Tuesday, June 7, 2011

12th Navy Commanding Officer fired in 2011 - Mishandling Classified Material

Commander Michael Varney, Commanding Officer of USS CONNECTICUT (SSN-22) was fired on 6 June 2011 following an investigation and award of Non-Judicial Punishment (NJP).

Varney was awarded NJP for violations of UCMJ Article 92, violation of a lawful general order; Article 107, making a false official statement and Article 134, wrongful interference in an adverse administrative proceeding. 

Varney had commanded the SEAWOLF-class attack submarine since February 2009.  

Varney is the 12th Commanding Officer to be fired in 2011.


  1. COs who view classification as this annoying thing they just have to put up with just got a shot across their bow. About time.

  2. He was a very talented submarine warfare officer and will be sorely missed. Stuff like this should happen to the marginal ones, not the extremely gifted warfighters.

  3. Anon @ 1109: Regardless of ones qualifications or quality, It shouldn't happen at all.


  4. Based on Art. 107 and Art. 134, sounds like he got hammered because he lied and tried to cover up. If correct, it was more about a breach of personal integrity, not a simple mishandling of classified material.

  5. GQ - I believe you got that right. Security issues can happen, but then lie and try to cover up? And interfere with the investigation? Sounds like he was NOT so talented and NOT such a gifted warfighter!

  6. Whenever you accomplish 1/100th of what this man has done, then feel free to make that statement.

  7. Got it done. And I did it without compromising security. I also got it done with integrity and did not dishonor my Sailors or my boat. Shame on this skipper. Take off that command pin. You gave up the privilege of wearing it.

    I'm anonymous, like you - chicken.

  8. Anon @ 8:03 - I did. 7 years total in command and still wear both command pins. Didn't lie. Didn't interfere. Had classified material issues at the commands - it happens even when you are real careful - but owned up to them and took the medicine! Compromise/possible compromise of classified material will happen and it is more important to know that it has gone south than to take a pound of flesh from the offender. This guy really blew it and didn't have the guts to own up to it nor to face the music!

  9. Fire the liar. Good policy, always.

  10. Cmdr. Christy Hagen is spokeswoman for Submarine Force Pacific. She tells the Kitsap Sun that she can't talk about the classified information but adds Varney had no malicious intent. In her words, "He just failed to live up to the meticulous standards we have for control of classified material."
