have read so far)
    Six Frigates
    Starship Troopers
    To the Shores of Tripoli

    Call me odd, but I like to read & I believe it promotes thinking. I don't consider myself an overly intuitive or intelligent person. My previous Commanding Officer almost always had a book that he was reading and had a habit of when he got done he passed it along to a JO. About a week later you could expect him to ask over a meal in the Wardroom about items from the book. Eventually JO’s started passing books amongst themselves. I think the best part of the whole thing was when Junior Officer’s started passing books to him.

  3. James Hammersla

    Great Job. You shamed me on this. I suspect many others are doing much worse in their reading. I need to balance my reading with my writing. I've sent 142 pieces of correspondence so far this year.

    Keep on reading, writing and publishing!

  4. I highly recommend "Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors" and "Six Frigates". Both educate and inform on two very important eras of our Naval history -- including its origin in "Six Frigates". "Last Stand..." paints a vivid and humbling picture of the bravery and sacrifice of Tin Can Sailors in WWII. Very good reads!
