Sunday, August 1, 2010

Write Your Own Leadership Book

Want the best leadership book on the market? Well then, Wally Bock recommends that you write it yourself. And, reflect on what you have written. Here are some things to include.

Write about your challenges at work.

Reflect on what you can do to improve things and on things you want to try.

Write about your results.

Reflect on what worked and what didn't and how you can do better next time.

Write about your reading and formal learning.

Reflect on the ideas they spark and how you might put those ideas into practice.

Write about other people and their actions.

Reflect on what you can learn from them.

Write about your heroes and mentors and role models.

Reflect on how you want to be like them and how you want to be different.

Make this a bound book. That's provides some permanence. I've still got some of mine from thirty years ago.

Take a little time every day to write whatever you're concerned about. Take a little time once a week to review what you've written.

You'll wind up with a book that will never make the best seller list. No problem. What your book will do is accelerate your learning and development.

Boss's Bottom Line

Feedback, reflection and adjustment are the keys to learning and developing faster. Your own leadership journal will help you do all three in just a few moments a day.

Read more of Wally Bock's blog HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Captain Lambert,

    Investigate yourself to the fullest extent and you will probably absolve yourself of any deficiency whatsoever. One could take a lifetime in examining how pure his leadership abilities are and still not be able to lead a working party, without the input of one who understands leadership.

    Very Respectfully,
