Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Disease Has Been Diagnosed

“Diversity Fatigue” has become an epidemic in organizations across the U.S. because focus on race and gender alone has not created a significant and measurable business outcome. Hiring and promoting women and people of color — which was once the “correct” thing to do — has only served to produce representation metrics and little accountability to business objectives.  This was clearly demonstrated by the elimination of several diversity-related jobs in corporations during the recent recession. When forward-looking business leaders increased the participation of the workforce in the business process, the value of a diversified workforce increased markedly internally and externally.

From SmartBlog on Leadership HERE.

Some suggestions for combating "Diversity Fatigue" are HERE.


  1. Captain Lambert,

    Having read what this lady said about diversity, I find that her words here only confuse the issue, her last sentence appears to be in direct conflict with the first portion of her statement. By the way it is only her opinion that promoting women and people of color --- which she states was once the “correct” thing to do —is only her opinion and the correct way to do that thing is to allow the most qualified individual to be promoted.

    “Hiring and promoting women and people of color — which was once the “correct” thing to do — has only served to produce representation metrics and little accountability to business objectives. This was clearly demonstrated by the elimination of several diversity-related jobs in corporations during the recent recession. When forward-looking business leaders increased the participation of the workforce in the business process, the value of a diversified workforce increased markedly internally and externally.”

    Very Respectfully,

  2. This must be true — a bunch of old white guys are saying it.

    But I'm not so sure. When Admiral Annabel Washington — our first black CNO — says it, I'll believe it.

  3. I think a lot of people (especially me) suffer from the military's over indulgence in diversity based on gender and color instead of focusing on the best person for the job. When the best person for the job becomes the requirement you will have diversity...diversity of thought as it should be vice hiring or promoting someone based on a physical charactersitic that doesn't directly contribute to their overall performance.

  4. "Diversity" is killing the USNA. "Diversity" is PC veiled in mediocrity.

  5. Anonymous
    August 30, 2011 12:31 PM

    You spoke volumes in just a few words!

