Monday, February 20, 2012

Entrusted with national treasure no longer

"I am humbled beyond words to suddenly find myself entrusted with this national treasure that is our incredibly talented crew and the remarkable ship that they maintain and take to sea.  The challenges before us are formidable…yet, the talent and level of commitment I have seen from this crew leaves no doubt in my mind that Wyoming will exceed expectations and always remain a ready strategic asset."
Commander Diego Hernandez
Upon assumption of command of USS WYOMING

On 4 February 2012, Commander Diego Hernandez, commanding officer of USS WYOMING was fired for mishandling classified materials, just three weeks before his scheduled relief.


  1. Is he the son of VADM (ret) Hernandez?

  2. Captain Lambert,

    Some very thoughtful and considerate words from a Commanding Officer of a Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarine, but as it has on a few occasions this Commanding Officer failed in some way to meet his honorable assignment to that talented crew and remarkable ship. Unfortunately we are only human and are therefore subject to human failure. I wish that it was not so.

    Very Respectfully,
