Saturday, February 20, 2010

Unnamed Lieutnant Commander

BRAVO ZULU to an unnamed Commander 10th Fleet Lieutenant Commander who has recently moved over to the OPNAV staff to serve as Deputy Executive Assistant to Vice Admiral Jack Dorsett.

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!

Remember, this tour is not a half-marathon. PACE YOURSELF for the long haul. Do great things for the boss !!


  1. Good luck, and avoid the flying briefing books...

  2. Surviving a tour with Jack-- that alone should justify a field promotion...

  3. I know the officer, know the job that will be done will be great, and that the experience gained will lead to greater opportunities (and responsibilities.)

    I also understand the desire to develop the individual.

    However, I question the judgment of allowing this hard-charging person to leave a newly-formed command / staff that is undermanned.

    My recommendation was to think of the good of the Navy and keep the person on the staff.
