Thursday, October 11, 2012

For my Shipmate - the reciprocity of your generosity

1 comment:

  1. Captain Lambert,

    This is so true, one can only generally appreciate this thought after many years have passed, when we in the Navy were transferred every 2, 3 or four years for our entire career it was difficult to keep up with even those that made extra effort to bring their abilities and endeavors for the Navy to the forefront, and then you found yourself transferred to another duty station. The internet and the personal computer have brought back together many individuals who most generally express their appreciation for things of the past that you rendered to them. I love to get those e-mails that start out “Is that really you Chief Hughes?” or “Are you the COB that I had on Tecumseh?” The Navy was a place that youngsters were placed and their abilities, loyalty and attitudes were not apparent sometimes, but they developed these things over the years and I was always one to recognize these individuals for those developments.

    Very Respectfully,
