Saturday, November 10, 2012

8 signs you have found your life's work in the Navy. 5 of 8 is not bad either.

1. It doesn't feel like work.
Your life's work is not a "job"-- it's a way of living.

2. You are aligned with your core values.
Your life's work is an extension of your beliefs and worldview.

3. You are willing to suffer.
Passion comes from the latin word 'pati,' which means 'to suffer.'

4. You experience frequent flow.
You naturally and often fall "in flow," deeply immersed by your work and the present moment.

5. You make room for living.
Your work provides you the ability to live fully and enjoy life.

6. Commitment is an honor.
When you discover your life's work, the question of commitment is easy.

7. The people who matter notice.
"You look vibrant!" and "I've never seen you so healthy and happy!" and "This is without question what you're meant to be doing!" are among the comments you may hear from the people closest to you when you're on the right path.

8. You fall asleep exhausted, fulfilled, and ready for tomorrow.
You go to sleep each night grateful for the day.

From  Amber Rae, Founder & CEO of The Bold Academy,  You can read the whole post HERE.


  1. Justin Rogers ENS, USN (1170)November 10, 2012 at 11:48 AM

    Excellent post!

  2. This is a tangent comment, but I'd appreciate your thoughts on the "punished for your proficiency" way of business that haunts many officers who are considered "rising stars" in the Navy/IW community. In this regard, I write about the officers that break out on their fitness reports, do everything possible to serve the mission and the command and work themselves into the ground to only be given more work, and then, to rub salt into their wounds, watch less competent officers be given the most in-demand opportunities for doing absolutley nothing ie the officer that literally spent 2.5 years "studying" for the 1810/IDC qualification as his only job and was chosen to go on a deployment all the JOs wanted and had done more than him to earn because, as a senior officer put it, the guy was a project and couldn't be trusted to go on a submarine . . .

    Serving in the Navy is my calling and knowing I'm giving back to our country and our nation's defense is a reward in and of itself. But, to be honest, it takes the wind out of my Sails to give my all doing the work nobody wants to do and then watch those that contribute nothing to the Navy, those that abuse the Navy as some abuse foodstamps and social assistance programs, be given everything (so it seems).
    Should I just stop comparing myself to others (rhetorical question) or is there a solution to what I perceive is a system that discourages hardwork and rewards incompetence?

  3. Commitment should not come with blinders on. Sailors have, and are supported by families, communities, and have a commitment to society at large. Digging into one´s job exclusively without due concern and payback to family, community, and society (and a holistic perspective) is unhealthy for both the Navy and the individual in the long run.
