Thursday, November 22, 2012

Who watches the watchers?

Many leader preach to their protégés that character was what you did when no one was watching. 

Remember, that someone is always watching.


  1. Captain Lambert,

    At this time some schools are tracking their students every move with RFID tracking. The use of drones to spy on most anything and everyone has been authorized by Congress. Congress is on the verge of passing a law that allows numerous governmental departments to read private citizens e-mails. I do believe that Orwell’s, 1984 is creeping up on us. Where are the defenders of the United States Constitution and the right to privacy guaranteed by that Constitution?

    I recall back in 1954, as a young Bluejacket attending my first Navy school, and as I was reading that book I felt fortunate that we in this United States had no such threats to face. But that scenario has changed and we had better start looking over our shoulder for the thought police, they have come looking toward us all with suspicion. And who is watching these individuals that are watching us? No one, because they are the thought police and their lies and deceit are always covered up and discarded, they seem to be immune to questioning or prosecution.

    Very Respectfully,

  2. A couple years ago there was a movie about a future where some supercomputer could predict when someone was going to commit a crime BEFORE the crime was committed. Police were then dispatched to apprehend the FUTURE criminal.

    This terrifies the 'Navyman834" in me but the 'father of two daughters' that watches the ever seemingly increasing random crime on the evening news thinks that this might not be a bad idea.

    Increasing ISR that comes with appropriate oversight is a good thing.

  3. Anonymous, November 26, 2012 12:53 PM,

    It is a real conundrum to face the things our nation and the world are challenged by these days. I raised three children, that is not totally true because I was a Sailor for most of their early lives and was gone a great deal of the time, I had to depend on their mother to raise them. Those were less perilous times than what we see today, but those times were bad enough with drugs in elementary school even and other bad events such as vandalism, truancy, shoplifting, and other various crimes ,which could ruin the lives of children that might get caught up with those things. There are tough choices that a parent has to make in the upbringing of his/her offspring in my opinion. The main thing is to be concerned and act on your concerns as necessary to do what is best for your children, they may not think that what you are doing is best for them, but if you provide discipline, oversight and understanding rather than just watching sports on TV it can be a life saver for your children, even though they may not agree with your approach at the time.

    It frightens me to think that I would be exposed to ISR activity, because our present system of laws does not hold one responsible for what is in their mind but for what they physically do that might be unlawful.


  4. I may be missing something from your post but a system that holds people accountable for their actions and NOT their thoughts is a good thing.

  5. Anonymous, November 28, 2012 1:40 PM,

    You are absolutely correct and I am sorry if my writing did not express that very concern, that is what I meant to express. Having the thoughts and being able to counter those thoughts because of past disciplines, common sense and good judgment are some of the keys that can be applied and make the difference between good fortune and misfortune.


  6. Anonymous, November 28, 2012 1:40 PM,

    You are absolutely correct and I am sorry if my writing did not express that very concern, that is what I meant to express. Having the thoughts and being able to counter those thoughts because of past disciplines, common sense and good judgment are some of the keys that can be applied and make the difference between good fortune and misfortune.

