Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Navy Tightening Up PRT Standards

Male Body Fat Standards:

Age 17 - 39: Max of 22% body fat
Age 40 and over: Max of 23% body fat

Sailors who exceed their allowable body-fat are deemed "overweight." They are screened by medical personnel, and then entered into a mandatory weight-loss program. While in overweight status, sailors are ineligible for promotion, ineligible for many volunteer assignments and schools, will adversely effect their Navy FITREP and are not eligible to reenlist.


  1. I miss the fat and sassy old Navy. Official weight loss program consisted of black coffee and unfiltered Camels.

  2. Brass plaque on the door of the XO's cabin in the submarine tender SPERRY:

    "Potential is interesting. Performance counts."

    Would gently suggest that performance standards (run so far so fast etc.) measure what counts. This other hoohah? Unsettled physiology backed by weak science.

  3. Today's Navy prefers the politically correct, physically fit, morally corrupt officer to the chain smoking, fat, and competent officer of the Halsey's day.

  4. and what about the female standards?

  5. Just as long as they hold the Academy football players to the same standard. I would hate to be "rescued" from below decks by some pencil neck geek who "passed" the PFA but cannot carry a seabag up the brow without breaking sweat. Yet again, another reason the good ones leave...

  6. Fix that gig line Mister! That buckle is off to the left by half an inch. What kind of example are you trying to set regarding uniform standards anyway?

    Goodness my O mee! What has happened to our Navy?...Lol.

  7. Female Body Fat Standards:

    Age 17 - 39: Max of 33% body fat
    Age 40 and over: Max of 34% body fat

    YOU READ RIGHT!!! 1/3 fat for females! Sounds healthy doesn't it?

  8. I guess what bothers me about this is the inherent cowardice. We see this creep up every time retention is high. Rather than make the hard cuts of separating people who can't or won't perform, we pick some easy and arbitrary standard like body fat.

    Of course, before we could separate people based on performance, we would have to regain the ability to write adverse performance evaluations.

  9. I agree the PFA is outmoded. I would prefer to see something equivalent to the Marine CFT. However, I disagree on the point those "chain smoking, overweight" officers and Chiefs when we were young in the Navy are better. A leader who lives a fit, healthy lifestyle is setting a fine example for his sailors so long as he or she also sets that same fine example in other aspects. Not all of us who choose to lead that sort of lifestyle are "politically correct and morally corrupt".

  10. i have just failed my bca body fat count at 25 % and ive never failed before im a big guy for 6,1 but im in shape i power lift, cross fit and play baseball but to the navy im out of shape just because i dont fit the mold of what they think a sailor should look like im more athletic than most people are
    but because of the new standers according to the navy i need to way 201 lbs probly not going to happen and theres more people like me out there dealing with to lot of good sailors not the bad ones who get rewaded and make rank
