Monday, June 13, 2011

CNO - Ignoring social media is a 'strategic error of the most basic nature'

"When you empower your workforce to be communicators, you must understand that you won't always agree with what they say or perhaps how they say it. You can certainly set reasonable boundaries--we tell our Sailors not to disclose classified information, and we expect everyone to treat everyone else with dignity and respect. But you can't dictate everything your people say," said Admiral Gary Roughead.

By having junior officers maintain blogs and Facebook pages, communities have grown to better support one another--helping to address attrition and retention problems, the CNO said.

The Chief of Naval Operations comments are HERE.

Note:  Recall that in 2008, the Information Warfare Officer Community Manager (IWOCM) blog was shut down by RADM Ned Deets (NNWC) via Captain Will Metts (Senior IW Detailer).  It may be time to bring it back!!  With the CNO's support.

More of Jeff Bacon's humor is available HERE.


  1. Yes, yes, three times - yes. Bring back the IW blog. And then, shut this one down.

  2. So?? Information Warfare Officer Community = Facebook Managers? No wonder there is no respect.

  3. Wish more of our senior leaders understood how to communicate with their subordinates.

    How does a guy like Admiral Stavridis gain and express a better understanding of the IDC than the Flags in the IDC?

  4. LDO IWO, why shut this one down? This blog is a great source of news and one that will have a different source/slant on IW updates. Reading the CNO article I think he would welcome both.

    It annoys me sometimes that I get more community news from this blog than official sources, but it's accurate and timely so I'll take it.

  5. Anon @ 3:29 PM

    I am opposed to our community getting official information through informal channels. It runs counter to my Navy training. We are supposed to be 'dominating the information' not having the information dominate us. I find it remarkable that our leaders can't communicate. After 26 years, one just gets tired of it. I know some of the Flags (Tighe for example) were trying to get rid of us LDOs - just wish they had the courage to tell us to our face.

  6. I am content with the IWOCM using for posting information. At least that is a members only site.

  7. Anon @ 4:23, That the information warriors message board is members-only is irrelevant because anyone can gain membership. There is no verification of identity or military status. This is intentional, to allow people such as prospective applicants to ask questions.

    I worry that we are conditioning our military personnel to accept guidance, if not direction, from unauthenticated non-military communications. Furthermore, official military involvement in sites like Facebook seems to implicitly invite discussion from service members that frequently discloses personally and operationally sensitive information. For a good (bad) example of this, browse the comments at

  8. IWO Joe

    You sound paranoid to me. I am sure the Navy is keeping an eye on it.

  9. 'tis healthier to focus more on THAT we receive accurate information than WHO chooses to share it with us. Truth is we don't want to share. If we did, we wouldn't hide under anonymity here (or on, we would all blog ourselves, each command would have a social networking presence and we would create intersections across the enterprise instead of attempting to be self-sufficent silos. OCM is doing a great job and this site provides a valuable service (as does IDC Self-Sync). Our actions demonstrate our priorities and active communication is not near the top of the list...yet. I have every reason to believe that it will very soon.

    Here are some thoughts after I jumped into social media...

  10. LDO...Should all go away...As easy as it is to get a degree...Just get one and apply for a commission. The LDO program is long past it's worth.

  11. LDO IW.
    Man, get a grip. If you are relying on "official" channels to provide you with information you are going to be woefullly uninformed and/or misinformed. Mike puts out more information on this site in a month than you'll see out of NNWC C10F in a year. Further, if you don't go outside "official" channels you will have no idea what is going on with your pay and benefits until it slaps you in the face. Do you belong to MOAA or FRA? The Naval Institute? Or do you passively stand by for your leadership to inform you that they want to cut your pay and benefits. Oh, and it wasn't Tighe that wanted to do away with LDOs and Warrants... she was just carrying out the direction of Singer who was convinced poor senior officer retention was because we had too many prior enlisted officers who got out at 20 years as O4s.

  12. Recommend that those who are concerned that official channels lack and lag behind the informal channels (and I'm not one of them) consider the general nature of competition--the internet is an epic force, nay, a millennial engine propelling innovation and competition. If official channels seem lacking, its because they aren't keeping up.

    They are slow, lazy, bureaucratic, censored, incomplete, inept, et al, by comparison to the unofficial sources. Captain Lambert's blog would not draw this level of readership if he weren't kickin' ass and takin' names by direct comparison. The answer for the IDC boyz is not to try to impose a Soviet style information monopoly, rather its the American way...get better or get owned.

  13. General Quarters,

    I do not mind saying that your opinions as expressed on this blog have shown me that I could be a Command Master Chief to represent your leadership to a Navy crew, I have been on a number of shakedowns before and have always come out on top, as I am sure you have.

    Very Respectfully,
