Friday, September 7, 2012

Command Qualification Exam

"The establishment of the command qualification examination is part of the Chief of Naval Operation's new Navy Command Qualification requirement, which set the standards for qualifying and screening Navy commanding officers. This exam will ensure that the officers going to command will have the requisite knowledge to successfully lead their commands."
Any word out there on progress with the IDC or IW command qualification process?
How will we deal with command screened O5/O6 candidates who fail the command qualification exam?  If everyone passes, do we need a command qualification exam?  Early reports are that the first 9 of 10 test takers failed the SWO exam.  Those who fail must wait 90 days to take the next proctored exam.  No word on how many times you can take the exam.

CNO's COMMAND QUALIFICATION PROGRAM Instruction 1412.14 is HERE.   Feel free to discuss among yourselves.  Be kind!


  1. Here is the short list of study material from the SWO Command Qualification Exam Bibliography

    Rules of the Road
    1) COMDTINST M16672.2D
    Command Management
    2) BUPERINST 1080.53
    3) BUPERINST 1430.16F: Ch 11
    4) Commander’s Cyber Security and Information Assurance Handbook (18 January 2012)
    5) COMNAVSURFORINST 1412.1C Surface Warfare Officer Qualification
    6) COMNAVSURFORINST 3502.3 Surface Force Readiness Manual
    7) JAGINST 5800.7E (JAGMAN): Ch 1
    8) Manual for Courts Martial: Rule 311-316
    9) MILPERSMAN: Article 1070-170, 1301-102, 1306-108
    10) NAVSEA OP 4 REV 9: Ch 2
    11) OPNAVINST 1740.3C
    12) OPNAVINST 1754.5B
    13) OPNAVINST C3501.2K (Classified)
    14) OPNAVINST 5354.1F
    15 OPNAVINST 6110.1J
    16) USN Commander’s Quick Reference Handbook for Legal Issues (April 2012)
    Material Readiness
    17) CNSFINST 3120.1
    19) EDORM 3540.3A
    20) EOSS USERS GUIDE (EUG): Ch 1
    21) NAVSEAINST 4790.8B: Section 1-7
    22) NAVSEA OP 4 REV 9: Section 3-12
    23) NAVSEA S9522-AA-HBK-010: Section 3.4
    24) NSTM 262: Section 3.6
    25) NSTM 300
    26) NSTM 505: Section 10.7
    27) NSTM 542: Section 5.3
    28) NSTM 551: Section 2.4
    29) NSTM 555: Section 2.9
    30) NSTM 571
    31) OPNAVINST 5100.19E VOL I: Ch B2, App B2, B6
    32) OPNAVINST 9640.1A
    33) S0400-AD-URM-010/TUM (series) Tag-Out User’s Manual

    Navigation, Seamanship and Shiphandling
    34) Adam’s Shipboard Bridge Resource Management: Ch 8
    35) Barber’s Naval Shiphandler’s Guide: Ch 6, 8, 10
    36) Bowditch Pub No. 9: Ch 5, 6, 7, 8, Glossary
    37) CNSFINST/CNAFINST 3530.4C NAVDORM: Ch 1, 3, App C, App H
    38) Dutton’s Navigation and Piloting: Ch 13
    39) NOAA Weather Radio Website -

    Maritime Warfare
    40) ATP 1(E) Vol I: Ch 5 (Sect 2-7)
    41) ATP 28B: Glossary
    42) CJCSI 3121.01B: Enclosures A, B, C, and I and Appendix A, B, C
    43) JP 1-02 Review Defn of Joint Component Commanders
    44) JP 3-01: Ch. 2 (Section 6)
    45) Navy Wide OPTASK AD
    46) Navy Wide OPTASK IO
    47) Navy Wide OPTASK MIW
    48) NTTP 3-01.11 (DRAFT): Ch 6, 7
    49) NTTP 3-02-1: Ch 1, 2, 4, 5
    50) NTTP 3-02.2: Ch 1, 2
    51) NTTP 3-07.11M: Ch 1, 2, 5, 6
    52) NTTP 3-13.14: Ch 2, 3 (Section 3.6), Appendix C
    53) NTTP 3-20.5: Ch. 6, 7, 8
    54) NTTP 3-21.1: Ch 2, 5 (Section 5.4)
    55) NTTP 3-21.33: Ch 4
    56) NTRP 3-21.34: Ch 2
    57) NWP 3-01.1: Ch 3-5
    58) NWP 3-21.0 Rev A: Ch 6
    59) NWP 3-56: Ch 1, 2, 3
    60) TM 3-20.2-05
    61) TM 3-51.1-05: Ch 1, 3, 4
    62) TM 6-02-1-04: Ch 1

  2. Seems to be only a fraction of the pubs I was expected to master in route to my SWO qualification...

  3. This is absurd. The Flag Brain Trust who concocted this nonsense never stepped so much as half a footprint in this path. Comprehensive testing based on a body of knowledge this vast will NOT make better leaders. As a two-time CO, i place far more value in a leader who knows how to best use his/her command to satisfy these expectations than some bookworm nerd who is so heads-down in this crap that he/she can't see the light of day.

