Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Off The Subject - But worth mentioning

1. A personal letter says "You mean something to me and to others". (This can not be expressed properly in e-mail.)
2. A letter invites you entry into someone else's soul.
3. A letter is a form of self expression.
4. A letter allows you the luxury of expressing yourself with a rehearsal before the performance.
5. A letter prompts giving of yourself.
6. A letter had the ability to transform someone's day.
7. A letter can change the course of someone's life.
8. A letter is a chronicle of the present that preserves the past in the future.
9. A letter celebrates connection.
10. The biography of President John Adams' life was recreated almost entirely from his voluminous collection of letters (from/to him). Otherwise, that history might have been lost.

My advice to you. Write a letter. Make a difference.

Better yet - ANSWER YOUR MAIL !!!!

From On Paper


  1. Thanks for the re-post credit and for the kind words! So glad you found it to ring true.

    How did you find the On Paper blog??

  2. Thanks for the reminder...made time to write a few letters to valued Shipmates, as a result.