    Truly...our Flags should be ashamed of this endeavor and of those who not only concocted this crap, but who support it as a means of fixing our failed COs. This is a dreadful, I'll-conceived solution to a problem that they really don't seem to get.

  4. As a 2 time CO (DDG and CG),I can tell you that this new experiment fails at the pier. It neither mitigates nor solves the problems that the Navy is experiencing with senior leadership failure. It does not come close to the causal factors for command failure. It does allow the current CNO to say - "Look, I am trying to fix this." Navy needs to examine its approach to problem solving. This is not the answer.

    I am sorry ADM Greenert, you did not show your work in your answer. I can't even give you partial credit. I assign a grade of ZERO to your work.

  5. Authority is only effective if the commanding officer takes responsibility for their command and holds each member, including him or herself, accountable for their actions. As leaders we need to make it a priority to not only lead with the greatest competency and tactical skill, but also live our lives with integrity and character. We need leaders to earn and build the trust of their shipmates and expect it in return.

    My goal is to ensure the officers appointed to leadership positions embody these principles. The screening process for leadership must be consistent, objective and fair for all. We also need to ensure we are building the character of our future leaders from the beginning in order to help them succeed. This will include opportunities for training at each level of development and appropriate resources to carry out the missions we ask of them.

  6. Perhaps the next logical step in this current line of thinking is exams for Officer promotions. If that is the case then may I suggest that they start at the top with exams for Flag officers!

    I agree with DDG/CG CO, Gross Concpetual Error on the part of current leadership.

  7. I'll take the exam after my current CO does. This is B.S. plain and simple.

  8. The only command qualification exam that is required in the CNO instruction dictating all communities create a command qual process is the exam at Command Leadership School. The focus of that exam is "An examination covering specific professional level of knowledge requirements applicable to all communities including: command leadership tenets, commanding officer and officer in charge authorities, duties, rights and responsibilities under U.S. Navy Regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice will be administered. CLS will publish learning objectives and develop the bank of questions to be used for developing the exam."
    To create an exam to have one, without some specific values that must be test against is a waste of time to take and resources to create.

  9. @ ANON 3:33 PM

    Under the new instruction (SWOSCOLCOM Instruction 1412.1) commanding officers will be responsible for determining when a candidate possesses the requisite knowledge, experience and skills necessary for command.

    Commanding officers can request an exam via SIPR email to the SWOS Command at Sea directorate. To be eligible for the exam candidates must have completed a minimum of six months as a department head before the commanding officer can request an exam.

    The candidates will have four hours to complete the exam. The exam is to be proctored by the candidate's commanding officer or executive officer, and no further delegation of proctor responsibility is permitted. Completed exams will then be forwarded to SWOS for grading.

    The test focuses on navigation, seamanship and shiphandling (NSS); maritime warfare; command management; material readiness; and Rules of the Road. Criteria for passing the exam are 90 percent or better on the Rules of the Road section and 80 percent or better on each of the other sections. Successful completion of the exam is but one of the prerequisites for obtaining the command qualification.

    "The establishment of the command qualification examination is part of the Chief of Naval Operation's new Navy Command Qualification requirement, which set the standards for qualifying and screening Navy commanding officers," said SWOS Commanding Officer Capt. Richard A. Brown. "This exam will ensure that the officers going to command will have the requisite knowledge to successfully lead their ships."

  10. WOW ... seems like the message that was received was not what the CNO wanted. Or - he simply does not care (which I seriously hope is not the case .... I met him once and he seems to care a great deal). Never-the-less, this message mismatch is not good from the Flags to the O6/O5s. True, the O6/O5's will lose in the short game but me thinks big Navy will lose in the long game. Time for the Flag community to make a game change.

  11. "Authority is only effective if the commanding officer takes responsibility for their command and holds each member, including him or herself, accountable for their actions. As leaders we need to make it a priority to not only lead with the greatest competency and tactical skill, but also live our lives with integrity and character. We need leaders to earn and build the trust of their shipmates and expect it in return."

    And taking some mythical exam or for that matter signing signing a piece of paper that says I know the responsibilities of Command will do what to solve this...nothing.

    "My goal is to ensure the officers appointed to leadership positions embody these principles. The screening process for leadership must be consistent, objective and fair for all."

    And in the process convey that I have absolutely no trust or confidence in the Commanding Officers who evaluated these same people for the 15+ years before they were screened for command...or the Command Screen Board for that matter.

  12. "Under the new instruction (SWOSCOLCOM Instruction 1412.1) commanding officers will be responsible for determining when a candidate possesses the requisite knowledge, experience and skills necessary for command."

    Did I miss something? Don't we still write FITREPS?

  13. From one with experience (from SailorBob) on the questions from the CQE.

    The types of questions that you either took the time to memorize earlier, or you didn´t. None of the questions probe your ability as a Commanding Officer to interpret, apply, or judge.

  14. To top off the nonsense, I was already qualified for command. Have the certificate signed by SURFOR and given the AQD. BUT...the new policy (which came out AFTER I was awarded the AQD) requires me to take the exam prior to the board to be eligible. So...I'm not really qualified? Don't get me started on this....its already ridiculous to have someone take an exam to see if he can have command when he wouldn't even take the XO fleet up job for another 6 years.

  15. Thanks, CDS22 Deputy!
